Dungreed Create Custom Costume

Elevate your Dungreed experience! Learn how to create custom costumes and stand out in style. Dive into customization now!

Hello from our Dungreed Create Custom Costume guide. The content of this guide includes downloading a sample costume, how to apply the costume, changing the costume, and a list of costume statistics! Check out our guide for details!

This is the guide  taehyun it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Dungreed Create Custom Costume

Welcome to our Dungreed Create Custom Costume guide. This guide describes how to create custom costumes and apply them to your game. (Version 1.7.0 and later)

1. Downloading an Example Costume

To apply custom costumes to your game, you need to prepare image files and create metadata.

There are two types of costumes in the example.

1. AdventurerOverride: Overrides the adventurer’s basic costume.
2. NewCostume: Adds a new costume.

The contained files each example is as follows

1. metadata.json
2. CharIdle0~4.png : Images of the character’s idle animation
3. CharRun0~7.png: Images of the character’s running animation
4. CharJump0.png: Character’s jump animation image
5. CharDie0.png: Character’s death animation image
3. CharHand.png: Hand image
4. Icon.png: Icon image

*Images only support PNG.
*The image filenames to be used for each animation (Idle, Run, Jump, Die) must be numbered sequentially from 0.

Create a Custom Costume in Dungreed

2. How to Apply a Costume

Place each example costume folder in the path below and run the game.
* The AddOns and Costumes folder don’t exist by default; if the path doesn’t exist, create a new folder.

Windows : Dungreed installed folderDungreed_DataAddOnsCostumes

Mac : Dungreed installed folderDungreed .appContentsAddOnsCostumes

Linux : Dungreed installed folderDungreed_DataAddOnsCostumes

Create a Custom Costume in Dungreed

3. Modifying a Costume

In order to customize the costume’s animations, hand image, stats, you need to modify the “metadata.json” file.

This section describes the structure of the metadata.json file.


  • A unique number for the costume to be used in the system.
  • If set to 0, the adventurer’s default costume image will be overrided.
  • (Only the adventurer’s default costume can be overrided, no other costumes can be overrided)
  • If you want to create a new costume, specify any other number. (above 1000+ is recommended)

name_korean, english, …, portuguese
description_korean, english, …, portuguese

Create a Custom Costume in Dungreed

Define the name and description of the costume for each language.


Create a Custom Costume in Dungreed

You can define the costume’s base stats.
(See section 4)


The filename of the icon image for the costume to be viewed in the Boutique UI.


The filename of the image to use for the costume’s hands.


Pixel Per Unit. The higher the number, the smaller the pixels rendered in-game. The natural default PPU is 16.


The center point of the hand image.
A value of 0 for x is left and 1 is right (0.5 is the center).
y is 0 to the bottom and 1 to the top. (0.5 is the center)

Idle, run, jump, die


The number of animated images.

  • The speed of the animation; the higher the value, the faster it moves.
  • A value of 1 will switch to the next scene once per second.
  • A value of 10 will switch to the next scene once every 1/10th of a second.
  • A value of 20 will switch to the next scene once every 1/20th of a second.
  • The filename of the animation.
  • The filename requires the number of images at the end, starting with the number 0 and ending with the number of scene. (if the scene value is 5, 0~4 animation images are required)
  • Pixel Per Unit. The higher the number, the smaller the pixels rendered in-game. The natural default PPU is 16.
  • The center point of the image.
  • A value of 0 for x is left and 1 is right (0.5 is the center).
  • y is 0 to the bottom and 1 to the top. (0.5 is the center)


During “run” animation,
footsteps and dust are generated according to the scene number defined in this element.

4. List of Costume Stats

Describe the list of stats that can be entered in the “stats” in metadata.json.

Items with a value type of “1” in the text can only be entered as integers.
Items with a value type of “1.1” in the text can be entered as decimals.

Due to possible compatibility issues, it is recommended that you only use a maximum of four stats for a costume.

Value TextDescription
POWER/1Power +1
TRUE_DAMAGE/1True Damage +1
DAMAGE/1.1Weapon’s damage +1.1
DAMAGE_MIN/1.1Weapon’s minimum damage +1.1
DAMAGE_MAX/1.1Weapon’s maximum damage +1.1
NORMAL_ENEMY_BONUS/1+1% increased damage against weak enemies
BOSS_ENEMY_BONUS/1+1% increased damage against boss/elite enemies
IGNORE_DEFENSE/1Ignore Defense +1%
POWER_WEAPONSWING/1Bonus Power when direct attacking +1 (do not applied on dash attack)
DEFENSE/1.1Defense +1.1
TOUGHNESS/1Toughness +1
MELEE_RESIST/1.1Block Melee Damage 1.1%
BULLET_RESIST/1.1Block Ranged Damage 1.1%
FINALDEF_PERCENT/1Final Defense 1%
HP/1Max HP +1
EVASION/1Evasion +1
BLOCK/1Block +1
CRITICAL/1Critical +1
CRITICAL_DAMAGE_RATE/1Critical Damage Rage +1%
GOLD_DROP/1Gold Drop +1%
GOLD_DAMAGE/1Deals +1% Damage for every 2000 Gold owned
MOVE_SPEED/1Movement Speed +1%
ATTACK_SPEED/1Attacking Speed +1%
RELOAD_SPEED/1Reloading Speed +1%
ADD_SHOT_ON_DASH/1Dash Action <Add Shots> +1
DASH/1Dash Chance +1
DASH_ATTACK_DAMAGE/1Dash Attack Damage +1%
DASH_RESTORE_SPEED/1Dash Rcovery Speed +1%
ADD_DASH_ON_KILL/1Gain +1 Dash when killing enemies
BURNWhen you attack, deals burn damage
POISONWhen you attack, deals poison damage
STUNWhen you attack, applies stun
SHOCKWhen you attack, deals shock damage
CHILLWhen you attack, deals cold damage
BURN_OVERLAP/1Max Burn Stack +1
BURN_SPEED/1Burn attack interval time +1% faster
BURN_DURATION/1Burn Duration +1%
POISON_OVERLAP/1Max Poison Stack +1
POISON_SPEED/1Poison attack interval time +1% faster
CHILL_DECREASE_SPEED/1Movement Speed Decrease During Cold +1%
CHILL_DURATION/1Cold Duration +1%
SHOCK_DURATION/1Electric Shock Duration +1%
STUN_DURATION/1Stun Duration +1%
PRECISION/1Ranged weapon fire precision +1%
FULL_SWING/1Melee weapon swing range +1%
FAST_CHARGE/1Charged Weapon charging speed +1%
JUMP_POWER/1Jump power +1
Written by taehyun

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