Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – Kassandra


From its strong narrative with meaningful choices to its deeper character building system, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey embraces RPG gameplay to a greater degree than any of the previous games in the series. Players are faced with an RPG-influenced choice at the very beginning of the game. Do you want to play as Alexios or his sister Kassandra? Who did you choose? Who do most players choose? Scott Phillips, Odyssey’s game director, provides an answer in an interview with Game Informer as reported by Destuctoid.

I had it all figured out before Odyssey launched. I thoroughly enjoyed playing Bayek in Assassin’s Creed Origins as an assassin who favored the bow. I’d build Kassandra along the same lines and play Alexios as a Warrior/Assassin to give melee a try. That plan didn’t survive Kephallonia. Alexios’ voice acting rubbed me the wrong way and melee was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. My Alexios is a dim memory, Kassandra is a dual wielding killer, and I’m loving the game.


Do most other players prefer to play as Kassandra? Phillips revealed that during play testing, players were just about evenly divided between Alexios and Kassandra. The balance didn’t hold up after Odyssey was released. Players are choosing Alexios by roughly two-to-one.

The strong preference for Alexios surprised me and it surprised Phillips as well. He expected players would favor Kassandra by a small margin. He also indicated that the Odyssey team has been surprised by many of the other choices players make as they play through the game.

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