Blair Witch – Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Chapter 1 Walkthrough

The first chapter begins with a conversation with your wife. While driving the car, you can answer the call from her (but you don’t need to). Soon after the conversation, you will arrive at the gathering place. It turns out, however, that the search party has already set off.

You need to find a radio before you go into the forest. You will find it in the trunk of the police car closest to where you started.

Blair Witch Chapter 1 Walkthrough 1

You can also look around at the gathering place. On the cars, you will find: a mysterious photo and description of the missing boy. You should also look at the box with posters lying near the police car – these posters inform about the missing boy. Next to it, you will find a mysterious drawing (this unlocks Counseling achievement).

Blair Witch Chapter 1 Walkthrough 2

Then, head to the path leading deep into the forest. A mysterious figure is on the fence. Take it and then move forward, right into the wilderness.

After entering the forest, you have to follow the tourist trail. Use the radio to contact the rest of the search team. The police are using channel two for this purpose. After the conversation, tell Bullet to search the area. Thanks to this, you reach the remains of the search team.

Blair Witch Chapter 1 Walkthrough 3

Examine them and then follow the path to the right of the place where you found the remains. Thus, you will reach a small, hidden cave (there is a puddle on the road leading to this place). Tell the dog to search there. You will find a hat. Let Bullet smell it. The dog will catch the trail. You have to follow the animal.

Blair Witch Chapter 1 Walkthrough 4

You can explore the forest before you go inside the cave. You will find a number of paths going from the trail. On one of them, you can find a photo. You will also get a text message from your wife. You can call her if you want.

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