This guide will help you easily farming materials in ENDER MAGNOLIA Bloom in the Mist.
AFK Farming of Materials
Want to farm materials, but too lazy to repeat same actions over and over? I’ve got you covered – farm thousands of materials while not touching a single button.
The Craftory (the shop in the game) offers a great selection of items to purchase. However, to buy all of them, you will have to farm for materials. While there are some great farming spots, most of them require you to run around and destroy furniture and whatnot. So I’ve set on a quest to find a way to farm materials without me actually participating in the game.
Disclamer: this method of farming is focused on player not participating, and might not be as time-efficient as other farming methods. So far, the approximate rate of resource gain is around 50k materials per 30 minutes.
Additionally, this farming method was tested only on Normal difficulty, and might be harder to pull off on higher difficulties due to its nature.
Farming Setup
So, if we are not going to break boxes, how we are going to get any materials? My idea relies on three simple aspects:
- You can gain materials while defeating the enemies.
- There are areas where enemies can spawn indefinitely.
- Some of your Homunculi can defeat enemies without your participation.
So, let’s go over each of those points.
Headless Gold Statue
The very heart of our little farm. This relic allows you to obtain materials while defeating enemies. The chance is not very high, so it is not very good on its own, but for this method, it is perfect. Especially considering that it works on spawned enemies (at least at the time when this guide is being written). So effectively, we can just sit on the spot where enemies spawn, kill them, and keep getting materials.
The relic itself can be found in Declan’s Estate (credit to @The Jacobian)
So, what enemies we could be killing for this?
Yes, those rats. The bane of early game. Time for them to pay for what they did to you. Literally.
Those are spawned up to three per spawner device with pretty small delay, which means, you will effectively kill 1-2 rats each few seconds.
The other option would be the robots in the factory, but I’m honestly not sure how effective it would be. Especially considering that those robots also have ranged attacks.
And to the last piece of puzzle – how do we kill those rats.
Wave Beam
Wave Beam is third ability of Lorna, which makes her emit wave pulses sideways. This is perfect against the rats – basically this creates pretty large horizonal “killbox” area which quickly kills any rats trying to reach you.
Usually, when you use any Lorna skill, you “throw” her forward a little. But you can control her position almost precisely if you use her skill while holding “down” directional button or stick.
There are two locations with rats – Subterranean Waterway and Biological Research Facility. I’ve decided to settle in the second area. This would probably work in either, but I’m also not sure if early game location will actually give you decent materials amount (needs to be tested).
Here is exact location where I’m setting up the farm.

Final Setup
So, when you have everything that is required, you can approach a rat spawner, put down Lorna, and just leave the game running. Luckily enough, the game keeps running even if you switch tabs, so you can even just switch to some other activity on your PC.
Important part is to pick proper position both for Lilac and for Lorna. Being too close will allow rats to survive few pulses and jump you, being too far may put some spawned rats outside of aggro range. Your perfect setup is when the enemies jump right into the area where the beam is the biggest.
Here is the position I’ve picked, and it works perfectly.

And a video to demonstrate how does it work.
Optional Setup
Few other things that could be considered for higher success rate:
Maximize your Damage
The damage plays critical part here, as it is what doesn’t allow rats to kill you. So focus on it when gathering your gear – pick your highest output bracelets, relics with bonus damage (especially House Milius Earings, which increase damage of autonomous skills, so it will affect Lorna), carapace that focuses stats. In my game, a singular tick of Wave Beam deals 163 damage to rats, and it is enough.
While proper positioning and high damage will ensure that the rats will not reach you most of the time, this will most likely happen occasionally, so you should pick healing relic as a contingency. Helix Crystal works incredibly well here, as you will kill enemies constantly.
Needless to say, if you can upgrade anything that participates in this farm – do it. Especially Headless Gold Relic – the increased chance of drops will increase average amount of materials you gain. And any damage upgrades will help you succeed.
This might be funny to mention, but if you are playing with wireless gamepad, and it automatically turns off, the game will show the message about gamepad disconnected. Which obviously can interrupt farming while you are away. So take care of that beforehand.