AC Mirage: Follow the Fiery Trail Walkthrough

Welcome to our walkthrough guide for Assassin’s Creed Mirage Follow the Fiery Trail mission. We’ll provide step-by-step instructions to help you navigate this challenging quest with ease. Let’s get started!

Assassin’s Creed Mirage Follow the Fiery Trail Walkthrough

Once you’ve finished the House of Wisdom section of the Ahmad ibn Musa Investigation, a new case called the “Book Burner Investigation” becomes available.

Assassin's Creed Follow the Fiery Trail Walkthrough

To start this case, go to the Investigation tab and select “The Caretaker of Books” lead. This will take you back to the House of Wisdom. Basim suggests the caretaker is likely on the second floor, so let’s begin there.

AC Mirage Follow the Fiery Trail Walkthrough
  1. Head to the northwest courtyard of the House of Wisdom (where the assistant betrayed us during the Ahmad ibn Musa Investigation) and climb the wall opposite the fountain. You can jump over a balcony from there.
  2. Inside, look for an open window to your right to access the library on the second floor. Our target, the caretaker, should be in this area.
  3. Turn right and crouch near the doorway at the end of the path. When the patrolling guard in the corridor approaches, quietly eliminate him.
  4. Proceed down the corridor until you reach the second pillar on your left. Climb it to reach the beams, poles, and chandeliers running through the center of the room. These will help you navigate the library without being detected.

At the far end of the room, drop down to the staircase leading to the lower floor from the balcony. Take out the two guards patrolling this area while using the bookshelves as cover. Remember that standing next to a wall allows you to assassinate a target and have Basim automatically hide the body, which is handy in this library.

AC Mirage Follow the Fiery Trail Walkthrough

With these two guards eliminated, activate Eagle Vision. In a small office next to the staircase, you’ll spot a figure highlighted in orange. This is the caretaker. Quietly make your way to the office and eliminate the guard watching the entrance.

AC Mirage Follow the Fiery Trail Walkthrough

Inside, you’ll find the caretaker deceased. Investigate his body and the page scraps to your left to obtain the Scriptorium Lead, giving you a rough idea of your next objective: finding the Book Burner. With the new evidence in hand, it’s time to exit the library.

AC Mirage Follow the Fiery Trail Walkthrough

Scriptorium Walkthrough

Now, go to the Investigation tab and select the “Scriptorium” lead. The map marker will guide you to the scriptorium in the center of Yasiriyah. When you’re prepared, head there.

AC Mirage Scriptorium Walkthrough

Upon reaching the Scriptorium, you’ll notice it’s heavily guarded. You’ll need to sneak in without being detected. Look for a crack in the scriptorium’s perimeter wall to the left of the entrance where the guards are stationed.

AC Mirage Scriptorium Walkthrough

Slip through the crack and into some tall grass. Eliminate the guard patrolling here and move to the hay bale on your left when it’s safe. As you approach, you’ll overhear a group of guards talking, one of whom reveals that a prisoner is being held in the scriptorium. Basim suggests the key to free the prisoner is likely on one of the guards.

AC Mirage Scriptorium Walkthrough

Hide in the hay until the guards move away, then exit, eliminate the guard across from the hay bale, and climb the wall he was guarding. You’ll reach a rooftop patrolled by archers. Quietly take them out. Once the rooftop is clear, focus on the guard with the key.

AC Mirage Scriptorium Walkthrough

Activate Eagle Vision to spot him on a balcony just below you, overlooking the scriptorium’s courtyard. Position yourself above the balcony, locate the guard, and perform an air assassination. Loot the key from his body if necessary, then turn your attention to freeing the prisoner.

AC Mirage Scriptorium Walkthrough

The prisoner is in the building on the opposite side of the courtyard. However, the courtyard is well-guarded, and a soldier watches the door. You have several options here.

AC Mirage Scriptorium Walkthrough

You can use a blowdart to create a distraction, eliminate the guard by the door, and cause chaos among the stationed guards, creating an opportunity to free the prisoner. Alternatively, you can use a noisemaker to lure the guard away from the door. A smoke bomb can also create chaos and an opening.

AC Mirage Scriptorium Walkthrough

Choose the method that suits you best or use the haystack to the right of the door. Hide inside and use the whistle and stab technique, luring the guards to the haystack before eliminating and hiding them.

AC Mirage Scriptorium Walkthrough

Once inside, a cutscene will trigger with Basim speaking to the prisoner. The prisoner will reveal the target’s name, Zahra, and mention that she’s forcing him to read a mysterious book. After the prisoner leaves, it’s time to search for clues.

You’ll need to find a book on the desk on the bottom floor, a page on the desk near the entrance, and a page on the table next to the bookshelf on the second floor. Once you have them all, Basim will decide it’s time to track down Zahra.

AC Mirage Scriptorium Walkthrough

Infiltrating Zahra’s Estate

To proceed with the mission, go back to the Investigation tab and select the lead at the center of the Book Burner Investigation circle. The map marker will guide you to Zahra’s Estate in the southeast corner of the Suburb of Kahtabah. The area will be empty, giving you free rein to investigate.

Infiltrating Zahra’s Estate

You’ll find numerous things in Zahra’s Estate, including a legendary chest and resources. However, your main objective is to find evidence. To locate it, head to the building up the stairs on the east side of the estate courtyard. The stairs are next to a haybale if you’re having trouble finding them.

Infiltrating Zahra’s Estate

Go around to the back of the building and activate Eagle Vision. You’ll notice a window on the second floor that can be broken. Climb to the wooden platform beneath the window and break it open with your sword.

Inside, descend the stairs and investigate the page on the desk in the center of the room to discover proof that Zahra is a member of the Order. Basim is now ready to proceed with his plan to assassinate her. Leave the building and follow the quest marker to the rooftop in the center of the estate. Up there, you’ll receive a prompt to wait, and a cutscene will play.

Assassinating Zahra

In the cutscene, Zahra returns to the estate, demanding food from her servants, and sits on a bench in the courtyard.

Assassinating Zahra in AC Mirage

To assassinate her, move across the rope to your right to reach a rooftop overlooking her. When she leaves the bench and walks below your position, perform an air assassination.

Assassinating Zahra in AC Mirage

If she moves away from the bench, use the rooftops to align yourself with her and perform the air assassination from there. She won’t go far, so there’s no need to rush. After eliminating her, you’ll need to escape and hide to lose your notoriety. That’s it for the Follow the Fiery Trail mission. Good luck, and may your stealth be swift!

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