Welcome to our Core keeper farming guide. Basics of farming we’ve learned after a few hours of gameplay. We have all the answers in our guide, such as how to make core keeper automatic farm and free farm.
Core Keeper Farming
This guide will show you all basics of farming in game.

Core Keeper Basics Farming
If you’ve played Minecraft, or any other survival crafter with farming, you likely already know what to do. This is not a master’s guide, but just simple information that hopefully helps someone who needs it.
Step 1. Gather Seeds
You collect seeds from the many types of crops you find in the world, but they can also be dropped by Slimes or found in chests.
Step 2. Craft a Hoe and Watering can
You will need both. This can be done at a crafting bench. Better quality tools can be made at higher-tier benches.
Step 3. Plow the Land
With the hoe selected, right-click on a dirt tile to cultivate it. You don’t have to worry about disturbing your farms — they can’t be destroyed by walking/running, fighting, harvesting, etc. You may de-cultivate the land anytime by right-clicking again with the hoe. This will return it to normal.
All plants can be grown on dirt, except carrots (carrocks) — these must be planted on stone.
Step 4 & 5. Plant your Seeds and Water the Crop Tiles
This may be done in whatever order you prefer. You can water first, or plant first, it doesn’t matter — but planted seeds will not begin growing unless they are watered.
Select a seed and right-click to plant it on a tile.
To fill the watering can, stand next to a water tile, select your watering can, and right-click. Your first watering can depletes very quickly, so it is recommended to do your farming very close to a water supply.
Step 6. Harvest!
In about 5 minutes, your crops will mature. They often become vibrant & animated when they are ready, making it very obvious when the time is right. A mature crop can be harvested with one left-click. Unripe/immature crops will not be harvestable with one left-click, which helps prevent harvesting mistakes. Atleast 1 crop is guaranteed during harvest, but seeds are not. Be careful not to waste or runout of seeds.
Core Keeper Mushroom Farming

Core Keeper is a mining journey sandbox wherein you’re encouraged to dig deeper looking for treasured relics. Along the way, you’ll should combat awful bosses and acquire all varieties of sources to reinforce your self and your defenses. Sometimes it’s less complicated in case you farm the ones sources, however now no longer they all may be farmed. This manual explains a way to farm Mushrooms and what options you have.
How to Farm Mushrooms in Core Keeper?
At the time of writing, it’s now no longer feasible to farm Mushrooms in Core Keeper. These elusive fungi can seem everywhere at the map, aleven though they develop higher in bloodless darkish places, you could’t pressure them to develop just like the vegetation in the sport. It’s now no longer clean if Mushroom farming can be delivered to the sport in a destiny update, however if sufficient gamers request it as a feature, it’ll possibly be delivered at a few point.
Many gamers have documented their tries to farm Mushrooms, particularly thru growing cave structures which can be darkish and damp, ideal for Mushrooms to develop in. However, there’s no tale of fulfillment on this location of the Core Keeper community. The best element you could do is dig and gather all of the Mushrooms you do locate and use them whilst it facilitates you maximum.
What do you do with the Giant Mushroom?
One Mushroom is the king amongst all others, the Giant Mushroom. These are large variations of the same old Mushrooms, however they have got a selected purpose, and they’re plenty rarer. Developer Pugstorm has advised gamers who’ve reached out that you could discover a most of 3 Giant Mushrooms on your world, with maximum people best coming across one. While those too may also sooner or later get a farming system, they don’t have it yet.
If you discover a Giant Mushroom, don’t consume it with out first cooking it correctly. You can use it to make a Giant Amber Pudding, which calls for one Giant Mushroom and one Maber Larva. This recipe offers you +34 Food, +seventy five Permanent Health, and +fifty two Max Health for 5 minutes. This makes it one of the first-class recipes to prepare dinner dinner in case you’re suffering in opposition to a specifically beastly boss.
Core Keeper Automation Farm Guide
Can we auto farm in core keeper game? Does core keeper have automation farm? We are faced with questions such as: Yes you can, this video will help you.
Core Keeper Best Farming Tips
- The root plants will mature on the tile you planted on, and then spread to surrounding tiles. Give atleast 2-3 tiles of space for these crops. They will absolutely grow onto your other crops.
- A watered farm tile will dry up on its own if left unused.
- Crop tiles will always use up their water when the crop is ready. It will need to be rewatered if you plant again after the harvest.
- Without a dedicated gardener, crops DO NOT reliably give many seeds. It is easy to use up all your seeds, harvest all your crops, and not have many seeds left to plant again. Develop your gardening skills and/or go exploring to find more seeds.
- It does not seem water tiles can be used to irrigate your crops. It does not matter how close or far your farm is from water tiles, they still need to be manually watered using your watering can. (i hope there’s a well or a sprinkler in the later game)
- There are 3 basic crops available immediately — bomb peppers, heart berries, and glow tulips. We also found a carrot-type crop and a bean-shaped crop that produces fiber.
- Mushrooms can’t be planted. Maybe there’s a special pot or container for growing these?
Oh, really? Wow, well then thanks for the tip on keeping our crop tiles wet in order to keep them fresh. My sister-in-law should totally follow this advice so her vegetable garden in her backyard can grow even better soon after. FYI, she’s been managing the place for almost a year now but she’s quite puzzled as to why some of the plants always wilt.