FAITH Chapter 3 Walkthrough

Welcome to our FAITH Chapter 3 Walkthrough guide. Chapter 3 walkthrough that includes details on all endings and notes, with minimal spoilers. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the FAITH game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our FAITH guide.

FAITH Chapter 3 Walkthrough

Chapter 3 walkthrough that includes details on all endings and notes, with minimal spoilers.


  • Note 8 is specific to the secret covered in 1.1.

The prologue begins with the events that occured before the first chapter of FAITH. Follow Father Allred into the house, and then follow everyone up into the kitchen. Go down the stairs with the Father after the dialog and he will begin following you. Go up and around all the clutter to get down to where the girl is and the sequence will end.

[NOTE 1 – Automatically from the start of the game.]

The main game starts in control of John. To the right of your bed is the next note.

[NOTE 2 – Picked up beside your bed at the start of the game.]

Going to your living room to the right there’s a letter, but let’s go to the kitchen one screen up first and get Note 3.

[NOTE 3 – In the kitchen at the start of the game.]

Now you should grab Note 4, it’s an important one.

[NOTE 4 – In front of your door at the start of the game.]

You can leave the house through the door in the living room, and head off to your first destination by walking to the car outside.

Clinic – Outside

Go to the left, and through the fence wall. Grab the note in front of the poster.

[NOTE 5 – Picked up by the poster on the fence to the left of the clinic entrance.]

Then go to the right but below the fence this time, the clinic entrance is on the left side of the building.

Inside of the clinic there’s a note by the window.

[NOTE 6 – From inside the clinic to the right by the window.]

In the clinic, go down a screen, and exorcise the IV drip for a note.

[NOTE 7 – From exorcising the IV drip in the clinic hallway.]

Continue down and around the elbow and grab the crowbar at the end of the hall.

Then return back to the clinic entrance.

Clinic Basement

After a short cutscene you will be in control again. Your movement is now more like a struggle, so to move around just tap the movement in the direction you want.

If you haven’t realized yet, John will point out,
“I need to hide!”
Do so by hiding him on the screen by the left curtain (you can move down behind it in a way that your character is obscured).

Your pursuer will eventually stop and face the other direction.
Once the pursuer is in front of the bed to the right, move down a screen. It won’t be long before it realizes you’ve evaded it, so quickly go to the bottom to hide again.
This time, go around the corpses in the bottom and tuck yourself in between the gurneys near the closed door. Eventually your pursuer will return to the screen above.

Now you can approach the stairs for some brief dialog.

The Police Officer

The police officer is now following you; let’s get out of here now. Return up to the clinic entrance, the checkpoint indicates that we’re in imminent danger. When you advance upwards eventually a demon will pop out of the window; ward it off with your crucifix (default; space).

The demon will flee but then approach from another window. It will start randomly popping out of one of the windows (broken or not). It will chase you until warded off by the crucifix and bullets.
After enough fire from the cop it will die and a cutscene will begin where the boards on the door are broken.

Follow the cop to his car and then go to the right if you wish to follow up with his story.

You can leave now if you just want to continue the story, but if you want a secret note and progress for the true ending, we’re not done yet. Go to Section 1.1 if you want the secret, otherwise skip straight to Section 2.

Quick Aside on Endings

There are multiple endings to this game. You get one by doing everything normally. You get another by defeating all the secret bosses. There’s also one for just sleeping through the crisis.


Return to the inside of the clinic, go down two screens, and enter the door with the broken wood in front of it to get back to the gurney area.
Step up to the gurney to get a prompt to get back on. You might have to go to the right side of the gurney for this to appear.

Now that you’re back on… you’ll find yourself unable to leave now and you need to do something a bit unintuitive. You can see the words “JOIN US” on the bottom of the screen. What this hint means is that you’re supposed to stop moving completely while among the gurneys. When you’ve done it correctly, you will see the door to the left open.

There’s another way for this to occur that has a unique cinematic- it seems the cinematic begins when you move up to the surgery room towards the left, but I don’t think this works immediately. Try moving around back and forth, staying still, etc. This isn’t mandatory though, either way works.

After the cinematic, you will find yourself in a new area.
For reaching this area, you will be granted a checkpoint.

Steel yourself and head north for another cinematic.

Little Shop of Horrors

We are about to have a very big problem.

Immediately hold your crucifix up to the orange lady. She doesn’t really do anything directly in this fight but don’t be deceived, because this fight can get a bit hectic.

Baby demons are going to be pouring out of the walls. They will stream in constantly before long. If they touch you, they will slow you down. However, with enough time, the crucifix will dispel them.
Damage the orange lady until the babies get too close, and then move up a bit and get some more in as you can. Even though these ones aren’t lethal like demons we’re used to, you still want to make sure there’s as few as possible.

There’s some methods you can employ to achieve OBDPS (Optimal Baby Damage-per-Second). First, if you circle around them in the right way, you can group up the babies to dispel many at once. This is very helpful when the screen gets full of them.

Second, you can line up the babies so that you’re continuing to damage the boss while getting rid of them. Just mind you aren’t standing where another baby will drop out.

