Darksiders Genesis – Strife Build

Strife Build (Hotstreak/Anarchy/Clone)

Quick Tips

  • Use all your Cores, irrelevant of the effect, until you can completely fill the whole Tree! Your Stats get increased for all active Slots, with an additional boost for every correctly corresponding core.
  • Try to fill the 2/3 Star slots with 2/3 Star Cores to get an additional increase in Stats until you can acquire the stronger ones.
  • Many strong Cores can be bought from Vulgrim, don’t be afraid to spend some Souls for them, especially early on to fill 2/3 Star Slots with 2/3 Star Cores. You’ll get more Souls than you can spend before long!
  • There are Cores to increase your Soul acquisition (ex.: Mammon (First Major Boss, therefore easily farmable). Very useful to get a major boost in Souls early on.
  • Don’t be afraid to take a disadvantage on a core, especially once levelled to 2/3 Stars they are by far outweighed by the beneficial effect on them.

Skill Tree Listing

The following is the exact arrangement of the Cores:

Start – Nephillim Brute

Abyssal Slot 1 – Moloch
Abyssal Slot 2 – Houndmaster

Left Wing

  • [Attack – 1 Star] – Grubling
  • [Wrath – 1 Star] – Tidehunter
  • [Health – 1 Star] – Duskwing
  • [Health – Major] – Grinner
  • [Attack – 2 Star] – Gholen
  • [Wrath – Major] – Dreadwalker
  • [Health – 2 Star] – Fallen Husk
  • [Attack – 3 Star] – Fallen Hound
  • [Attack – 1 Star] – Feral Tidehunter
  • [Wrath – 2 Star] – Wraith
  • [Health – 3 Star] – Tidehunter Shaman
  • [Attack – Major] – Hollow Fiend
  • [Wrath – 3 Star] – Legion

Right Wing

  • [Wrath – 1 Star] – Acid Flea
  • [Health – 1 Star] – Demonic Magus
  • [Attack – 1 Star] – Flame Legion
  • [Wrath – Major] – Blight Cannon
  • [Health – 2 Star] – Scarab Hulk
  • [Attack – Major] – Ashworm
  • [Wrath – 2 Star] – Skeletal Soldier
  • [Health – 3 Star] – Legion Bomber
  • [Health – 1 Star] – Corrupted Angel
  • [Attack – 2 Star] – Armored Legion Champion
  • [Wrath – 3 Star] – Legion Champion
  • [Health – Major] – Tormented Gate
  • [Attack – 3 Star] – Spectral Angel

Bottom Part

  • [Attack – 1 Star] – Angel Champion
  • [Health – 1 Star] – Hellhound
  • [Universal – 3 Star] – Phantom Guard
  • [Universal – 1 Star] – Grub
  • [Universal – 2 Star] – Armored Flea
  • [Universal – 3 Star] – Flea Hulk
  • [Universal – Major] – Jailer
  • [Universal – 1 Star] – Fallen One
  • [Universal – 2 Star] – Broodling
  • [Universal – 3 Star] – Stormcaller
  • [Universal – Major] – Leviathan

Necessary Cores/Upgrades

The following are either the absolutely necessary Cores/Upgrades, or those whose worth by far outweigh any other, therefore wise to farm as soon as possible/early on:


  • Grinner
  • Bellial
  • Hollow Fiend (First Chapter, complete 3 times as it is a guaranteed drop!)
  • Tormented Gate (Shop!)
  • Ashworm (Shop!)
  • Dreadwalker
  • Jailer (Shop!)
  • Blight Cannon


  • Spectral Angel
  • Phantom Guard (Shop!)
  • Legion
  • Flea Hulk
  • Legion Bomber
  • Tidehunter Shaman
  • Nephillim Brute
  • Fallen Hound
  • (Skeletal Soldier) -> Mainly to counter the 1 Biggest weakness of this build: Wrath Buildup


  • Hotheaded
  • Deadeye
  • In a Roll
  • Evade Counter (Both)

Rapid Fire
Evade Combo

1 thought on “Darksiders Genesis – Strife Build”

  1. I have a question. You mention Bellial as one of the important cores to have, but I don’t see it actually as part of the build. Did it get removed in an edit and you forgot to take it off the list?

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