Baldur’s Gate 3 Harper Stash Location & Hidden Cache

Welcome to our Baldur's Gate 3 Harper Stash Location & Hidden Cache guide. Within the depths of the Harper Stash lie a multitude of treasures, significant hints, and covert revelations meticulously curated for those venturing through the world of Baldur's Gate 3.

Hello from our Baldur’s Gate 3 Harper Stash Location & Hidden Cache guide. Discover Harper’s Stash, an enigmatic repository of precious resources and valuable articles concealed within the realm of Baldur’s Gate 3. Dive into our comprehensive manual for an experience that promises both trials and rewards!

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Baldur’s Gate 3 Harper Stash Location & Hidden Cache

Welcome to our Baldur’s Gate 3 Harper Stash Location & Hidden Cache guide. Within the depths of the Harper Stash lie a multitude of treasures, significant hints, and covert revelations meticulously curated for those venturing through the world of Baldur’s Gate 3. Nestled within the depths of Grymforge, a dwarven citadel entrenched in the Underdark and home to goblins, lies the enigmatic Harper Stash of Baldur’s Gate 3. This concealed cache could potentially contain an array of formidable weaponry, sturdy armaments, elixirs, and various other advantageous artifacts, all poised to aid players in their daring expedition.

Functioning as a system of gratification, the Harper’s Stash not only rewards meticulous exploration and inquisitiveness but also impels players to stray from convention in their pursuit of the game’s hidden treasures. The assortment within these concealed confines is frequently comprised of rare and potent items, rendering the discovery and plundering of the Stash a potentially game-changing advantage. However, it’s imperative to recognize that both the location and contents of Harper’s Stash may vary contingent on the particular version of BG3.

How to disarm trap on Harper Stash in Grymforge

To disable the trap on the Harper Stash in Grymforge, for Baldur’s Gate 3, you have two options. First, you can use the Light cantrip or the Daylight spell on the chest, which will safely deactivate the trap. If you fail to do so, your party will suffer significant damage. The reasoning behind using a light spell to disarm the trap is explained in a book found in Grymforge. This book describes a Harper who was subjected to torture by a Sharran in order to extract information about the cache. While reading this book, a party member can attempt an Investigation check. A successful check will lead the character to deduce that a light spell can disable the trap.

However, if you prefer the conventional approach, you can also disarm the trap using a Trap Disarm Kit. It’s worth noting that using a light spell will bypass this method, saving you the trouble.

A crucial point to remember is that even after you’ve looted all the items in the Harper Stash, the map marker for it might still remain. This issue is similar to the bug found with the hidden goblin stash in the Forest area of the game. There also appears to be a glitch with the toy chest; be cautious not to place any items inside it for now, as they might be lost.

If you’re curious whether this stash is related to another chest you can find early in the game under a scuffed rock, it indeed is. The Harpers are a secretive organization focused on protecting historical lore and combating evil from the shadows, which explains why their stashes are heavily defended.

How to Locate Harper Stash in BG 3

To uncover the whereabouts of the Harper Stash, obtaining the Harper’s Map is imperative. This map can be found within the Goblin camp situated in Grymforge. Once in possession of the map, the Stash’s precise location will be indicated on your minimap.

Baldur's Gate 3 Harper Stash Location & Hidden Cache
Baldur’s Gate 3 Harper Stash Location & Hidden Cache
  • Guarding the Harper Stash are three mimics, vigilant and watchful. These mimics possess the uncanny ability to imitate the form of inert objects such as barrels or chests.
  • However, exercise caution, for a mimic you engage with will swiftly shift to attack mode. To thwart these mimics, resort to spells or ranged assaults.
  • Upon vanquishing the mimics, you will gain entry to the coveted Harper Stash.
  • Within this hidden repository, a diverse array of treasures awaits, encompassing currency, armor, weaponry, and scrolls.
  • Notably, the cache also harbors a Harper Amulet, an essential component for an undisclosed mission within the realm of Baldur’s Gate 3.

Harper Stash Loots

Adhere to the ensuing steps to successfully raid the Harper Stash:

  • Retrieve the Harper’s Map: Inside the goblin camp nestled within Grymforge, seek out a chest containing the elusive Harper’s Map. This chest can be located in a small room behind the tent of the goblin leader.
  • Subdue the Mimics: Engage in a strategic approach to neutralize the mimics. Employ spells or launch ranged attacks to defeat them. Alternatively, consider executing a stealthy maneuver, surprising them from behind.
  • Explore the Assortment: The Harper Stash houses a diverse collection of items, ranging from gold, armor, weaponry, to scrolls. Notably, the Stash also safeguards a precious Harper Amulet.
  • Unlock the Hidden Quest: In the realm of Baldur’s Gate 3, the Harper Amulet takes on a pivotal role in an enigmatic mission. To activate the quest named “The Harper Mystery,” engage in dialogue with a Harper agent situated within Baldur’s Gate.
  • Savor the Spoils: Take your time to bask in the rewards and opulence that await within the confines of the Stash in Baldur’s Gate 3.

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