Shatterline Operator Tier List (PVP + PVE)

Welcome to our Shatterline Operator Tier List (PVP + PVE) guide. This is obviously my own […]

Welcome to our Shatterline Operator Tier List (PVP + PVE) guide. This is obviously my own personal preference from my own experience playing the game. Some players will perform better with other characters so I have organised this tier list as the best “Universal Team Mate” meaning: Who would I prefer to have on my team from top->bottom!

Shatterline Operator Tier List (PVP + PVE)

This is obviously my own personal preference from my own experience playing the game. Some players will perform better with other characters so I have organised this tier list as the best “Universal Team Mate” meaning: Who would I prefer to have on my team from top->bottom!


Operator Tier List (PVP + PVE)


Orbit: Orbit is a great support/attack role He had his drone which is basically wallhacks for the entire team and has a ridiculously short cooldown. His grenade can be used to close off an entire area if placed strategically in a doorway/alley. His ultimate is INSANE when used in combination with his ability to teleport (which gives him temporary invulnerability) onto any choke point or mainly objectives.

Pill: I’m sure we all know why pill is here. His lil’ revivey robot! I’ve found that during games of Escort, Pill’s robot can really turn the tide of battle if combined with some manual revives to keep the team on the ball and rolling as one unit. Outside of escort, he is just as useful for the same reason. The slow grenade is not one of my favourites however it DOES leave any enemies entirely vulnerable for a short time, their mobility is restricted to slow walking, no jumping, no weapon switching, just slow strafes and reloads. (Extra: A fully upgraded Pill unlocks a nullifier which can be insanely useful in clutch situations such as protecting from a Mongoose ULT or shutting down any enemy drones)


Malva: A great malva can really turn the tides of combat however the Malva players rarely seem to use her to her full potential. her medkits are insanely useful when the Malva knows what she’s doing and lands them on you at critical moments, or even just scatters them along the floor for her team to collect whenever needed. Her ultimate is nicely balanced but can be completely OP if 2 or 3 friendlies hold down the location utilising the healing and 20% damage reduction. Also her robot can be a real distraction and annoyance to enemy players.

Mongoose: I’m sure this will be a controversial one but Mongoose’s smokes (or even flashbangs) if well placed can cause a HUGE disruption, combined with with Orbit’s drone in a critical moment can really pull a losing game into a win; if repeated correctly! Carrying 2 grenades is what puts Mongoose above Kite. While Kite’s mine is great, it’s not as versatile as a grenade which can be cooked, thrown further, can’t be shot (I think?), and carries TWO!

B TIER (here is where the operators become a little lackluster)

Brisa: The positives of Brisa only really amount to her traps and ultimate, the traps are a great disruption and can close down a doorway/ally for a short time if not destroyed. the ultimate is great because it can pull you out of some sticky situations if you’re running a shotgun class but need to get a long shot quite promptly, however it’s not all that much better than just a sniper. The invis either needs a buff or some kind of adjustment because it’s really bad and only really works if the enemy is distracted already or if you’re camping. The climbing hook is also great however most climbs can be overcome by simply kicking a box once or twice anyway.

Kite: Kite is a great character although just like Brisa, seems to be designed around camping. The wall creates a nice little headglitch but is better used to block entrances and the mine is super powerful when used in fast paced combat and thrown into a crowd, alternately it can be set in a hotspot for campers/main pathways, the proximity audio signal it gives is usually a great and accurate indicator if when to explode the mine for a free kill but if you’re like me, you’re probably distracted in combat somewhere else and miss the timing.


Strix: It hurt me to put strix this low, however someone needed to fill C tier hahahha. She’s great for map control and the perfect character for defending an objective but other than that, the uses are kind of obsolete. The grenade can just be avoided and the walls work towards the benefit of both teams unless used to block a choke-point. Her minigun ultimate is insane and super useful for mowing down crowds of enemies but not really any better than most other ultimates.


RAM: Okay he is COOL, however, just has absolutely no benefit to the team at all, The ultimate is great but can just easily be countered by spreading out or simply killing him with a well placed sniper/ultimate shot. The axes only real use are trickshots or trying to cancel someone who is using an ult – but again, anything can do this job. The force punch is pretty cool and good at launching boxes into crowds of enemies but this novelty wears off pretty fast too.

PVE – Shatterline Operator Tier List

Operator Tier List (PVP + PVE)

(This section will be a little shorter as PVE Isn’t as tactical as PVE)

S Tier

Ram: Ram’s axes = HUGE damage to weakspots/bosses. The force punch is great for clearing bunched enemies if you’re being chased. Ultimate is perfect when timed nicely ontop of an enemy spawn, this can pretty much clear an entire spawn wave.

Pill: Big surprise, Pill is S tier again(He’s my baby <3). When pill is the last character standing and everything begins too look bleak, one push of a button can revive a team mate to full health which creates a great distraction for reviving the 2nd downed team mate. The number of times a Pill has clutched almost certain defeat is countless. The slow grenades are great for getting out of sticky situations and the flamethrower drains even the biggest of enemies so fast.

A Tier

Malva: Malva doesn’t get quite as much glory as pill however she deserves just as much. Ever heard the saying “prevention is better than cure”, A good Malva will prevent her team from ever going down with the use of medpacks and well placed ultimates. Her drone is way more useful for thinning hordes of enemies than it is in PVP but nonetheless I would still take a Pill>Malva.(sorry Malva)

Brisa: Invis is great for staying alive just a few extra seconds and the trap is great for creating cover while taking down an extra enemy. The ultimate is great for damaging bosses or it can be used to pierce multiple enemies. Climbing hook is great for enabling the team to gain access for extra loot in hard to reach places.

B Tier

Kite: Kite has the benefit of the climbing hook but gains no real survivability, the walls are good for blocking gunfire or gaining a few extra yards on pursuing enemies and the mine is great for clearing groups. The ultimate is just similar to Brisas but in my opinion, not as great.

Strix: Grenade is great for slowing hoards and the walls are great for creating a revival opportunity or even to be used as a safespace while you heal. The ultimate is amazing for weakspot damage or shredding the weaklings while your team focus the boss. also very fun to use the machine gun.

C Tier

Mongoose: This hurts me, as Mongoose is one of my personal favourites however, in PVE he is just not nearly as useful. The grenades are good, the smokes/flashbangs are okay and the grenade launcher is just outweighed by the option of literally any other characters ult.

D Tier

Orbit: The drone isn’t really useful in PVE and the grenade is also obsolete with the option of any other character, the ultimate comes with the downside of being slowed after use and overall not a great character for teamwork.

Shatterline Operator Tier List Summary

A 3-person team in PVE should always have: Pill(obvious reasons) | RAM(or some other high DPS operator) or even malva for double med | and a Kite/Brisa for being able to climb walls and gain free loot.|

Just play whoever you find the most fun, after all, this is only a game and if you’re not enjoying yourself you should try something new.

This is my own preference when it comes to building a useful team but if someone uses a character they’re not comfortable with for the sake of the team, it will only cause suffering for both themselves and the team.

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