Cities Skylines 2 Economy and Production Chains

Our Cities Skylines 2 Economy and Production Chains guide provides insights on conquering economic challenges and implementing successful strategies.

Are there not enough customers in Cities Skylines 2? How to understand the economy and production chains? If you are looking for the answer to all these questions, you are in the right place! In this Cities Skylines 2 Economy and Production Chains guide there is information about how to overcome the new economic challenge and what strategies you need to implement to be successful!

This is the guide ahrism it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Cities Skylines 2 Economy and Production Chains

Cities Skylines 2 introduces changes to the economy that require players to manage and balance it more carefully. This Cities Skylines 2 Economy and Production Chains guide will help you navigate this new economic challenge and provide strategies for success.

Commercial Zone Saturation

Not enough customers?

In this screenshot, we encounter a saturated commercial area with too many furniture stores. This situation can occur if you recklessly zone commercial lots all at once. These stores may have spawned due to a heavy local logging industry.

Since wood doesn’t need to be imported, the simulation probably evaluated that furniture stores would see the most profit, and spawned a bunch of them.

Understanding the Production Chain

To gain control over your city’s economy, it’s essential to understand how production works.
If you have an excess of something, check the production chain to see if you can convert it into a more valuable resource.

For example, I produce a surplus of grain:

Not enough customers?

But if I click on grain, I can see that grain can turn into petrol:

Not enough customers?

But if I scroll down to look at petrol, it seems I import a lot of it:

Not enough customers?

So ideally, I should zone new industry and/or demolish companies until I find one that creates petrol from grain. That business should then thrive in my city.

Exporting raw materials like grain may not be profitable. However, setting up a supply chain (like above) to produce higher-value products can benefit your city’s companies and help them level up.

A Hands-Off Approach

You can influence which industries appear in your city by using taxation and subsidies effectively. For instance, if you want to promote the automobile industry, you can subsidize automobiles to attract those companies to your city.

Not enough customers?

This will encourage automobile companies to spawn in your new developments, which will, in turn, create a domino effect, boosting demand for automobile manufacturing components. Eventually, you can tax automobiles once the resulting industries have been established.

To expedite the domino effect, you’d probably want to look at what materials are necessary for automobile production, and subsidize all of those as well.

Addressing the “Not Enough Customers” Issue

I have this supermarket that complains about not enough customers.
It sells “Food” but I also have a lot of fast food companies nearby. Fast food is a different resource, but perhaps it’s competing with our supermarket.

Not enough customers?

But if I check the production tab, I see that food can be consumed by more than just cim consumers, it can also be used by other retail outlets, and converted into “Meals” or “Lodging”:

Not enough customers?

I have two electronic shops next to this supermarket, so lets demolish one until I get a company that produces Meals or Lodging.

There we go! This Donut Shop will utilize food and sell meals.

Not enough customers?

Now, the big question… will it solve our problem?


After like 20 seconds, the supermarket no longer complains!

Not enough customers?


Managing your city’s economy in Cities: Skylines 2 requires careful planning and attention to detail. Use taxation, subsidies, and the production chain effectively to create a thriving and balanced city.

Remember that profit drives all businesses, and they will reinvest profits to level up the building, which creates less burden on water/electric, higher salaries for employees, and requires higher education positions to be filled. Travel costs eat into profits now, so you ideally never want to import or export as shipping costs a lot.

Written by ahrism

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