Borderlands 3 – Hazardous Sellout (Legendary Weapon)

Like any Borderlands game – it’s all about the loot, and the Legendary Weapons are the cream of the crop. Borderlands 3 features countless different Legendary Weapons that go above and beyond normal weapons with new styles, skins, and hidden effects.

Note that Legendary Weapons and Items can be found at different levels, and the weapon damage will scale to your currently level on finding it, but other effects remain the same.

Hazardous Sellout (Legendary Weapon)

borderlands 3 legendary wepons 3

  • Accuracy: 53%
  • Handling: 58%
  • Reload Time: 2.3s
  • Fire Rate: 3.64/s
  • Magazine: 15
  • +15% Weapon Fire Rate
  • +100 Splash Damage Radius
  • Consumes 3 Ammo per shot
  • 1.5x Weapon Zoom
  • Can switch between Incendiary and Corrosive Element
  • Red Text: Hey there, superfan!

A great pistol with explosively splashing fire or corrosive shots, it’s recoil might be bad, but nowhere near as bad as the real catch – you’ll have to listen to Tyreen Calypso’s mocking voice as you shoot.

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