Cube Escape Walkthrough and Achievements %100
In bloom

Spring 1964. Click the woman in the window (open curtains, zoom in, if she’s not there leave and come back).

Spring 1964. Click the parrot about 10 times.
In bloom

Story. Complete Spring 1964. The achievement will pop when you insert black cube into the hole
The lake

Story. Complete Summer 1971. The achievement will pop when you insert black cube into the hole
Young Laura

Fall 1971. Use code 25641 on the TV. The code can be found in Cube Escape: The Lake after opening the box with the green gem.
Pink blossoms

Story. Complete Fall 1971. The achievement will pop when you insert black cube into the hole

Story. Complete Winter 1981. The achievement will pop when you insert blue cube into the hole
Find me in the past

After fixing the machine go back to Summer 1971 or Fall 1971 and click the telephone.
The Lake

Story. Find an apple. It’s in the dead body.

Story. Find the eye. It’s hidden in a wall next to a cabinet. You need a crowbar to get it.

Story. Find a coin. It’s in a cupboard.

Story. Find a shell. Use a mold as bait on the fishroad.
Blue gem

Story. Find a blue gem. It’s in the first green chest.
AAAA corrupted soul

At some point a black figure will show up in the window. It’s random, you can keep leaving and coming back until it’s there. Click it to get the achievement.

Completely fill your inventory. It’s fairly easy to get considering how many items you can pick up. You need to have 12 items. To make this easier once you have a fish keep it in your inventory.
AAAThe pentagon

This is related to alternate ending. Use green gem instead of a blue one on the tree and complete the chapter.
AAAMy Favorite Drink!

Story. Prepare an absinth drink.

Give absinth to Paul.

Story. Cut off van Gogh’s ear.
AAAWhite Cube

Story. Find the white cube. While seeing corrupted soul in the mirror use the gun on it.
AAABlack Cube

Story. Find the black cube. You get it after completing the painting.
AAADéjà vu

After entering the ear and reaching two doors, click the left one (blue) to go back to your room.
Row, row, row the boat…Row, row, row the boat…

Open the window and click on the man in a boat
Rusty Lake HotelRusty Lake Hotel

After entering the ear and reaching two doors enter code 1853. Open the door, enter the room, open the window and click the hotel. A clue for the code appears in “Cube Escape: Case 23” in a photo on the wall titled “Bedroom in Arles”.
Harvey’s Box
Back in the boxBack in the box

Story. It unlocks when you return to the box after entering the fruit.
AAADominoes expert

Story. Solve the dominoes.
Smoked fish

Story. Give cigar to the fish.

Story. Use the knife where a pigeon is poking at the box.
AAAYou died!

While technically missable, it’s very hard to actually miss it. To get it you need to die. When you climb up the rope a corrupted soul will appear and kill you unless you release fireflies very quickly. Let it kill you.
AAAA Feather

Pull the rope a few times until a feather drops. Click it.
AAAA Familiar Melody

Play the following notes on the comb: C C D #D G E D #D C #A #G #G #G #G. A hint for this achievement appears in “Cube Escape: Theatre” after obtaining “Bad Egg Symphony” achievement.
AAAEscape The Box

Story. Finish the chapter.
Case 23
AAAView of Arles

Chapter 1. Click the photo on the wall and the “Bedroom in the Arles” nameplate. Click the window in the photo to open it and get the achievement. 1853 is a hint for an achievement in “Cube Escape: Arles”.

Chapter 1. Feed three flies to the fish in the fishbowl. This has to be done before sending a fly to the shell.
Rusty Lake Archive

Story. Complete Chapter 1. It pops when you open “Rusty Lake Archive” evidence found in the safe.

Chapter 2. Set the TV in the detective office to 171. A hint for this achievement appears in “Cube Escape: Theatre” on the mirror when Bob goes to the WC.
Dark Wings

Chapter 2. After completing the story on the typewriter and receiving the numbers type “crow”. A hint for this achievement appears in Chapter 1 in a newspaper. The bird and clock set to 3:25 which appear on the paper are a hint for “The Old Crow” achievement in Cube Escape: “The Mill”.