After enough time the babies will begin to latch on to the orange lady. It’s now even more critical you dispel the demons as fast as you can. They’re still arriving, but over time the demons will jump off the orange lady.

When they do, one at a time, the empowered demon will have glowing red eyes. Try your best to ignore the little ones currently on you because it is essential to stop the empowered baby from reaching its destination.

It seems that the baby will go for one of the four windows, and when it reaches the light there, it will begin to transform. It can be damaged before, during and after its transformation, but ideally you’ll dispel it without reaching that point.

When a baby transforms, it will be very tall and start screeching; you can’t outrun it in this state, at least not for long, so you must stand your ground and dispel it. Of course, this is a great concern when you already can’t afford to stay still for long.

When the orange lady is revealed once more, you can damage her again, so continue on doing so. The empowered babies will continue to appear from near her, and they will begin spawning in pairs as well. You’re probably going to have to let a few latch onto you for a second in order to stop the nastier ones, but make sure they don’t slow you out of catching one of the empowered ones.

After enough damage from the crucifix, the demon will disappear, and you can leave the room. For dispelling this evil, Note 8 will lie on the ground in the exit hallway.

[NOTE 8 – From banishing the evil that lies below the clinic.]

Exit the clinic now as you did before. There isn’t anything more to do here (the streets will loop) so return to your car and leave.


[NOTES IN THIS SECTION: 9 – 28, 27-28 only from secret]

After Nightmare

Returning to your front door you will see three letters on the ground, so grab each of them.

[NOTE 9 – First note by your door on the second day. ]
[NOTE 10 – Second note by your door on the second day.]
[NOTE 11 – Third note by your door on the second day.]

Return to your car once more because it’s time to get to work.

The Apartment

In the parking lot, just move north into the entrance.

There’s an open elevator here but first we need to find our footing.
From Note 10 we know that our friend Lisa is in Apartment 5A. But first let’s go look at the unit directory to get a sense of who lives where. Go one screen to the left from the elevator to reach the directory. You can pick up Note 12 at the bottom here.

[NOTE 12 – In front of the mailboxes in the apartment.]

Let’s look for Tiffany – there are two different people with first name T here, T Robinson on 03B, and T Boone at 08A. And we know that Lisa is Apartment 5A.

Heading to the third floor and then going one screen to the right of the elevator will take us to 3B. Inside is a key to the right of the screen; pick it up and leave.

Upon exiting the room after taking the key, you will be granted a checkpoint. Take the elevator to the fifth floor now. There’s a note on the ground, pick it up.

[NOTE 14 – Picked up off the ground by the elevator on the 5th floor.]
No, you didn’t miss Note 13, we’re getting that one next.

Go to the left and enter 5A, which we can unlock with the key we picked up from 3B. Approach the ritual seal on the wall and exorcise it. This will create a drawing on the wall. You can inspect it closer by walking up to it, and it seems to show a knife and a mask.

Go to the room on the right which is a bathroom containing a key and a note. Pick up both. The note tells us the ritual seal is the seal of ALU, and we need the knife and the mask to break the seal.

[NOTE 13 – Picked up off the ground in the Apartment 5A bathroom by the key.]

Let’s do some housekeeping first and get some collectibles. If you just want to progress the story, skip to Section 2, “BREAKING THE SEAL”.

Grabbing Collectibles

First let’s go to the eighth floor via the elevator. Go to the left to see Apartment 8A open. Head inside and grab the note on the ground by the television.

[NOTE 15 – Picked up off the ground by the TV in Apartment 6A.]

First on the second floor, going to the left, Apartment 2A is open. Head on inside. There’s a note on the ground to the right.

[NOTE 16 – From the ground in Apartment 2A.]

Now we want to go to the sixth floor. Taking the elevator there will drop us off right by a note sitting by the elevator. Grab it.

[NOTE 17 – From the ground in front of the elevator on the sixth floor.]

The Elevator Friend is far more than fiction.

Elevator Friend

Let’s get this beast out of the way. Prepare to defend yourself. Also prepare for flickering lights if that’s an issue for you.

Go into the elevator and repeatedly press floor 7. Before long you’ll see a visitor flash on screen during one of the flickers. This indicates that you are now being hunted by the Elevator Friend.

The Elevator Friend / usually / warns you it’s in the same room as you by making a noise, like muttering or shaky breathing. In some rooms it will be visibly tucked into the ceiling, but in some rooms I couldn’t see it until it hopped down. If it touches you you’ll die, but it will be warded off instantly by the crucifix. Just be ready with the crucifix and don’t get too close.

You’ll have to do this a few times, so keep moving between rooms – it seems like you can’t just repeat the same rooms over and over and have to keep moving through them.

Eventually, the Elevator Friend will vanish, and it will leave behind a note for you.

[NOTE 18 – From banishing the Elevator Friend.]

Let’s go to the eight floor now by the elevator. Go to the right screen to get another note.

[NOTE 19 – In front of the shattered mirror to the right of the eighth floor.]

There are more notes we could technically collect right now, but we’re going to follow the note order as best we can, so it’s time to break the seal.


Breaking the Seal
Let’s go back down to apartment 2A. The knife there should be bloodied now, and it can now be exorcised. When you do, you’ll see a cinematic indicating a portion of the Seal of ALU has been broken.

