Darkest Dungeon – Shadows Blur Together How to Beat?

Darkest Dungeon Shadows Blur Together How to Beat? Welcome to our Darkest Dungeon Shadows Blur Together […]

Darkest Dungeon Shadows Blur Together How to Beat?

Welcome to our Darkest Dungeon Shadows Blur Together How to Beat guide! I guess most people won’t deny that getting the achievement “Shadows Blur Together” is one of the most painful sufferings of this game, even if you use the fantastic guide below.


This method means to change the behavior pattern of heroes who owned a Crimson Curse.
We down-regulate the rate of their other acts and let them focus on attacking a friendly target.


  1. Although I didn’t meet any problem when applying this method, it is still a good habit to backup the original files before changing any core data. After complete the achievement, it would be easy for you to get it back.
  2. If you are editing the file while the game is on, you need to restart the game to apply your setting.
  3. Again, if you hate changing the local files, don’t use this method and go to the guide I listed in the abstract. This method is only for the people who don’t want to waste too much time to get the achievement.

Changing The Target Profile

Find the file

When you entered your steam-library, you can find the a Json file through the below address:


Or you can directly search “act_outs” to find it, which may take you some times.

After that, use the Notepad and open it.

  1. Change some numbers.

2.1 Find the title of the Phase
As you may know, there are several phases of the Crimson Curse: passive, crave, wasting and lust

In that file, you can see several different titles like: “quirk_id”: “disease_vampire_passive”, which includes all the behavior that may possibly happen in this phase (“passive” as the example) . And if you change some data under this title, it would only affect the behavior in the current phase. That is to say, if you want all the stages of the crimson curse to have the same pattern, you have to change the number four times. Anyway, to get the achievement, you could only change the first three phases or the current Curse phase of your hero.

2.2 Find the IDs of behavior
You might see the behavior event ids separately under each Phase title, like:
{ “id”: “nothing”, “data”: ……

Turn the number of useless events after “chances” into 0, so the useless behavior may not happen. To prevent any bug happens, you could still let the behavior “nothing” have 1 value. Anyway, you don’t have to change all of the useless event, but some events with a great possibility.

Here is an exampe(See the fontbold):
{ “id”: “bark_stress”, “data”: { “number_value”: 0.0, “string_value”: “BarkStress” }, “chance”: 1→0 },

And turn the chances of event_id “attack_friendly” into 99. As I tested, you don’t have to change all the numbers regarding to different “valid_hero_class_ids”, and just change one of the target hero classes. If you don’t have the target hero class, it seems it would attack other friendly units randomly.

After doing so, you will have a wild cursed hero who can always attack the friendly units and would easily help your other heroes pass their death door check.

  1. Some useful tips

Other steps are similar to the brilliant guide mentioned in the abstract.
A “rat carcass” is necessary to prevent your crazy hero died from wasting, and prepare some bandages to heal bleeding.

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