EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight

This guide is for overcoming the final hurdle of the game and for those who panic at inappropriate moments like me. The game will explain most of the steps you need to do at that moment, but they are not easy to perform. Check out our EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight guide where we’ve compiled all the information you need!

EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight

Welcome to our EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight guide. This guide is for overcoming the final hurdle of the game and for those who panic at inappropriate moments like me.

Sector 7: Intro

By the time you care about this guide, you’ve been to sector 7 before. Not much is different from prior runs: arrive, kill whoever is here guarding the lab, fly to the lab to deliver DNA samples. Spoiler warnings, etc.

Admiral Gorc - Boss Fight

Having all of the DNA fragments delivered triggers another cut-scene, yada yada yada, Admiral Gorc comes to wreck your day. If you’ve already triggered the cut-scene but haven’t defeated the Admiral, the battle starts as soon as you arrive.

EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight
EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight

Battle Begins

First goal is to collect a power core from one of the friendly turrets scattered around the area. You will need to be very close to the back of the turret to trigger the loading bar, the green icon is where you’ll need to hover. During the process, you’ll get yellow star indicators on where to head next.

EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight
EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight

Second step is to deposit the core into a convenient missile silo. Up until now, you shouldn’t be catching much fire from enemies. The admiral talks a lot, and as long as you are moving or behind the turret, you should be relatively safe. Things will get more dangerous after this missile hits.

EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight
EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight

The missile will be deflected by his shields, and after more talking, his thermal beam starts charging. You cannot be hit by this directly without taking massive damage (over time), so hide behind a mountain before it reaches 100%. Any amount of cover should work, as long as it is between you and the weapon.

EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight
EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight

Firing Back

Don’t bother firing on him directly. Basically ignore the giant ship and most of the training this game has taught you so far. The goal is move quick and hide from scary laser. The clone ships that constantly come after you are also not worth your time. The shields on each ship regenerate quickly, and as far as I can tell, a new one pops out every time you kill one.

The only goals are:

  1. Pick up a core from a turret. You won’t be able to use the same turret repeatedly, as there is a cool-down period on the turrets after you retrieve a core.
  2. Deposit core in missile silo. Timing-wise, try to hit this right after a thermal beam fires. The shield on his ship drops for a short while after firing the beam.
  3. Don’t touch the thermal beam

If you are able to get a missile to him before the shield comes back, you will do damage… finally.

EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight
EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight

Great Balls of Fire

Ok, so you messed up and realize there is absolutely no way to reach somewhere safe and there’s a death beam coming for you. DON’T PANIC, pause and craft your way through the damage.

You can survive with a little bit of help from a damage limiter… though I assume it is considerably harder to do in the Scout. From the menu, craft and use as high of a level damage limiter as you can. With the interceptor, a Shield XC Mk3 and the basic damage limiter, I barely survived.

EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight
EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight

Nanobots and Nanobot injectors are also useful while being melted. You will likely need a combo of solutions to survive multiple shots. If you are almost safe, don’t be shy about crashing into the ground to avoid the beam. The collision will not hurt as bad.

Return Trips

Maybe I’m not gud at this game, but I died to this fight many times. I can skate my way through 6 sectors of enemy dogfights where RNG is doing it’s best to take me out, only to get killed by poor timing and bad angles. Don’t let it bug you too much. If you haven’t learned yet, this game wants you to complete it a billion times. If you’re really wanting to try and one-shot it, pausing before you die to save-and-quit will restart the fight.

While you will have to replay the whole collection of sectors again, any damage you do to the Admiral will save. The fight is essentially paused every time you die, until you return. I only managed to hit him once per life, through some very bad decisions on my part… like taking screenshots for this guide… but at least the fight didn’t start over every time. As long as you progress (get a hit), count that as a win. It only takes 4 hits (after the first shielded hit) and you can be done with this.

EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight
EVERSPACE Admiral Gorc Boss Fight
Written by GradiusIII

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