The next portion of the seal will not be so easy.

Head to the tenth floor. Go to the left screen. There’s a message on the wall that reads,
The door is locked but we can open it with the key we found in 5A. Go inside and collect a note to the left about the dumbwaiter.

[NOTE 20 – Picked up inside of the M room on the 10th floor.]

Unfortunately, the message about sacrifice is directed at us, and the only thing you have to sacrifice is your crucifix. We’ll be able to collect things later, but we’ll have to commit to this for a while so prepare yourself.

When you’re ready, go to the flashing green light at the top of the screen, and when prompted if you want to give up the cross, say yes.

Going outside and returning to the elevator, it seems like we don’t have much of a choice because statues block off the way to the stairs.
Head into the elevator and request to move to any floor. We’re not going there, because we’re being taken to the fourth floor.

After the cinematic, head outside the elevator. There’s a note to the right.

[NOTE 21 – Picked up outside the fourth floor after the elevator drops you there.]

Head to the right now. There’s a camera on the ground, go grab it.

Use the same input as the one that raises your cross to use the flash on the camera. The flash takes a while to recharge.

Now we have to move down the hotel. Continue down the stairs using the flash to find your bearings. Apartment 3B is open so head on in. At the top of this room there’s door, go through it to a room with the painting. To the left of the painting, there’s a tunnel, head through and continue left and then down the elbow.

Exiting the tunnel takes you to a grisly sight with a star-shaped hole. Continue down, out the room to the right, and keep moving downstairs until you reach Apartment 2A. Go inside.

Now there’s a stairway passage in the floor, so prepare yourself for serious danger and head downstairs.


Continue moving and you’ll encounter a familiar face. You may recall your colleague from the second chapter, but like Note 21 said, the previous strategy of staying still won’t work and you just need to run.

Try your best not to be slowed down by bumping into walls. Go up the stairs and you’ll find yourself in a little box maze. The demon will follow suit.
The path doesn’t deceive you but the problem is bumping into stuff while the flash is recharging.

For navigating the maze and escaping to the hallway, you will receive a checkpoint.

We’re back on a main floor hallway, but statues block the path to the left. Continue right, go down the stairs, and on the main floor go all the way to the left. Then, go to the basement.
If you tried to enter the basement in the past it was a quick death, but this time it’s safe. Follow the blood trail to the right to a screen filled with candles, and your crucifix lying on the ground.

No trick here, go and pick it back up. When you’re reunited with your crucifix, the lights will return. There’s a screen to the right of here.

The mask lies at the top of the room, and a note is at the bottom. Grab the note first.

[NOTE 22 – Near the mask in the basement after sacrificing what you cling to.]

Now go exorcise the mask, and with both the knife and mask exorcised, the seal breaks completely.

Danger: You are about to be ambushed by a demon.

Go to the screen on the left and once you reach the middle you’ll begin a very brief boss fight.

Candle Demon

The demon isn’t done with you, but it’s not visible in the light. The now unlit candles will light up under its feet however, so point your crucifix at the path.
Do this four or so times, and the demon will vanish. You can stay in the middle for basically the entire fight and only rotate to get the demon, and it’s pretty generous in terms of the radius of your crucifix.

Go back up the stairs to the main floor. After a cinematic, continue on to the right as if nothing happened.

For returning mostly intact to the first floor, you will receive a checkpoint.

The broken seal is the obvious direction to continue the story, but first let’s get some more pages. If you aren’t interested in these collectibles, skip to the section, “Passing the Seal”



With our crucifix returned, let’s backtrack to the path we followed during the camera sequence. Go to Apartment 3A, and enter the tunnel at the top left. Go around the tunnel until you reach the altar in the middle and exorcise it for a note.

[NOTE 23 – From exorcising the altar behind the tunnel in Apartment 3A.]

You can exit now. 2B is open as well, so we can just walk up to the second floor to the right, or take the elevator, and enter 2B which is on the right side of the hall.

Go to the red eye at the top of the screen and exorcise it for a note.

[NOTE 24 – From exorcising the red eye in Apartment 2B.]

Let’s go to the elevator and go to floor 6. Go one screen to the left, and near 6A at the bottom you can see a broken mirror. This one can be exorcised for a note.

[NOTE 25 – From exorcising the shattered mirror on the sixth floor to the left by Apartment 6A.]

Now we’re off to the ninth floor. Take the elevator up. Go to the right past the elevator to Apartment 6B, which is closed. In front of the apartment though there’s a pumpkin you can exorcise, so do that for another note.

[NOTE 26 – From exorcising the pumpkin in front of 9B.]

Once we’ve got 26, we have everything so far and can continue on with the story.


Passing the Seal

The Seal of Alu is broken now, meaning it can be passed through. If you’ve forgotten, it’s located within Lisa’s apartment, 5A. Head there through the elevator and go through the door.

Entering the formerly sealed room at the top of 5A will grant you a checkpoint. Prepare for a demon to strike.


Alu’s thrall will run towards you. Don’t let her touch you or you will die. Hold the crucifix to it when you can safely do so.

