Disco Elysium – Inspect Traps

Inspect Traps

After completing Find Morell the Cryptozoologist, continue speaking to him and agree to help him with his traps to trigger this side quest. He’ll want you to check out four, and Morell suggests checking the one he just placed last. All four are listed in your journal and you can check them in any order, but be sure to remember which of the four is the last one you checked because that will affect Find the insulindian phasmid.

The trap at the boathouses is southwest of Morell. Stick to the coast as it curves south. The path is linear and comes to a dead end past the trap. Hold Tab to find its outline easier; it’s just beyond a little dilapidated red shack.

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The next closest trap is at Land’s End. To get there, go east from Morell, then go north along the path between the boardwalk and church. Continue northwest past the bunker door, then stick west along the coast. The trap is right next to the water just past a little hill.

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Assuming you want to leave Morell’s trap until last, the third trap to the southeast, just past where you would have to cross the canal. It’s due south of the wrecked car. It may be tough to see because it’s half-hidden among the reeds.

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Finally, check Morell’s trap. Once they’re all checked, report to Lena, then him. Both will be at the hotel.

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