Blasphemous 2 Double Jump Guide

Hello from our Blasphemous 2 Double Jump Guide. Unlocking new horizons in the vast world of Blasphemous 2 depends on acquiring some invaluable abilities. Among them, the ability to double jump is of significant importance, which allows you to access raised platforms and cross wider Declivities.

Blasphemous 2 Double Jump Guide

Welcome to our Blasphemous 2 Double Jump Guide. In addition to being a newfound ability, double jump is equally advantageous in battles and gives you the agility to easily pass over difficult opponents. So, what is the way to achieve the double jump skill in Blasphemous 2? This guide will show you!

Double Jump Skill Acquisition in Blasphemous 2

To secure the coveted double jump skill in Blasphemy 2, your journey takes you below the precincts of the City of the Blessed Name. This quest requires the procurement of a coin from the Sea of Ink, a place accessible through Profundo Lamento. Once obtained, deliver the coin to the transport master in the vicinity of the Choir of Thorns. This action makes it easier for you to reach the Streets of Awakening. From this point, your orbit extends to the southwest and crosses the Profundo Lamento until you arrive at a residential area known as the Mother of Mothers.

Within the boundaries of the field of the Mother of Mothers, your path will take you south and lead you to a new area called Under their Sanctuary. An important prerequisite here is to unlock all the weapons in the game, as each weapon’s unique abilities come into play. Deep in the depths of his Sacred Territory, a blacksmith is waiting for a confrontation with his boss. Triumph over this formidable opponent to advance further and discover the Lament of the Ash, an artifact that gives you the ability to perform a double jump.

Conquering Afilaor and Acquiring the Double Jump

In my personal assessment, defeating Afilaor poses a considerable challenge due to the unpredictability of his combat style. While you can successfully block his spinning assault and pullback swing, it’s important to note that he frequently employs projectile attacks that rebound off walls. Consequently, maintaining awareness of your own movement and preemptively preparing for his forthcoming strikes becomes essential.

Upon emerging victorious against Afilaor, a brief scene unfolds within the confines of the Chapel of the Five Doves. Upon its conclusion, proceed down the left passageway. There, you’ll come across a statue known as the Passage of Ash, which bestows upon you the Double Jump ability. This newfound skill enables you to ascend to the summit of the chasm with ease.

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