Borderlands 3 – Hazardous Westergun

Like any Borderlands game – it’s all about the loot, and the Legendary Weapons are the cream of the crop. Borderlands 3 features countless different Legendary Weapons that go above and beyond normal weapons with new styles, skins, and hidden effects.

Legendary guns can be found in slot machines, defeating certain bosses or baddies around the map. Or if you’re lucky, in loot chests scattered across the various Borderlands 3 planets. Legendary guns come with all the quirks and perks that we love so much from the different weapon manufacturers, plus some shiny red text and sometimes a unique firing mode. The Mouthpiece boss you face early on gives you an idea of what to expect, dropping an automatic pistol that shoots dubstep beats and can be cooled by shooting it with a water pistol. They’re crazy cool guns, essentially.

Note that Legendary Weapons and Items can be found at different levels, and the weapon damage will scale to your currently level on finding it, but other effects remain the same.

Borderlands 3 Hazardous Westergun

borderlands 3 hazardouswestgun

  • Accuracy: 71%
  • Handling: 58%
  • Reload Time: 2.4s
  • Fire Rate: 5.51/s
  • Magazine Size: 24
  • +20% Weapon Charge Speed
  • +75 Splash Damage Radius
  • 1.7x Weapon Zoom
  • Can switch between Cryo and Corrosive element
  • Red Text: I believe ya, but my tommy gun don’t

For a Maliwan gun, this SMG needs almost no charge time before you can unleash either cryo or corrosive bolts at a rapid pace with impressive splash damage, which is sure to cause chaos when going against bigger groups.

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