After enough damage Alu will leave its host and split into 5. All 5 will enter the different statues but 4 are fakes. You need to exorcise the one with Alu in it. You can identify which one is real by its speed; the fastest one is the real one. This doesn’t mean the one that gets to the statue first (unless Lisa is in the middle when you bring out Alu) but just the speed of its movement.

Failing to exorcise Alu in time will result in Alu entering John, and you will be competing for control over him. Try to mash the movement input in the other direction from Lisa.
If you touch Lisa, she will die instantly. Her death is not a game over, but it will end the boss fight, and will affect the ending of the game. After a time Alu will leave your body and go back to Lisa.

If you get the right one, Alu will emerge with a screech. Damage it as much as you can but make sure you aren’t between it and Lisa. After a while it will return to Lisa’s body and when it does so it will kill you if you get in its way.

After enough damage, Alu will disappear, and Lisa will run to 5A. You can talk to her if you kept her alive during the fight.

Leave 5A and John will think to himself,

“I sense another demonic seal was broken… somewhere… beyond.”

This is a hint to the secret of the Apartment, which will take you to another Note as well as a requirement for the true ending. You can skip this by going to the next section, or follow along now.



Traversing Beyond

Think back to the note we got from defeating the Elevator Friend,

“time to play elevater game”

It’s time to catch up with Timmy by playing the Elevator Game. Please read the instructions in full before attempting it because you will have to go back to the check point if you mess up.
This is a real game people play. The jist of it is,

1) Start on the first floor and enter the elevator.
2) Go to the fourth floor. (4)
3) Go to the second floor. (2)
4) Go to the sixth floor. (6)
5) Go to the second floor again (2).
6) Go to the tenth floor. (10).
7) Go to the fifth floor and prepare to act quickly. (5)

There is a one in three chance that the following will occur. At the fifth floor, a woman will appear with a smile. As part of the legend you’re told not to look at or otherwise acknowledge her.
This applies to the secret in-game. Once you are in control, IMMEDIATELY GO TO THE ELEVATOR BUTTONS AGAIN. Do not look at the woman at any point. Otherwise you get treated to one of the best jumpscares in the game, and you have to do this whole -blam!- thing again, which is annoying.

Fulfill the final condition,
8) Go to the first floor, and the elevator will ascend to arrive in the Other World.

When you arrive, the woman will ask you where you’re going; ignore her, do not look at her, and quickly exit the elevator.

Somewhere Beyond

You are not in the apartment any more.

The Other World loops. There are two rooms, one in each hall way. One leads to a room which only has a portrait (or possibly a window) on the wall. The other leads to a runed corridor which will grant you a checkpoint.

Continue up the runed corridor and you will enter the boss fight.

The Rejected Vessel

Get ready.

The vessel will immediately charge you from the north. This is not too far from the Mirror Demon or the Confessional Demon from games past. It will slowly move towards you and if it touches you, you will die, but it will also teleport randomly. The teleportation can often place the Vessel right in front of where you’re going so be ready to turn around quickly. Keep making space and damaging it with the crucifix.

After enough damage the Vessel will start spewing out ghosts. The ghosts don’t hurt you but while it’s doing this it will be bouncing around the room like a pinball. Make sure to stay out of its path while it does so. Sometimes you might just get unlucky and it immediately paths to you even though you’re super close. Not much you can do then. It doesn’t appear like the Vessel takes damage while it’s flying around but eventually it will stop doing that and go back to chasing you.

There are no extra mechanics that occur during this fight but as the Vessel weakens it will get more desperate and it starts to teleport more frequently so be careful. After enough damage the Vessel monstrosity will fall, notably with a VERY LOUD NOISE so you might want to prepare your audio.

Either way, don’t let your guard down yet! You’re about to get ambushed.

Go to the bottom of the screen through the exit and walk cautiously to the note. A sound cue and a screech indicate the Vessel is charging you as a spider! Ward it off with the crucifix – you have to be ready because it withstands a bit of damage – and the Vessel is no more. Good riddance.

Pick up the well-earned note on the ground. We’re not coming back here so don’t forget.

[NOTE 28 – From banishing the Rejected Vessel before leaving the Apartment for good.]
No, you haven’t missed 27, don’t worry! We’re getting that one next.

When you’re ready you can head back to the elevator. A neat detail, you may have noticed an Elevator Friend walking with Timmy, although it seems that it does not always appear.

Going inside of the elevator leads you to a big hole. You don’t really have much of a choice, so walk up to it for a cinematic. You have to repeat this a few times over, and then you’ll wind up somewhere surprising.

Go to the room on the left, enter, and exorcise the… thing(?) to ease a bit of pain in the world. That will drop Note 27.

[NOTE 27 – From exorcising whatever that is in Apartment 7A.]

We’re done here now; that’s everything in the apartment, what a doozy.

Note that you can’t go back to the seventh floor once you’ve left to a different one.


You’ll start right where you left off last time. Go up a screen, and work your way upstairs. In the main foyer, there’s something different about the portrait, and in the master bedroom there’s something you can look at on the ground.

At this point you probably know what happens next. Go upstairs and to the attic for a cinematic.


