ARMORED CORE 6: Crate Locations

Hello from our ARMORED CORE 6 FIRES OF RUBICON Crate Locations guide. Crate locations by Level. We found crate’s with AC parts in “infiltrate grid 086” mission, we didn’t know crate’s were a thing we’re now going back through all the levels we’ve been through previously to see if we can find any more.

This is the guide Gelti it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Crate Part Locations

Welcome to our ARMORED CORE 6 FIRES OF RUBICON Crate Locations guide. This guide will show you detailed information about crates and locations in game! This is a work in progress!

Mission: Infiltrate Grid 086

I still havent found wrecker arms which I think should be on this level somewhere.
UPDATE: found the arms see final crate, also crates show up on scans but scans are terrible even with a head that has good scan.

First crate:

After you jump up to the rafters and take out a lone MT drop down this hole:

Detailed information about crates and locations in ARMORED CORE 6 FIRES OF RUBICON

Kill the other two MT’s then turn around and check the back corner in the same room you dropped into, this area is on the main path and cant be skipped to my knowledge so you should be able to find it by playing the level normally and keeping an eye out for the spot.

Detailed information about crates and locations in ARMORED CORE 6 FIRES OF RUBICON

Second Crate:

Very close to first crate you will encounter this area, again it cant really be missed as its on the main path:

Detailed information about crates and locations in ARMORED CORE 6 FIRES OF RUBICON

You want to jump across to the platform with the molten metal on the left and you’ll find an area with a bunch of MT’s on the ceiling who try to surprise you.
here is the crate, BTW they look slightly different if you haven’t collected them:

Detailed information about crates and locations in ARMORED CORE 6 FIRES OF RUBICON

Third Crate:

Continue in mission until you get to this Radical door… heres the screenshot:

Detailed information about crates and locations in ARMORED CORE 6 FIRES OF RUBICON

Find the spot I’m standing on with my terrible Mech in the screnshot and turn 90 degrees to the right, follow the path to find some MT’s guarding the crate:

Detailed information about crates and locations in ARMORED CORE 6 FIRES OF RUBICON

Final crate:

You will have to back track to find this one and its guarded by an actual AC in a cramped space, bring your big guns. Back where we got crate number 2 the platform with the molten metal here:

Detailed information about crates and locations in ARMORED CORE 6 FIRES OF RUBICON

Go into the pipe on the right that doesn’t have molten metal, from there you cant miss the path:

Detailed information about crates and locations in ARMORED CORE 6 FIRES OF RUBICON

Missions with no Crates

  • Grid 135 cleanup
  • Destroy artillery installations
  • Destroy the transport helicopters
  • Wallclimber

Starting to think crates are a later level thing and this guide is a sham, oh well.

Written by Gelti

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