Devil Spire Trash Combination Recipes

Roguelite Pseudo-3D Dungeon Crawler. This is King’s Field but with procedurally generated and Hexen style graphics! Our Devil Spire Trash Combination Recipes guide includes a glossary on how to drop trash items, an overview of all trash items available in-game, and what they can be combined with to create useful items.

Devil Spire Trash Combination Recipes

Welcome to our Devil Spire Trash Combination Recipes guide. Full in-depth guide with summaries for all the Trash collected within Devil Spire.

What are Garbage Items? How are they dropped?

Garbage items have no use on their own. When Combined, however, they create Tool items, which have many varied uses.

Garbage items all have the same description: “Combine with other garbage to create something useful”.

Outside of this, not much further information is provided during your dungeon crawling, this guide has been created in order to simplify the crafting combinations and provide you with a better understanding on what those items will do.

How are they dropped?

Garbage items can be dropped by:

  • Breaking Crates (50% chance)
  • Using the Invoke spell (50% chance)
  • Killing any enemy when you have the Bountiful Kills power (25% chance of dropping items -> 50% chance it’s a Garbage item)

Having any piece of equipment destroyed (even when Trashing them from the Inventory), when you have the Recycle what’s Broken power:

  • Two-handed weapons: 4 pieces
  • One-handed weapons: 3 pieces
  • Shields: 2 pieces
  • Armor: 1 piece

Trash Item Combination Table

Trash Item ATrash Item B=Crafting ResultUse/Item Summary
Trash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Broken ToolsTrash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Dirty Rags=Hilt StrapCombine with a weapon to increase it’s speed by 0.08.
Trash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Broken ToolsTrash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Fool’s Gold=Inscribed RuneCombine with a weapon or shield to enchant it.
Trash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Broken ToolsTrash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Glass Shards=SpikesCombine with a shield to increase its stagger by 0.5.
Trash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Broken ToolsTrash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Scrap Metal=Armorer’s ToolsCombine with armor to increase its durability by 1000.
Trash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Broken ToolsTrash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Sticky Goo=Blacksmith ToolsCombine with a weapon or shield to increase its durability by 1000.
Trash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Dirty RagsTrash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Fool’s Gold=Bag with 100 GoldMostly used to buy items from shops.
Trash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Dirty RagsTrash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Glass Shards=Arcane ParchmentCombine with a spell to increase its power.
Trash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Dirty RagsTrash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Scrap Metal=Magic CatalystCombine with a spell to increase its cast speed.
Trash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Dirty RagsTrash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Sticky Goo=Fermented MossCombine with an empty bottle to fill it with a White Potion.
Trash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Fool’s GoldTrash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Glass Shards=MoonstoneCombine with any equipment to decrease its weight by 0.5 kg.
Trash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Fool’s GoldTrash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Scrap Metal=WhetstoneCombine with a weapon to increase its attack by 10.
Trash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Fool’s GoldTrash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Sticky Goo=Philosopher’s StoneCombine with a spell to decrease its magic cost.
Trash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Fool’s GoldTrash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Scrap Metal=LockpickMostly used to unlock doors.
Trash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Glass ShardsTrash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Sticky Goo=Empty BottleMostly used to get Potions from Wells.
Trash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Scrap MetalTrash Combination Recipes - Summary & Graphs w/ Pictures.Sticky Goo=Piece of ArmorCombine with armor to increase its defense by 10.
Written by bhoops

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