[NOTES IN SECTION 3: 29 – 42, but 41-42 are only if you are on the secret ending]

[NOTES IN THIS PART OF THE SECTION: 29-37 although we get 36 in the next part.]

The Morning Comes

Head to your living room and grab the letter on the ground from Father Garcia.

[NOTE 29 – Picked up off the ground by your front door after the Apartment.]

It’s time to head to the daycare then, so go to your car. If you’d like to get a glimpse at the world first, you can peek through the windows of the houses to your right or left.

When you pull over, head a screen to the left to figure out what the commotion is.

Continue on by moving up along the side of the building. You can enter the courtyard through a hole in the fence, and there’s a note on the ground.

[NOTE 30 – From the ground in the daycare courtyard by the rainbow crawlspaces.]

You can head on in through the door nearby. There’s a drawing you can look at in this room. Head down a screen to a more decorated room. Pick up the note to the top left.

[NOTE 31 – From the top left of the “GARY LOVES YOU” room in the daycare.]

Going down a screen will take you to a cafeteria area with two pictures on the wall. Going to the left will take you to the main entrance room, but note that exiting through the bottom door will result in a game over. You can go through to see it if you want.

When Note 31 says to look to the children, it means look at their drawings. We can solve the puzzle in the Gary Loves You room by finding the colors of the symbols.

In Ben’s drawing (in the entrance you came in from) the group looks to a red star.
In Mason’s drawing (to the left of the cafeteria) there is an orange moon.
In Max’s drawing (the left of the main entrance) a red demon holds a pink cup.
In Elle’s drawing (the strange closet on the right side) the scarecrow holds a dark blue bird.

Therefore you need to make the star red, the moon orange, the cup pink, and the bird dark blue.

When you do this, the center will open up to reveal a stairway. Head down when you’re ready, but first a quick note; it’s especially easy to miss the notes now, so make sure you’re picking all of them up as the guide tells you to. These ones included, because once you descend you aren’t coming back.

For uncovering the secret of the daycare, you will earn the achievement, “Searcher”.

Where It Lives

Approach the gate and it will open for you, but once you’re through there’s no going back. Continue to the right. On the next screen you’ll see some cultists move from a triangle on the ground down the stairs; exorcise the triangle for a note.

[NOTE 32 – From exorcising the triangle in the area under the Daycare.]

Head downstairs for another note lying on the ground.

[NOTE 33 – Lying on the ground right after the triangle under the Daycare.]

Go north and stare at the painting for a while, until the cinematic.

With the hole open, go north and up the corridor.

At the top there’s a statue and a note nearby. Grab the note for an explanation.

[NOTE 34 – On the ground by the Save Family’s Statue.]

Exorcise the statue and another note will drop, and crossing past the pillars will grant you a checkpoint too!

[NOTE 35 – From exorcising the Save Family’s Statue.]

Go to the left to enter a puzzle room.

Demon Chessboard

There’s a new enemy here, the cultist, and they will kill you if they touch you. They go down easy to the crucifix, but they aren’t defeated, they are just forced to kneel until you leave the screen. With that in mind get these two out of the way and read the writings on the corners of the room.

The bottom left writing tells us our goal;

“Five seats in the North, facing West.
Five seats in the South, facing East.”

One screen above we can use demon switches to move the chairs around, which is described by the other writings,
1) BAEL swaps north and south (low chairs go high, high chairs go low.)
2) ORDOG spin the chairs around.
3) ANDRAS swaps east and west. (left chairs go right, right chairs go left.)

In the room above, hold the crucifix to the faces to activate the switches. The leftmost face is BAEL, the middle ORDOG, and the rightmost ANDRAS.

Slowly chip away at the puzzle but eventually you will be jumped by a cultist. As far as I can tell he can’t be warded off, and I don’t believe the puzzle can be fully completed (but I’m not sure if you need to actually progress it!). You’ll be treated to a cinematic [which involves needles]. If you had the needle setting toggled, I don’t know how it changes but I’m pretty sure this scene is why it exists.


Head downstairs to the main foyer and flee the Martin home for a brief cinematic. You can also head to the basement where Father Allred was for a uniquely different cinematic; either one will end the sequence. If you’ve seen one of them before, it’s definitely worth going out of your way to see the other.

Past the Gate

There’s no going back now. Continue to the right. Walk past everything and go up around the bend.
In this room there’s a big statue. Approach the center for its guide,


We need 3 keys then, and heading to the north we will be travelling in each direction to get them.

There’s a save statue up above, exorcise it to get Note 37. Note 36 comes after, presumably for the sole purpose of making you think you missed a note.

[NOTE 37 – From exorcising the Save statue past MALOCH.]
No, you haven’t missed Note 36, it’s first thing in the next section!


In this area, explore back and forth. The painting to the right of the Save statue will change each time you walk by it on a new screen. I’m not sure you need to do this to trigger the secret, but doing it won’t hurt.

Eventually a floating head will come after you. It will flash strange symbols on your screen. It’s got a lot of health, but every time you change screens it will start somewhere new, so it’s pretty straightforward to get away from.

Keep holding the crucifix to it and maintaining your distance and it will eventually die.

