Conrad Stevenson’s Paranormal P.I. Ghost Types and Differences

Hello from our Conrad Stevenson’s Paranormal P.I. Ghost Types and Differences guide. This guide contains the ghost-types, the evidence you can gather around the ghost, and the differences between the types. I won’t put each ghost with its unique audio lines, relics, and spawn spots in here, nor the lore about them.

Conrad Stevenson’s Paranormal P.I. Ghost Types and Differences

Welcome to our Conrad Stevenson’s Paranormal P.I. Ghost Types and Differences guide. In this guide, we’ll show you the differences between the ghost-types in the game.

The Residuals

First the wiki from the game:

Conrad Stevenson's Paranormal P.I. Ghost Types and Differences

In short:

  • common spirits
  • stuck in a loop, act the same event over and over again
  • unaware of surroundings
  • repeated memories → tied to specific moments during lifetime
  • cold spots, emfs
  • manifestations, sound

Difference to other ghost-types:

  • do not interact with their surroundings, no lights, no doors
  • do not reply to EVP-questions, ParaVox or ParaBox
  • they are stuck in a special loop, so you can find them in the same spots
  • they appear to be kinda transparent

Tools you can use for this ghost-type:

1. EMF Data : milliGAUSS meter, EMF-Pod
2. Temperature Data: Thermometer
3. Audio Data: Digital audio recorder (NOT the evp session!), Parabolic Mic
4. Photos: Digital Camera, Auto-Cam
5. Light Devices: Laserpen

Getting released with:

Conrad Stevenson's Paranormal P.I. Ghost Types and Differences

Residual ghosts in the game:

Evergreen Lane:

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Elizabeth Carter/ The Skipping Child

Polk Street:

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Harold Wagner / Perpetual Presence

Church on Spruce Street

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Pastor Jacob Johnson / Lost Reverend

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Alice Williams / The Woman In White

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Timothy Williams / Williams Boy

Jefferson Street:

Kathy DaFoe

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Barr Harbor Lighthouse

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Douglas Murdoch/ Mr. Murdoch

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences


The Intelligent

Here’s the in-game wiki:

Conrad Stevenson's Paranormal P.I. Ghost Types and Differences

In short:

  • communicating with the living
  • interacting with the environment
  • passed away and linger mysterious in our world
  • strong connection to the location
  • possible irregularities with emf/temp
  • EVPs often obtained
  • disembodied voices

Differences to other ghost-types:

  • are aware of you
  • interact with the lights/doors
  • colorful, clear manifestation
  • answer to EVP-sessions

Tools you can use for this ghost-type:

1. Temperature Data: Thermometer
2. EMF-Data: milliGAUSS meter, EMF-Pod
3. Audio Data: Digital audio recorder (EVP Sessions), ParaBox, ParaVox, Parabolic Mic
4. Photo: Digital Camera, Autocam
5. Light Devices: Laserpen

Getting released with:

You can’t release the intelligent ghosts yet.

Conrad Stevenson's Paranormal P.I. Ghost Types and Differences

Intelligent ghosts in the game:

Evergreen Lane:

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Robert Connor/ G.I. Ghost

Polk Street:

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

David Allen / Little Boy Blue

Church on Spruce Street:

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Ezra Segerstein / Mr. Segerstein

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Pierre Lefebre/ Angel of the Mausoleum

Barr Harbor Lighthouse

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Deirdre Hurley

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Dr. Arthur Gideon / Dr. Bonesaw

The Shadow People

First the wiki:

Conrad Stevenson's Paranormal P.I. Ghost Types and Differences

In short:

  • left their lives unfulfilled
  • emf, temps, audio devices
  • disembodied voices

Differences to other ghost types:

  • shadow models
  • noisy, really loud audio lines while facing you
  • answering to ParaBox and ParaVox but NOT the EVP sessions from the audio recorder

Tools you can use for this ghost-type:

1. Temperature Data: Thermometer
2. EMF Data: milliGAUSS meter, EMF-Pod
3. Audio Data: Digital audio recorder (no EVP Session), ParaBox, ParaVox, Parabolic Mic
4. Photo: Digital: Camera, Auto-Cam
5. Light Devices : Laserpen

Getting released with:

Conrad Stevenson's Paranormal P.I. Ghost Types and Differences

Shadow people in the game:

Evergreen Lane:

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

William Carter / The Shadowy Screamer

Polk Street:

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Deborah Allen / The Grieving Shadow

Church on Spruce Street:

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

John Ulrich / Mysterious Shadows

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Red Eyes

Jefferson Street:

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Rhonda DaFoe / Rhondas Shadow

Barr Harbor Lighthouse

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Eli Hurley / Fleeting Shadow

The Poltergeists – Ghost Types in Conrad Stevenson’s Paranormal P.I.

In-Game wiki:

Conrad Stevenson's Paranormal P.I. Ghost Types and Differences

In short:

  • comes from german – means : Noisy spirit
  • starts quietly, gradually increases until it’s unbearable
  • no apparent source (sound)
  • household items destroyed
  • unknown lifeforms or former people who are unhappy with home’s current residents

Differences to other ghotst-types:

  • no visible manifestation
  • sometimes hard to get evidence besides of audio
  • the mess they’re creating counts as photo evidence
  • really loud noises
  • the mess they are creating vanishes

Tools you can use for this ghost-type:

1. Temperature Data: Thermometer
2. EMF Data: milliGAUSS meter (if positioned correctly) EMF-Pod
3. Audio Data: Digital audio recorder (NO EVP Session), Parabolic Mic
4. Photo: Digital Camera

I am not sure on the laserpen or the autocam. Didn’t test it myself.

Getting released with:

Not possible to release the poltergeists yet.

Conrad Stevenson's Paranormal P.I. Ghost Types and Differences

Poltergeists in the game:

Evergreen Lane:

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Ghost in the Kitchen

Polk Street:

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Ghost in the Garage

Barr Harbor Lighthouse

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Ghost in the Parlor

The Demons – Ghost Types in Conrad Stevenson’s Paranormal P.I.

Again, the in-game wiki:

Conrad Stevenson's Paranormal P.I. Ghost Types and Differences

In short:

  • vicious spirits
  • capable of great cruelty/violence
  • never been humans/existed for eons
  • roam from location to location
  • feed on fear and pain
  • possession
  • rare ghost type

Differences to other ghost types:

  • no human shaped form
  • aggressive
  • attacks Conrad
  • if you’re being attacked and the demon gets you, you’ll use some of your evidence, remember to collect it again
  • Conrad can outrun a demon attack

Tools you can use for this ghost-type:

1. Temperature Data: Thermometer
2. EMF Data: milliGAUSS meter, EMF-Pod
3. Audio Data: Digital audio recorder, Parabolic Mic, ParaVox, ParaBox
4. Photo: Digital Camera, Auto-Cam
5. Light Devices: Laserpen

Getting released with:

No information yet

Demons in the game:

Church on Spruce Street:

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences


Jefferson Street:

Guide for the Ghost Types and their differences

Diabolus/ Ghost on Fire

Written by Eír Loríen

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