DAVE THE DIVER Party Fish Spawning

Hello everyone from our DAVE THE DIVER Party Fish Spawning Guide! DAVE THE DIVER is a casual, single-player adventure RPG featuring deep-sea exploration and fishing by day and sushi restaurant business by night. Join Dave and his strange friends as they try to uncover the secrets of the mysterious Blue Hole. Here are the details for spawning in PARTY FISH in this adventure!

DAVE THE DIVER Party Fish Spawning

Welcome to our DAVE THE DIVER Party Fish Spawning guide. This is a guide for spawning in PARTY FISH. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the DAVE THE DIVER game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our DAVE THE DIVER guide.

Party Fish Respawn Mechanics

If you are going to use this, do it fast it will probably be patched quick.

This only works on party days.

After catching the current party fish in the shallow and middle area, go inside of the shipwreck interior, sea people mural cave, seaweed collector’s house, and or underwater lake cave. Any of the 4 places will work for this, the sea people village and glacier areas will not.
after entering leave the area after swimming around the location for a little bit. ( More testing needed but catching a fish or two may increase the likelihood of increased party fish respawn) This can be done up to 4 times, but the same rooms can’t be used twice per dive. There is also a chance of none of the party fish respawning. When no party fish respawns after a entering a room, don’t just return as if other rooms have not been used, using that room may respawn them.

Details for spawning in PARTY FISH in DAVE THE DIVER

In regards to bullet refills, entering and leaving the rooms may also have a small chance of respawning as well.

Written by 14Hunt

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