Eternal Dread 3 Item ID List

Need the item ID list in Eternal Dread 3? If your answer is yes, you are in the right place because in this guide we have listed the ID of all the items in the game! Check out our Eternal Dread 3 Item ID List guide and get the information you need without wasting your time!

Eternal Dread 3 Item ID List

Welcome to our Eternal Dread 3 Item ID List guide. This guide we have listed the ID of all the items in the game! We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Eternal Dread 3 game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Eternal Dread 3 guide.

Item ID

  • 1 Potion
  • 2 High Potion
  • 3 Mega Potion
  • 4 Full Potion
  • 5 Ether
  • 6 High Ether
  • 7 Mega Ether
  • 8 Full Ether
  • 9 Antidoe
  • 10 Thawing
  • 11 Remedy
  • 12 Mighty Potion
  • 13 Sheild Potion
  • 14 Dull Knife
  • 15 Mane
  • 16 Fur
  • 17 Flame Stone
  • 18 Spider’s Web
  • 19 Spider’s Venom
  • 20 Mushroom Spore
  • 21 Bat’s Wing
  • 22 Bat’s Tooth
  • 23 Blue Scale
  • 24 Red Scale
  • 25 Basilisk’s Scale
  • 26 Broken Bow
  • 27 Hard Rock
  • 28 Ice Rock
  • 29 Heat Rock
  • 30 Broken Club
  • 31 Orge’s Fang
  • 32 Bone
  • 33 Skull
  • 34 Broken Helm
  • 35 Broken Armor
  • 36 Arrow
  • 37 Spore
  • 38 Poison Sting
  • 39 Wolf Claw
  • 40 Wolf Pelt
  • 41 Man Eater Bulb
  • 42 Bug’s Leg
  • 43 Scropion Tail
  • 44 Warp Scroll
  • 45 Swift Potion
  • 46 Magic Potion
  • 47 Mirror Potion
  • 48 Trunk
  • 49 Iron
  • 50 Iron Ore
  • 51 Steel
  • 52 Orichalcum
  • 53 Ruby
  • 54 Sapphire
  • 55 Emerald
  • 56 Topaz
  • 57 Herb
  • 58 Anitdote Herb
  • 59 Fire Herb
  • 60 Ice Herb
  • 61 Honey
  • 62 Red Mushroom
  • 63 Toadstool
  • 64 Elctro Mushroom
  • 65 Nitro Mushroom
  • 66 Freezer Mushroom
  • 67 Light Flower
  • 68 Might Fruit
  • 69 Rock Fruit
  • 70 Wind Fruit
  • 71 Magic Fruit
  • 72 Glass Fruit
  • 73 Goblin Gem
  • 74 Orge Gem
  • 75 Cannibal Gem
  • 77 Demon Gem
  • 78 Undead Gem
  • 79 Bandit Gem
  • 80 Minotaur Gem
  • 81 Throwing Knife
  • 82 Poison Knife
  • 83 Cooldown Fruit
  • 84 Poison Bottle
  • 85 Flash Bottle
  • 86 Bottle Grenade
  • 87 Frost Stone
  • 88 Flame Ammo
  • 89 Rag
  • 90 Vine
  • 91 Ice Ammo
  • 92 Electro Ammo
  • 93 Hydro Ammo
  • 94 Light Flower
  • 95 Acid Ammo
  • 96 Blast Ammo
  • 97 Void Stone
  • 98 Aqua Stone
  • 99 Venom Stone
  • 100 Earth Stone
  • 101 Thunder Stone
  • 102 Wind Stone
  • 103 Goblin’s Eyeball
  • 104 Orge’s Eyeball
  • 105 Cannibal’s Eyeball
  • 106 Platinum Ore
  • 107 Platinum
  • 108 Flamesteel
  • 109 Shadowsteel Ore
  • 110 Shadowsteel
  • 111 Orichalcum Ore
  • 112 Hard Log
  • 113 Elder Log
  • 114 Ice Claw
  • 115 Ice Fang
  • 116 Ice Cube
  • 117 Naga Scale
  • 118 Goat Horn
  • 119 Mucus
  • 120 Shield Shell
  • 121 Ancient Log
  • 122 Blue Vine
  • 123 Black Cloth
  • 124 Red Cloth
  • 125 Blue Cloth
  • 126 Green Cloth
  • 127 Raider’s Fang
  • 128 Demon Horn
  • 129 Mystic Horn
  • 130 Frozen Heart
  • 131 Stone Heart
  • 132 Flame Heart
  • 133 Wooden Heart
  • 134 Nose Ring
  • 135 Blue Mane
  • 136 Hot Red Bulb
  • 137 Sinister Bulb
  • 138 Imp Horn
  • 139 Sand Imp Horn
  • 140 Ice Imp Horn
  • 141 Marionette Strings
  • 142 Decayed Nail
  • 143 Koblod Claw
  • 144 Horseshoe
  • 145 Water Imp Horn
  • 146 Shocking Bulb
  • 147 Coal
  • 148 Demon Bone
  • 149 Spark Wing
  • 150 Thunder Fang
Written by fxa207

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