Raft Cheats Commands
Welcome to our Raft Cheats Commands guide. We will certainly reveal you just how to set the characteristics, spawn products, allow godmode as well as even more.
Although it is a survival game, and also it is not suggested to use techniques, if you are right here it is because you are interested, so appreciate the cheats:
Set Attributes – Raft Cheats & Commands
You can change the value of most of the attributes by typing: /set “attribute” “value”, examples:
- Hunger: /set hunger X, where X is the value
- Thirst: /set Thirst X, where X is the value
- Blockhealth: /set Blockhealth X, where X is the value
- Bonushunger: /set Bonushunger X, where X is the value
- Gamemode: /set Gamemode X, where X is the value
- FPS: /set fps X, where X is the value
- Oxygen: /set Oxygen X, where X is the value
If you want to set other attribute, just change the “attribute”
Spawn Items and Animals – Raft Cheats & Commands
You can spawn most of the items or animals by typing: /spawn “item or animal”, examples:
- Shark: /spawn Shark
- Pufferfish: /spawn pufferfish
- Stonebird: /spawn stonebird
- Llama: /spawn llama
- Goat: /spawn goat
- Chicken: /spawn chicken
- Boar: /spawn Boar
- Landmark big: /spawn landmark_big
- Landmark pilot: /spawn landmark_pilot
- Landmarkraft: /spawn landmark_raft
- Landmark: /spawn landmark
If you want to spawn other item, just change the “attribute”
Other Chat Commands
- /Shift: Shifts the raft to the world center
- Godmode: /godmode
- Clear: /clear “itemor thing”, example /clear shark
Restore Oxygen Bottles
This is a trick to restore a used oxigen bottle, or the flippers, follow these steps if you have an oxygen bottle or flipper with less than fill durability:
- Pull the item out of the equipment slot
- Put the item back into one of the equipment slots