If it touches you, you’ll be sent to an asylum area where you can’t use the crucifix. Run to the right and in the next room there will be sigils blocking your path. They rotate around so weave through them as you get an opening. Run upwards and you’ll reach a door to light; go through the door and you’ll be back in the main area. I’m not sure if the head’s HP resets when this occurs.

There’s no note for doing this secret, but you will see the seal weaken that much more, and if you’ve done the other two secrets the seal will be gone completely! Onwards.


Red Light, Green Light

Go to the right of the save statue to a T-junction. We’ll do the right path first. In the next room a cultist will stand in the center, but this is a new one. I’ll just call it the “chompy cultist”. When it gets close it will throw an attack at you. If it catches you, you’re done, so bait it into attacking and then move up or down to dodge it. Damage it with the crucifix while to its side, which should be enough to finish it outright if you were fast enough, but if not prepare to dodge it again.

I say all this because you are going to need this information, but for this one specifically you can actually just sneak around the sides of the room and it won’t bother you at all.

The next screen to the right has a note on the ground. Pick it up, it’s an invitation to a game.

[NOTE 36 – Picked up in the Red Light, Green Light room.]

If you aren’t familiar with the child’s game, Red Light, Green Light consists of a guard watching the challengers. The challengers have to reach the guard. The guard turns their back away from the challengers and calls out “green light”, and the challengers are free to advance. But when the guard turns around and calls “red light”, anyone caught moving will be eliminated from the game.

These rules apply here, except instead of being eliminated, you’ll be hunted and executed. That is, the guard will rush you and kill you upon touching you. It’s very fast but if you reach the stairs in time, the guard will just return to its post.

If you’re really nervous you can test these boundaries reasonably safely by intentionally walking into the game area during red light, because you can easily get back in time. Then you can find the sweet spot to start the game from.

When the guard calls out green light and turns away from you, run forward but don’t get too greedy. Make sure you’re not moving during red light. When you get close enough snatch the keystone, but the game isn’t over until you return back to safety. Also, there is now a demon chasing you to put pressure on things. The floating demon is relatively slow so it’s more there to make you panic. Just keep a level head and focus on playing the red light green light game without worrying too much about it.

When you’re relatively close to the stairs it should be safe to sprint home free, but unless the demon is right behind you, you might as well play it safe until you can’t.

Unfortunately you now have another problem in the next room to the left, and there’s still no checkpoint yet. This time the room has two “chompy cultists” and you can’t sneak past them like you could the first. You’re going to have to take on at least one but you can sneak past the other when the first one’s a goner. Refer to their description above for the strategy on how to take them on.

Before we do anything else, continue left until we reach the save statue and ensure you’ve saved the game so you don’t have to do all that again.

Mirror Room

Return to the T-junction to the right. This time we’ll go up for the next keystone. Around the bend you’ll reach another T-junction, so go up once more to get to a room with cultists locked up. You’ll get a checkpoint for reaching the area with the imprisoned cultists.

Continue north one more time and you’ll find yourself in a room with a mirror and some web-like things coming from the wall. Approach the keystone and once you reach halfway across the room, you’ll see a Mirror Demon in the mirror. He teleports like the Mirror Demon in the first game, but he’s trying to attack your mirror image, not you. If he touches your mirror image, you will die.

The web growths on the wall might be confusing at first. They’ll slow you down if you get near them (close to the mirror). This seems mainly to just confuse you over how the room works.

The simplest way to do this is, before crossing the halfway point in the room, damage the webs with the crucifix until they retreat fully, and then go to the top of the room and a bit left past halfway (right up against the mirror and horizontally around the key). Then hold the crucifix towards the demon to the right. It will get a bit close so retreat a tad and then stand your ground with the crucifix to finish it once more. This way you don’t have to worry about the webs during the fight.

After the demon is defeated, the key will enter the real world from the mirror, so grab it.

Make sure to go back to the statue and save before continuing.

Chomper Room

From the save statue, go left till you reach the western T-junction, and keep going left. Go past the statue and in the next room the key will just be lying on the ground. Grab it.

When you return to the right and try to exit, you’ll see some dialog pop up in Latin. This repeats twice for 2 different dialog boxes. I have translated them:


I’m not sure if this is relevant to any undiscovered secrets or anything, and if someone can provide a better translation (which should be easy) please leave it in the comments below!

Anyways, after a few repeats the room will change to one with a chomper cultist in the center, which you already know how to deal with by now. It’s just one. Make sure to dodge his lunge vertically and you’re good.

Return back to the save statue, and don’t forget to save.


With all three keystones, insert the two into MALOCH’s hands, and then insert the final one into his navel for a door to open up. Go inside.

For entering the depths below Maloch, you will earn the achievement, “Diving In Too Deep”.

Grab the note at the bottom of the stairs.

[NOTE 39: From the bottom of the stairs after entering Maloch.]
No, you haven’t missed Note 38, it’s just up ahead!

Continue on to the north and grab the note on the ground.

[NOTE 38 – At the top of the room after descending the stairs of Maloch.]

To Partake of the Dark

For reaching the darkness, you are granted a checkpoint.

