DAVE THE DIVER Best Taste Not Going Up

Hello everyone from our guide DAVE THE DIVER Best Taste Not Going Up guide! DIVER DAVE is an ordinary, single-player adventure RPG that offers deep sea exploration and fishing by day and sushi restaurant business by night. You can find details about best taste how to increase in this adventure in our guide!

We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the DAVE THE DIVER game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our DAVE THE DIVER guide.

DAVE THE DIVER Best Taste Not Going Up

Welcome to our DAVE THE DIVER Best Taste Not Going Up guide. Diver Dave presents a multitude of features, among which the finest flavor stands out. Upon launching the Cooksta app on your mobile device, you’ll notice the importance of enhancing the taste of your culinary creations to boost your ranking. However, the game’s instructions are somewhat unclear in this regard, leaving you to decipher the steps required to ascend the Cook ranks. This is where our guide comes into play, providing you with the necessary assistance to navigate this aspect!

Increase Best Taste & Rank Up

Best Taste Is Not Going Up in Dave the Diver. What had I better do? To achieve the utmost flavor excellence in Dave The Diver, it’s imperative to elevate your dishes within the Menu. This can be accomplished by incorporating specific required ingredients into your chosen dish. Adjacent to each dish, you’ll encounter a trio of metrics, among which is a jovial emoji featuring a protruding tongue. This emoji signifies the dish’s peak taste evaluation, reflecting the degree of delight a patron can derive from partaking in it. Every dish boasts the potential for a ten-tier enhancement, leading to a progressive elevation of its Best Taste grade. However, as the levels advance, an escalating quantity of ingredients becomes imperative.

A commendable standing in the Best Taste hierarchy proves pivotal in augmenting your stature within the Cooksta app. This elevation subsequently facilitates heightened earnings and an augmented clientele.

Cooksta Ranks:

  • Bronze Rank: To unlock this tier, attaining 10 Followers on the Cooksta app is imperative. You can achieve this by serving your sushi to customers, garnering their approval for the dish, and subsequently sharing it on the Cooksta app. Enhancing dishes is not a prerequisite for this rank.
  • Silver Rank: Advancing to the Silver rank necessitates two new recipes to be unlocked, accompanied by a minimum following of 20 individuals. Unveiling novel dishes can be accomplished by accessing the Research tab located at the screen’s bottom while navigating within Bancho Sushi.
  • Gold Rank: Attaining Gold Rank mandates the possession of a follower count of no less than 100. Furthermore, unlocking five additional recipes and securing a Best Taste score of over 125 for at least one dish are obligatory. Although many dishes can potentially achieve a score of 125, it is notably achievable with dishes composed of common ingredients such as Clownfish, Blue Tang, or various types of seaweed.
  • Platinum Rank: Reaching Platinum Rank necessitates amassing a follower base of at least 200. Accompanying this is the requirement of securing a Best Taste score of 250 for any single dish on your menu, coupled with the acquisition of 19 recently researched recipes. Optimal prospects for attaining a 250 Best Taste reside in dishes crafted from rare ingredients found within the Glacial Area and Hydrothermal Vents.
  • Diamond Rank: The highest echelon, Diamond Rank, presents a slightly formidable challenge due to its relatively stringent prerequisites. A minimum of 720 followers is essential, along with achieving a Best Taste score of 375 and uncovering 32 freshly researched recipes. Noteworthy options for attaining a Best Taste score of 375 include Narwhal Sushi and Waptia Fieldensis Sushi.

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