Albion Online New Player Build

What should you build as a new player? in Albion Online? If you are looking for the answer to this question, our guide is for you! Because this guide contains information about what a new player should do and build. Check out our Albion Online New Player Build guide without wasting your time!

Albion Online New Player Build

Welcome to our Albion Online New Player Build guide. What should you build as a new player? in Albion Online? If you are looking for the answer to this question, our guide is for you!

Money is Life!

“Silver is power in Albion!”

Every time you die you will take a big hit of silver! when in (Red/Black) zones.
Escaping with your life can save you a lot of money.
However playing super safe in Blue/Yellow zones or doing solo dungeons will mean you progress very slowly as Red/Black zones give a lot more fame which translates to Power!

Albion Online New Player Build
Albion Online New Player Build


Good builds / gear is expensive.
But when you use gear you get stronger with it.
So if you always buy the cheapest gear then you will become strong with these gear types and give much better value when you go Fame farming.

Albion Online Build
Albion Online Build

It is important that you farm up your “Reaver” levels before entering a harder zone.
As long as you have the right reaver level you can undergear
stepping into a VI zone you would think that you need VI gear but this is not the case.
There is quite a jump in price so if you don’t need to.. don’t waste the silver. you will likely die with it.

All gear will have shared ability’s that will be on whatever type you pick up. getting comfortable with these ability’s means you can make the most of anything you grab.


Where you have a choice is what armour type you want to use.

New Player Build
New Player Build
  • High Defence
  • Few Damage buffs
New Player Build
New Player Build
  • Med Defence
  • Some Damage buffs
New Player Build
New Player Build
  • Low Defence
  • Many Damage buffs


You may see people say for example 4.1 gear this means IV with a single enchant.
As stated before you will not want to over gear, keep it cheap to give yourself more opportunity’s.
a single level of enchanting (.1) will give your item another 100 power

New Player Build
New Player Build

For the first level you will need “Runes
You can farm these in solo dungeons or buy them pretty cheap of the market place.
Often its cheaper to enchant yourself so get a stock pile when they are going cheap.

Each extra level of enchanting gives another 100power

  • .1 += 100power
  • .2 += 100power
  • .3 += 100power
  • .4 += 100power

The costs increase though so your silver efficiency goes down for the same power increase.


Some weapons are really expensive.
My temptation at the start was to pick the best PVP weapon and train it so when it came to fights I would be good with that weapon already.
Although this makes sense at the very end game. getting good with cheap weapons will be great for the same reasons as the armor.

New Player Build
New Player Build

This said there are so many weapons to choose from so pick the one you enjoy to use.
The combat can be really fun so having a weapon you love to use just adds to that.

The way Albion is designed your armour will not limit your weapon choice.
say you’ve levelled cloth armour but you want to use a great battle axe? Go for it!

by using the cheap versions of say the axe you will get stronger with all axes so when you want to switch to another for maximising in a certain area (PVP/PVE) then you will already have progress.

The Meta Changes
New Player Build
New Player Build

Weapons can be the best at the time, but this changes if you have a weapon you enjoy and have stuck with you will be stronger than someone that picked up the “Flavour of the month” weapon and has no experience / fame with the weapon.


New Player Build
New Player Build

“What Quality should I pick.”

You guessed it the cheap one… well almost have a browse of the prices and often anything below Masterpiece wont have a big price jump so take the extra power for an extra couple hundred silver.

Written by Lamb

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