Stoneshard – Hunter Guide

Hunter Guide Tldr Version Base (Char) Obv choose Dirwin. Could opt Jorg for the snowballing (Crit […]

Hunter Guide Tldr Version

Base (Char)

Obv choose Dirwin.

Could opt Jorg for the snowballing (Crit Belt and Ammy) or arna for the sustain/higher stylerate (shes not exactly hidden you know).
But save yourself the early farm to get off of the gound and the pain of rerolling merchant for ranged/dagger book.

Imho its not worth it. Also Dirwin Vest very nice.
If u must, weapons (bow and stack of arrows) in the barracks to the left.


To play Hunter easymode, you need to take “take aim” and then 3 dagger flat:
deadly trick and then quick hands.
If u dont plan on autohitting (wich i advise) using one dagger and e.g. a fist shield (carpenter S/W low cost) does more burst dmg.
If u just want to burst with trick into double lounge and then disengage the melee, use one dagger + fist shield.

Distracting shot mandatory, keep on cd (watch your energy), use to max effect by cutting corners, can opt suckershot “light” with take aim into distracting, gets more viable with better bows and higher stats (roll dat dice bro).
Supression kinda useless (tldr to explain why) as is long range shot because if u can engage at that range the mob will die regardless.

(+50% range inc on frikken offscreening, who needs that? 40 instead of 30 wont drop the mob in 2 instead of 3/4 the 10 is overdamage, better opt hunters mark, +crit -fumble via constant practice and piercing shot to open dem cans. spot weakness, headshot is roflsauce).

So i advise go left after distracting.


Gearwise what u want in Osbrook is:

  • Rush Norse Bow. Then Footman Girdle, Splint Vembrace (defence) or Bracers (offence), Tanned Boots and Ranged Weapons Book I.
  • Then get Witch Hut ammy on your way to Mannshire.
  • There u can opt mail coif (defence) or rush Longbow (offence).
  • Then last but not least: Royal Ranger Gambeson


  • U want Agi if u suffer melee and cant keep distance from mobs. Also helps Fumble, kinda nice.
  • Obv Perception as much as u can.
  • And some Vit if you struggle with energy. (HP is a bonus so u can take one more hit before frag)


  • Armour, Jewelery u want -Noise HP Energy and or reg.
  • Best enchant on Bow is +2 Frost +2 Lightning damage.
  • Followed by armour penetration, crit or crit efficiency.
  • Any combination of those is fine.
  • Save yourself some butthurt and dont be greedy on the rolls.
  • Odds of hitting BiS enchantment on Bow within 20 rerolls:low
  • Necessety of BiS enchantment: low.


0. If u have a free turn: reload (make sure u have that free turn, dont guess it, dont force it, if your not 100% sure that there wont be another mob coming down that hallway, guess what: there will be another mob coming down that hallway)

1. Shout Pull Dark Rooms

If u dont have vision on a room atleast 7 out choose a killzone corridor and shoutpull the mob to your killzone. (r-click your char to shout, repeated uses inc range/volume, mobs are attracted to the shout origin and will migrate. be careful to not pull the whole dungeon, that is if your not rdy for it. count your arrows before u do)

2. Sidestep Open Doors

If u can open a door standing next to it and not in front. do it. after u open it a potential mob will yellow (get excited) and migrate to the door. Back off imediatly but try not to be in the LoS (Line of Sight) of the door channel. Gain as much range as you can before mob aggro or even better shout pull him into your killzone.

3. Cut Corners With Distracting Shot

Try it, its nice and youll understand right away. the shtik: u cant diagonal corners so mobs need 2 turns to traverse them your kite skill can diagonal corners (most of the time)

4. Back Off

Yes u back off, when: the enemy throws raise shield u back off 2 turns, if your take aim is loaded you take the shot then back off 1 turn. your distracting is on cd and you have room to back off and enough energy to sustain the kite and mob is not hugging you? back tf off. mob is diagonal at a corner distracting on cd and cant trik lounge? back off. the enemy has a skill you fear and you are damned to hug because out of options: back off, its sometimes better to eat the hit of oportunity than the skill.

5. Close In

Yes sometimes its good to close in. some mobs have range 2 melee attacks that hurt a lot. if u cant escape a 2 out szenario next turn: close the gap to hug and switch to dagger


Deadly Trick is the most OP singular skill in current Beta. Every child can log into stoneshard, skill into trik, read the description and go kill a bear with a fork. Do it once be joyous with glee and then use it on your hunter to full effect.

7. Suckershot

Mob 1 out? no options left? cant back off? mightaswell roll dat dice boi and shoot that arrow without aiming. switch to dagger after the fact, trik double lounge back tf off, or whitehit if all is cd or out of energy and pray. suckershot “light” is as i said before take aim into distracting shot. i smile every time when it connects.

8. Vivi, Shrooms

Vivification essence, herbboi, buy it when enough liquid cash and realize its a frabjous day when u find one. read it, understand it, use it.
Fly Argaics grow everywhere in the forrest, they can save ur behind if hit the fan (and it will) make sure to stuff yourself with Pinecap and chugg dat water (if you can afford that) to counter the intoxication.

9. Bring Enough Arrows to The Fight. (Duh)

2 Stacks. If ur short and found an archerboi gz u just got free arrows. bait his suckershot and LoS his take aim.

10. Zone

Yes if nothing helps and your out of options in a fight get distance over 5 and zone. if you cant, zone anyways and spacebar reg (buff up, herbs, meds, potions, shrooms etc) and if u think your rdy move away from the zonein tile, eat an attack of opportunity and commence rota. (Either distracting or trik double lounge whitehits if u think u can burst. hint: you dont get a medal for melee bursting dat mob man. mightaswell make sure and back tf off)

Spewing Some Unnecessary Highroller Wizdom

A. Dont play greedy lest you can handle the heat.

B. Know the difference between rolling that dice and making absolutely sure.

C. avoiding bad luck > increasing good luck

D. If you are totaly and utterly out of options: Drink that mystery potion.

E. Its a turn based game. Max reaction time is a couple of weeks if your system is stable.

F. Yeet that Well Bucket. Yeet it.

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