Armored Core 6 Battle Log

Hello from our Armored Core 6 Battle Log guide. Do you want to know the details about Battle Log? Then you are in the right place. You can find details about battle logs in this guide.

Armored Core 6 Battle Log

Welcome to our Armored Core 6 Battle Log guide. This guide will show you detailed information about battle logs in the game!

Battle Logs

Defend, an affiliate of Balam, tasks you with recovering combat logs from mechs Rusty took down in Operation Wallclimber. This Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon mission prioritizes speed; you have just 4 minutes.

Detailed information about battle logs in Armored Core 6

Minimize engagement with foes. Gathering each log requires brief stillness, so avoid unnecessary hits. For your initial try, equip a lighter weapon like the Machine Gun to stay agile and firing. Maintain low weight, boost speed, and enhance EN recharge.

Right from the beginning, direct your gaze downward and slightly to the right.

Detailed information about battle logs in Armored Core 6

You’ll spot two AC wrecks marked by fires, accompanied by smoke above. This is consistently your target for acquiring combat logs (similar to pursuing licenses in the Prologue mission). Adjacent to the closest wreck, there’s a light MT that’s unaware of you due to its orientation. Eliminate it and proceed to the farther wreckage first, then circle back for the one atop the building.

Detailed information about battle logs in Armored Core 6

Continue in that direction (left from your starting point), passing beneath the colossal piece of wreckage above. Descend to find another combat log on your right. Progress ahead and take the downward plunge to discover yet another.

Detailed information about battle logs in Armored Core 6

On your right, there’s a vertical catapult, but hold off from using it for now. You’ll return here shortly.

Instead, veer left around the wreckage to locate another combat log. As you approach, you’ll catch pilot Little Ziyu on the radio, and she’ll swiftly initiate an attack. Defeating her will reward you with a Gold Combat Log. Beware of Ziyu’s potent Dual grenade launchers that deal substantial damage. Her AC boasts high mobility but low AP. If you have a sword, stay close and hug the cliff wall to limit her movement.

Detailed information about battle logs in Armored Core 6

With Ziyu dealt with, make your way back to the vertical catapult. As you approach, you’ll attract the attention of a light MT armed with rockets on the cliff above. This is close to another vertical catapult that leads to the mission’s final area.

Detailed information about battle logs in Armored Core 6

Ahead, you’ll encounter a few light MTs as you come across another segment of combat data. Expect them to unleash attacks unless you neutralize them preemptively. It’s wise to eliminate them before proceeding. After handling that, trace the path along the icy cliff, moving away from the regions you’ve already explored. You’ll come upon another ordinary wreckage piece on the right, followed by a significantly larger tank situated beside a building. Approaching the tank triggers the arrival of reinforcements. However, collecting all items concludes the mission.

Detailed information about battle logs in Armored Core 6

Depending on your remaining time, contemplate engaging the deploying enemies to seize bonus rewards.

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