Carrion Maps Guide and Carrion Wiki Guide
Carrion Maps of All Areas
This manual is a piece in development and it’s far very tough so far. Nothing is complete. Probably going to take as a minimum some other few hours to place the bottom photographs together. Hopefully it will likely be beneficial to a few regardless.
Carrion BSL-4 Research Ward
Note that you won’t be able to explore most of this at the start of the game.

Carrion Frontier
This is the game’s “overworld” and it’s pretty huge, so I had to shrink it down slightly more to fit Steam’s dumb 2MB image limit in guides.
I might split it up into its individual sections as soon as I’ve figured out where the borders are.

Carrion Military Junkyard

Carrion Uranium Mines

Carrion Leviathan Reef Base

Carrion Botanical Gardens

Carrion Relith Science HQ

Carrion Nuclear Power Plant

Carrion Armored Warfare Facility

Carrion Bunker

How Was this Map Created?
Video Version (+ Blatant Self Promotion):
Note: Long and rambly, because being succinct is below my paygrade.
Text Version — ie. the “Too Long, Didn’t Watch Video” version:
It was very straightforward, but very slow. Firstly I set the game res to 720p and put it in a window. I then print-screened screenshots of every area in the game and pasted them into Photoshop files for each area, cut them out using the marquee tool, and stitched them together with a little editing.
Some of the larger, open areas have parallax backgrounds which I couldn’t do a huge amount about, which is why they look a little bit messed up.
Carrion Removing the HuD?
Carrion has a console – press the tilde key.
Use set_hud 0 to turn off the HUD.
Carrion Removing the Monster
Do not mess with this if you don’t know what you’re doing. It can mess up your save. Trust me.
Rather than removing the monster by hand, which would have meant doubling the number of screenshots, I used the edit_level console command. I then went into each level and used the free cam to take the images.
This took quite a while as the levels aren’t always laid out as intuitively as you might think. Getting screenshots of areas found through doors was very time consuming as I had to find the right connections. Maybe there’s an easier way of finding them but I don’t know why it is.
This is why, for example, there’s no screenshot of the Keratosis upgrade room in the Armored Warfare Facility – I just couldn’t find the actual room using the edit_level explorer.
do you have an un shrunk version of the maps? just curious
Thank you 🙂
Armored Warfare Facility map is mistaken for Nuclar power plant map
Thanks, Fixed.
Hi, thanks for the maps! However, I can’t find the “zoomed in” version of the Nuclear Plant. Maybe a naming problem that broke the link (I see before you had a problem with Warfare and Nuclear).
Thanks in advance, if you can fix it.
Fixed, thanks for your feedback.
PS in Botanical Gardens you can put a note about the Containment: it’s in the lower left end of the map (you need to possess a human to enter and resolve the puzzle)
In the Frontier map, the upper right exit is the Nuclear Plant; a little lower right there’s the Bunker; slightly lower right there’s the Research Ward (very near to that “radioactive door” that I (still) can’t open ^___^
Containment Unit 2 is in Frontier map. It’s the red door on the far right, a couple of bluish caves under the big “white” open sky cave.