Cities Skylines 2 Where to Find Props

How to gain access to props in Cities Skylines 2? If you are looking for the answer to this question, you are in the right place! In this Cities Skylines 2 Where to Find Props guide, we have explained how to access the accessories with their details! You should take a look!

This is the guide macluk it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Cities Skylines 2 Where to Find Props

Where to find Props in Cities Skylines 2? In this Cities Skylines 2 Where to Find Props guide, we have explained how to access the accessories with their details!

Developer Mode

First thing – before you even run CS2 – go to Steam launcher:

  • Library / home
  • Right click on your CS2 game
  • Choose properties
  • Stay in General Properties
  • At the bottom you have Launch Options
  • Type in: -developerMode
  • Come out of it (there is no save option)
  • Start the game (a new or an existing one)
  • Tab calls in plenty of options to control the game – including the weather conditions for those who want to get rid of rain to take that screenshot, or remove snow (or keep it on for 365 days a year (or 12 days a year)
  • If opened that option, press Tab again to close that menu
  • Press Home

Here is your list – there are some props among many other things. Unfortunatelly it seems that it sometimes works, sometimes it doesn’t. Restarting the game will defnitely bring that option back to work…. also… I think you will have to press Home to close the window – using X button… will cause the trouble above 🙂
Let me know in comments what influences that.

Also – randomization… A big hit – there are 30 rocks and randomization seems to be for all 30 of them!!!

And as in the screenshots below – you can find some of those props from the maps – like the “mill” below. Type in “ruin” and you’ll find more 🙂

Props in CS2 - Where to find them
Props in CS2 - Where to find them
Props in CS2 - Where to find them

Here you will also find parts of farms, ore mines and so on: search for “extractor” for example.

An interesting one is a Gympark area….

Written by macluk

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