Story. Complete Chapter 2. It pops when you insert black and white cubes into the TV.
Mr. Crow

Story. Complete Chapter 3. You’ll get it as soon as Mr. Crow approaches you.
I made it

Story. Complete Chapter 4. You’ll get it when you enter the elevator.
The Mill
AAAThe attic

Story. Get into the attic.
AAAFine dining

Give bird sh!t gotten from the parrot to the old woman.
AAAThe Old Crow

After phone conversation set the clock to 3:25 and go back to the parrot. It will be gone with a crow in its place. Click it to get the achievement. A hint for it appears in “Cube Escape: Case 23” after obtaining the “Dark Wings” achievement
AAAThe Basement

Story. Get to the basement.

Story. While looking through the telescope click Dale’s body.
AAAUndead Cow

Once the cow is dead click on its head a few times.
Free Bird

Story. Complete the game.
AAAFun time with Laura

While Laura is on a chain keep pressing the arrows on the device randomly until the achievement unlocks.
Alternate Solution

On the screen with grandfather arrange the flags in order 12=3×4
Mr. Rabbit

Look out the window and click the rabbit figure.
Weapon of choice

Pop the chewing gum bubble with a knife.
A Drink at The Theatre

When your grandfather is dead check his pocket for a recipe for a Gin and Tonic drink. It’s a hint for the “Rusty Lake G&T” achievement in “Cube Escape: Theatre”.
Unexpected Prey

Story. Catch a fish in a mouse trap.
The Break Out

Enter code 1894 into the snow globe. It was given in “Rusty Lake Hotel” game for completing 100% stars.

Story. Insert blue cube into the clock.
BOOM! Ha ha

After defeating Mr. Rabbit talk to your grandfather.
Rusty Lake G&T

Prepare a gin and tonic drink (2x gin, 2x tonic). Recipe for it was in grandfather’s pocket in “Cube Escape: Birthday”.

Story. Prepare a screwdriver cocktail for Bob.
Bad Egg Symphony

After solving the piano puzzle play the following notes: BADEGG. When the music is over click the parrot and get the notes. They are required for the “A familiar melody” achievement in “Cube Escape: Harvey’s Box”.
Harvey Wallbanger

Story. Prepare a Harvey Wallbanger drink (2x orange juice, 1x Galliano, 1x vodka.
Bloody Mary

Story. Prepare a Bloody Mary drink (2x blood, 1x vodka, 1x Tabasco),

Talk to the bartender after Bob shots himself.
The Woman

After Bob shoots himself go into his head and keep going left you see Laura.

During the Fish and Parrot scene send the egg to the wrong pipe a few times so the parrot has to give you a new egg. I’ve done it by setting the pipes in a way that the parrot would eat the egg.
The Cave
Good boy!

Click the dog a few times.

Complete the spider puzzle without failing.

Story. Unlocks after solving the family tree puzzle.

After preparing the elixir click the mirror. Give the elixir to your reflection and keep clicking it so it transforms between human and crow a few times.
Fresh Air

Story. Give the elixir to the diver.

Story. Get into the submarine.
The Story Continues

You need to be on the submarine. Once you entered the correct coordinates to the GPS machine and the engines are active you can use machines on the screen to the left to travel to various places. You need to visit three places shown on the map (hotel, cabin and chapel). At each of those places you need to look through the periscope to get new sets of coordinates. Travelling to those places and looking through the fishing window will reveal parts of the final coordinates.
- Cabin: x:6 y:6 d:00 → x:3 y:9 d:50 → x:11
- Hotel: x:6 y:3 d:00 → x:3 y:4 d:20 → y:5
- Chapel: x:2 y:7 d:00) → x:8 y:1 d:00 → d:30
- Now you can travel to x:11 y:5 d:30 and if you look through the fishing window you’ll see a box with the RAT written on it.
Enter this code into the machine to the right of the periscope and you’ll receive another box. You need to enter Dale’s birthday to open it. Dale’s birthday was revealed in Cube Escape: Paradox and it’s 18.12.30 (in the US it might be 12.18.30, I can’t check). Enter this code, open the envelope and you’ll get the achievement.
Golden Cube

Story. Get the golden cube.
Just to verify: the US version of Dale’s birth date is also 18.12.30.