DDraceNetwork Jump Guide

DDraceNetwork Jump Guide

Jumps in Teeworlds permit you to maneuver vertically, to be able to keep away from boundaries and attain systems you will in any other case now no longer get. On a bounce, your tee gets propelled upwards. The pace will put on off over the years till gravity pulls you down again.

In Teeworlds you’ve got got forms of jumps:

  • You may floor bounce on every occasion you’re status on a few type of floor
  • The double bounce (or air bounce) is used at the same time as mid-air

You will typically have one floor bounce and one double bounce at your disposal.

Ground Jump

The ground jump is handiest feasible on every occasion you contact the floor. Since it’s far programmed withinside the manner that it units your pace to a sure fee, it’ll dismiss some other vertical boosts you advantage on the equal moment. When began out the vertical pace is about to 13.2 and at its height it reaches a peak of 5.69 tiles. Once you don’t contact the floor anymore, this bounce will become unavailable.

Double Jump

The double jump is to be had when you depart the floor. The vertical pace is about to twelve whilst activated. Interestingly, because it units your vertical pace to a sure fee just like the floor bounce does, you could manually use it to cancel all vertical pace. It doesn’t attain as excessive because the first bounce and handiest reaches 4.62 tiles at its height. Together with the floor bounce you could stand up to 10,31 tiles.

The brightness of the tees ft suggest if it has already used its double bounce. When double bounce isn’t always to be had, the ft are darker.

You get your double bounce returned the subsequent time you contact the floor. You can double bounce after leaping off the floor and additionally after taking walks off a platform.

Advanced Behaviour

  • On every occasion you maintain the bounce-key, you both cause a bounce right away or cause a bounce as quickly as it’s far to be had to you. This may be used to leap as quickly as you contact the floor
  • In instances in which you’ve got got greater than 2 jumps, the quantity will divide in 1 floor bounce and double jumps for the rest
  • Whilst timing a bounce proper earlier than getting frozen, you may each get frozen and double bounce on the equal time

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