Keep heading down, though it might help make navigation less awkward if you start a mental map of the area as you move down. At the bottom you’ll get the lantern, so head up back up in the darkness. You’ll see a few cutscenes here; I’m putting in another volume warning for an especially loud noise. Head north still. Eventually you’ll reach a purple monster that gets a bit frisky. Hold the crucifix to it. Once it’s gone keep heading north until you reach the next area.




Continue north up the path and you’ll reach a lit room with a door. The door is sealed not unlike the seal of ALU. We need to break the seal piece by piece. Before we do that though, we’ll go for another note.

Note that while you traverse the dark you will be accosted by more of the same purple demon, so when one charges you stand your ground and ward it off with the crucifix.

The Shack

To get to the shack, follow the trail north, in the next screen follow it to the west, and then follow it once more as it wraps around to the northwest.

The shack is in the center of this screen. Enter the shack and pick up the note on the ground.

[NOTE 40 – Inside the shack in the nowhere.]

It mentions the pet which acts as a guard against intruders; prepare yourself to ward it off when you leave the shack, it should attack from the right. It will be banished after a bit of damage.

Breaking the Seal

You need to find the bound creatures in each room and exorcise the bindings off them, but watch out for the purple guys chasing you. You can circle around them but they’ll keep coming so be careful. There’s a hidden area to the northwest.

First Binding

Go to the screen just before the one with the shack – the western side of the screen here is completely blocked, so press up against it and head south one screen. Immediately on the next screen after one statue the western side will open up again, so head to the left a screen. Head westbound on this screen and you’ll come across a quivering thing bound up; exorcise the bindings and the seal will weaken.

Second Binding

Return to the center room with the door if you haven’t already. We’re going to the right for the second binding. The first screen to the right will have a rune trail that leads us southeast. Go down a screen there and a bit further down you should be near the next binding, so exorcise this one for the seal to weaken further.

Third Binding

From the second binding just head north, you can disregard the trail. Keep heading north on the next screen and you’ll reconnect with the path; this one’s the northern path, so follow it up a screen. The trail in the next screen will take you to the northeast. Follow it to the next screen. On this screen you can follow the trail to the southeast to get to the last binding. Exorcise it and the seal will break.

We’re not quite free yet because you still have to navigate safely back to the center room. Just stay on the trail and be ready to use your crucifix.

Return to the center room and approach the door from the south. It’s time to leave here so ensure you’ve picked up Note 40.

Continue upwards for some dialog, and continue through all the cinematics.

En Garde

This boss has a few different attacks. First let’s cover a consistent rule, which is that taking a hit causes you to drop your crucifix instead of dying outright.

When your crucifix falls it will appear on the ground nearby. You must crawl to it as fast as possible. The boss takes position at the star near the top of the arena and after a moment will begin to pursue you. This time if he touches you, it’s over. However, if you grab it in time, the boss will be stunned so you can get some free damage in.

– First he can mimic your crucifix; the unholy damage doesn’t kill you but it does slow you down. As he uses his unholy power various demons will fly in off screen; they do not have their powers so just get out of their way and don’t bother using the crux against them.
– The boss can call upon the Rain of Spiders which will bring multiple sets of spider demons down from the top of the screen. They move horizontally back and forth as they fall. Take a good look at the pattern they’re in while they’re at the top, because they will be better contrasted against the red of the arena walls. If they hit you, you’ll drop the crucifix.
– The boss will take position either to the left or the right of the room towards the middle, vertically align himself with you, and will briefly raise his arm before throwing his trident. Move up or down out of the way, and if you’re in a safe position to deal damage, turn around to the opposite side to damage him while he tries to catch the trident. The boss is briefly invincible before throwing and after catching the trident.
– The boss will move to the left or right of the arena towads the top while flickering invincible and raise his trident straight upwards, which will summon a Nightmare Clown Abomination to the field. Stay out of its line vertically or it will chomp at you. This hazard will persist as the boss continues throwing other attacks at you (demons, rain of spiders, trident throw etc.) and will go away after a time.

After enough damage you will get a cinematic, and the achievement, “Cult of Personality”.

Continue into the room to the north. At this time if you have broken all three of the seals by fighting the secret bosses, you can descend alone.


[NOTES IN THIS SECTION: 41-42, read details on 42 below.]
You can only descend into the Crucible if you’ve broken the three seals over the course of the game.

The Crucible

Go up and to the right of the foyer for a note.

[NOTE 41 – The top right of the first room in the Crucible.]

Throughout the area you’ll find many different notes on the ground that all say the same thing. If you check your notes though, it won’t appear as collected. This appears to be a bug — for all intents and purposes Note 42 is registered as collected from any of its sources — but it doesn’t appear in the ESCAPE notes menu. To be safe, return to the main menu (you got a save recently anyways) and look in the chapter 3 notes in the main menu instead. You should see 42 properly registered as collected!

[NOTE 42 – Any of the rooms in the Crucible except the foyer.]
This note is a bit buggy in displaying as collected, see above for more details.

Head on up to the attic…

Final Test of Faith

Get ready for a supremely hard fight. There’s a checkpoint now but this is the last checkpoint in the game. You’ll need to take this fight on with a cool head because it will take a fair amount of mechanical skill and a bit of luck before you will get through it.

