Welcome to our Lunacid Maps guide. Map of Lunacid areas based off Reniachii and PhantomRaptor’s excellent map, marked with the locations of books and plaques along with items locations.
Lunacid Maps Guide
The grey and gradients indicate places that have several floors in one area. Small/narrow passages are drawn as lines. The maps were scaled using Wind Dash and adjusted to fit them on the page. I debated on adding enemy locations but they made the map hard to see.
Hollow Basin

Wing’s Rest

Temple of Silence

Yosei Forest

Forest Canopy

Fetid Mire

Sanguine Sea

Accursed Tomb


Castle Le Fanu

The unfinished area now leads to Boiling Grotto in the beta.
Throne Room & Sealed Ballroom

Forbidden Archives

Lunacid Maps – Laetus Chasm & Great Well Surface

Boiling Grotto

Lunacid Maps – Snake Sanctum(placeholder)

*The name is a placeholder until the official name comes out.
About Lunacid
Lunacid is a first person dungeon crawler inspired by old FROMSOFT games like Shadow Tower and King’s Field.
Long ago a great beast arose from the sea and covered the earth in a poison fog. Now those deemed undesirable are thrown into a great well, which has become a pit of chaos and disease. You awaken in a moonlit subterranean world, having been thrown into the Great Well for crimes unknown. The only way out is to go further down and confront the sleeping old one below. On the way there will be many creatures and secrets to discover.