A walkthrough guide for Batography on how to progress and the achievements you need to get.
You start the game as the young bat, on the left side of the elder bat. Walk close to him until the “talk” prompt appears, and you will automatically go inside the house to get the camera. The moon changes from full and he tells you to photograph other things until it becomes full again. Go to the right.
There are two characters to your immediate right: the Gardener and the Electrician. The Gardener will tell you about how she wants to see the forest, but you can’t do anything about that now. If you notice the power lines above you, there is electricity coming out of them. The Electrician says he can’t do anything to fix it unless he remembers the password to the electric box. This code is on the west side of town.
Run past your house until you come to another power line that has a note on it with the number “2”. Pull out your camera and take a photo of the note. If you got the right image, it will make a sound after you take the photo. The Cleaner is sitting nearby and if you talk to him, he’ll say that the east side of town is supposed to be spotless. After the conversation, run back over to the Electrician.
He’ll punch the electric box and now the power lines are safe. Now there is a huge pile of trash in your way. Take a photo of the trash, then go back to the Cleaner. He’ll get rid of the mound, but tells you that you can get rid of the rubbish when you see it. Now you’ll be able to clear away trash. That will help you get around.
Certain small mounds on the map can be removed, just keep an eye out for the “clear rubbish” prompt at the bottom.
Continue to your left and you can climb up the power line, then shimmy your way over the pile of boxes. Press down when you’re right above the moon cake and you will pick it up. These are the collectibles for the game.
Continue going left and you’ll come upon a group of lizards at a wedding. They want to remember this night forever, so you need to take a photo of them. Show them the photo and now the guests are cheering, and you can climb on them. There is a moon cake above them and a large tree to your left. Take a photo of the tree for the Gardener.
There are two moon cakes in this area: one in the tree, and the other on the ground. Pick up the one on the ground and you’ll find a “clear rubbish” prompt. Clear the rubbish and now you can (briefly) glide! Move toward the tree to collect the other moon cake. You’ll need to go up the power line again to go east, then stop when you see your house and another moon cake.
There is a “clear rubbish” prompt here, so clear it and collect the moon cake on the deck. The next moon cake is tricky and you can’t see it from the map. Go into the gust of wind and wait for it to lift you about three times. You need to get high enough to land on the roof of the house. Once you’re on the roof, walk to the very edge of it. Drop down while moving left and you’ll grab the moon cake inside of the house. The stairs won’t hold you, so landing on them won’t do anything.
Go to the Gardener and show her the photo of the tree. Her plant grows into the sky and you can climb it to grab the next moon cake. Keep going right and you’ll find another moon cake on the ground.
There will be a cliff that you can’t climb, but a power line is right next to it. Climb the power line and drop onto the ledge with the moon cake. Keep walking right then wait a few seconds, and you’ll encounter Rita, an easter egg character. Clear the rubbish on that ledge and you’ll float up to the Guard.
The Guard wonders what you want, and all you have to do is take a photo of the gate. Show him the photo and he will let you in. Now the gate is open.
There is a gust of wind that will send you up to take a photo of the moon, but don’t do that yet. There’s a pile of rubbish right next to the gate, so clear it and glide over the second gust of wind. The final moon cake is here and you can either clear the rubbish to go back to the gate, or just run into the middle gust of wind to take a photo. Take the photo and you beat the game!
There are 12 achievements, some can be missable on a first playthrough.
- Aerial Photographer – Take flight for 30 seconds: Stay in a gust of wind for 30 seconds, don’t move until it pops.
- Ba-ten-graphy – Take 10 photos: You will only be taking up to 5 photos for the story, so take 10 photos total.
- Batographer – Finish the game: Unlocks when you take a photo of the moon.
- Cake Collector – Collect a moon cake: Unlocks when you collect your first moon cake.
- Find Rita – How did she get here?: Walk to the right on the ledge below the Guard and the gate, then wait a few seconds for Rita’s face to appear.
- Get Over Yourself – Crowd surf 5 times: Walk over the group of lizards five times, either direction.
- Get the speed cameras! – Finish the game in 80 seconds or less: See the speedrun guide below.
- Moon cake Maniac – Collect all the moon cakes: Unlocks when you collect all 10.
- More fun than watching grass grow? – Touch all the grass: There are multiple, small clumps of grass around the map. Walk over every walkable area until the achievement unlocks.
- Socialite – Speak to all the characters: Talk to every available character: the Elder bat, the Gardener, the Electrician, the Cleaner, the Lizard Bride, and the Guard.
- Touch Grass – Good on you!: Walk over a small clump of grass.
- Whoosh – Take flight for the first time: Clear away rubbish and step into a gust of wind.
The achievement for the speedrun requires you to complete the game in under 80 seconds, which is easily done when you skip things.
- Talk to the Elder bat.
- Go right and take a photo of the trash.
- Go left and talk to the Cleaner, then take a photo of the power line password.
- Talk to the Electrician and go right.
- Climb up the power line and land on the ledge.
- Clear the rubbish and go up the gust of wind.
- Take a photo of the gate and show the Guard.
- Go into the gust of wind and take a photo of the moon. It doesn’t matter if it’s full or not.
- Achievement unlocked!