The demon will advance slowly towards you. As the fight continues seals on the ground will continue to spawn. You can’t move past them, but they will disappear after a time. Also, when the demon walks or lunges through them, they’ll break instantly. Keep your distance from the beast and apply damage to it with the crucifix as you can.

For now, avoid the braziers at the bottom left and right of the room, because if you get caught in the fire you are doomed. If you get pinned up against them by the boss, you might get away unscathed by skimming the flames so it’s worth trying to take a tight squeeze if you’re going to die otherwise, but you probably don’t want to push your luck.

When the demon pauses, it has two different attacks. First it might mean that it’s charging up a lunge straight at you. When this happens just keep moving out of the way until its lunge is finished. The other option is that it will pause for a very long time which means it’s about to charge 4 times in a row, so try to steer very clear while that’s happening. The short charge locks on to you but the rapid charges don’t, although the rapid charges can sometimes spell death because of how fast they move. Much less frequently, the boss can also blackout the room forcing you to rely on the lantern for the duration of the next charge.

My best advice for the rapid charge is that it seems he can’t go straight up or down while doing it. He absolutely can with the short charge, but I have yet to see him do it once with the long charge — the diagonal ones cover a lot of ground but if you can stay on top or below him it’s a lot more consistently avoided. So try staying at the bottom, or near the top behind the chair. As long as you’re pressed up against the north or south wall of the arena, the sequence of rapid charges cannot kill you. This becomes a lot less effective imminently in the second phase, although it’s worth keeping in mind because you will probably have to do this first phase many many times.

Eventually after enough damage it will call upon a friend. MALPHAS will shoot bullets at you, so watch out! They’ll kill you on impact. The bullets are slightly faster than you and will spread outwards as they travel, so keep that in mind as you execute your dodges. Try to get under him while you focus damage on the group — damaging either will work because they share the same health pool.

Even then though, the advice that’s just a general suggestion, you will be under a lot of pressure even when you’re having the best of luck. Sticking to the top or bottom of the screen is a lot less viable while this demon is in the fight.

After firing for a while MALPHAS will jump into the air and land on the other side, so carefully dodge our crawling friend to get back under again. A bit more rarely, the demon will jump to the bottom of the screen, but every time I saw it do that it immediately jumped away.

After such a long and hard battle… prepare yourself, because we’re still not done.
You may want to read the next section fully before you begin, because there’s still no checkpoint.


The horror has many different attacks;
– Rapidly firing MALPHAS’ arrows at you, side to side. Strafe them and get through a gap.
– Summoning singular skulls. When these skulls get far enough, they’ll explode into a ring of skulls that bloom outward. Make your distance and go through the ring when there’s an opening.
– Summoning a triad of skulls that move towards you in a circle.
– Summoning a huge wave of skulls that float downwards but do not detonate.
– A ring of fire surrounds you and closes in, lingering for a while after tightening narrowly around you and the boss.
– Streams of fire from the top two corners of the room which make an X in the center of the room.
– Disappearing off of the screen and ambushing you from the side of the screen.
– A combination of the above!

You have to damage this monstrosity by using your crucifix still, but you have to get uncomfortably close. Be brave. John will not die in one hit here, but it’s super important you conserve your extra chances because you’ve gotten this far.

Once you’ve dealt enough damage and the demons are parted, quickly run to the fire. John will begin to burn. Run into the body at the top and burn it to end this once and for all.

From here on its cinematics with some light interaction, but I’m not going to walk you through that.

After though you’re given a choice. You should know that you’ll have to do the boss again if you want to see the other choice.

Congratulations on a very well earned victory and the completion of FAITH – CHAPTER 3.
If you’re looking for the next two notes, read on to the ENDINGS section.


Ending 1

Ending 1 is covered by doing your duties normally, so just follow through with the guide; but don’t do all three of the secret bosses. At the finale your ally will point out that you probably missed something and your only option is to seal the Crucible off. Do so by holding the crux to it, but the thrall will attack you not unlike the end of Chapter 2.

You can repel the thrall by using the crux on them and your ally’s shotgun will dispatch them outright. After enough damage you will have completed Ending 1.

Ending 2

Ending 2, the ‘good’ ending, requires you to tackle all three secret bosses throughout the game. These are covered in the “SECRET” sections of this guide for the three sections. Because of its length, the guide for Ending 2 is in its own section above.

Ending 3, Damnatio Memoriae


If you reach the day of the Profane Sabbath without having fulfilled your duties, the world will face the consequences of your failure. Go to your living room and up a screen to the kitchen before the thrall get you. Go down to the basement and grab the key, then hide at the top of the pillars from a pursuer that comes down the stairs. Return upstairs; do not move outside the kitchen or you will die.

Instead it’s time to return to the locked room on the way to your bedroom, but you can go outside to the other houses first to see what has come of your neglect. Just don’t get too close to the cultists.

Going into the previously locked room in the hallway you can find a note.

[NOTE 43 – from the locked room in John’s house after dozing through your duties.]

Continue upwards for a cutscene.

Once you’re in the other house the last note will be in the attic along the path this ending will take you.

[NOTE 44- from the attic in the sequence after unlocking the room in John’s house.]

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