Fallout 76 – Agility Perk Cards Effects & Priority

All Agility Perk Cards Effects & Priority

Agility is your character’s number of Action Points in V.A.T.S. and determines how well you can sneak.

Action Boy / Action Girl

Level Requirement2
Rank 1Action Points regenerate 15% faster.
Rank 2Action Points regenerate 30% faster.
Rank 3Action Points regenerate 45% faster.

Born Survivor

Level Requirement3
Rank 1Falling below 20% health with automatically use a Stimpak, once every 20s.
Rank 2Falling below 30% health with automatically use a Stimpak, once every 20s.
Rank 3Falling below 40% health with automatically use a Stimpak, once every 20s.

Gun Runner

Level Requirement4
Rank 1Your running speed is increased by 10% when you have a pistol equipped.
Rank 2Your running speed is increased by 20% when you have a pistol equipped.

Moving Target

Level Requirement6
Rank 1+15 Damage and Energy Resistance while sprinting (No Power Armor).
Rank 2+30 Damage and Energy Resistance while sprinting (No Power Armor).
Rank 3+45 Damage and Energy Resistance while sprinting (No Power Armor).


Level Requirement7
Rank 1Food and Drink weights are reduced by 30%.
Rank 2Food and Drink weights are reduced by 60%.
Rank 3Food and Drink weights are reduced by 90%.

Dead Man Sprinting

Level Requirement8
Rank 1Sprint 10% faster at increased AP cost when your health is below 40%.
Rank 2Sprint 20% faster at increased AP cost when your health is below 50%.

Packin’ Light

Level Requirement9
Rank 1Your Pistols weigh 25% less.
Rank 2Your Pistols weigh 50% less.
Rank 3Your Pistols weigh 75% less.


Level Requirement10
Rank 1Your automatic pistols do +10% damage.
Rank 2Your automatic pistols do +15% damage.
Rank 3Your automatic pistols do +20% damage.


Level Requirement12
Rank 1Your non-automatic pistols do +10% damage.
Rank 2Your non-automatic pistols do +15% damage.
Rank 3Your non-automatic pistols do +20% damage.


Level Requirement13
Rank 1Sprinting consumes 20% fewer Action Points.
Rank 2TBA
Rank 3TBA


Level Requirement15
Rank 1Sneak attacks with melee weapons do 2.3x normal damage.
Rank 2Sneak attacks with melee weapons do 2.6x normal damage.
Rank 3Sneak attacks with melee weapons do 3x normal damage.


Level Requirement17
Rank 1Each AGI point adds +1 Damage and Energy Resist (max 15 – no Power Armor).
Rank 2Each AGI point adds +2 Damage and Energy Resist (max 30 – no Power Armor).
Rank 3Each AGI point adds +3 Damage and Energy Resist (max 45 – no Power Armor).

Modern Renegade

Level Requirement18
Rank 1Gain Pistol hip fire accuracy and a +2% chance to cripple a limb.
Rank 2Gain more Pistol hip fire accuracy and a +3% chance to cripple a limb.
Rank 3Gain excellent Pistol hip fire accuracy and a +4% chance to cripple a limb.


Level Requirement20
Rank 1You are 25% harder to detect while sneaking.
Rank 2You are 50% harder to detect while sneaking.
Rank 3You are 75% harder to detect while sneaking.

Home Defense

Level Requirement22
Rank 1You can disarm traps and craft better traps and turrets (Plans required).
Rank 2You can disarm traps and craft advanced traps and turrets (Plans required).
Rank 3You can disarm traps and craft expert traps and turrets (Plans required).

Expert Gunslinger

Level Requirement24
Rank 1Your non-automatic pistols do +10% damage.
Rank 2Your non-automatic pistols do +15% damage.
Rank 3Your non-automatic pistols do +20% damage.

Expert Guerrilla

Level Requirement25
Rank 1Your automatic pistols do +10% damage.
Rank 2Your automatic pistols do +15% damage.
Rank 3Your automatic pistols do +20% damage.

Covert Operative

Level Requirement27
Rank 1Your ranged sneak attacks deal 2.15x normal damage.
Rank 2Your ranged sneak attacks deal 2.3x normal damage.
Rank 3Your ranged sneak attacks deal 2.5x normal damage.


Level Requirement30
Rank 1Your shotguns gain a 5% stagger chance and a 10% chance to cripple a limb.
Rank 2Your shotguns gain a 10% stagger chance and a 20% chance to cripple a limb.
Rank 3Your shotguns gain a 15% stagger chance and a 30% chance to cripple a limb.

Goat Legs

Level RequirementN/A
Rank 1Take 40% less damage from falling
Rank 2Take 80% less damage from falling.

Mister Sandman

Level RequirementN/A
Rank 1At night your silenced weapons do an additional 25% snake attack damage.
Rank 2N/A
Rank 3N/A


Level RequirementN/A
Rank 1Spend 30 Action Points to avoid 10% of each enemy attack.
Rank 2N/A
Rank 3N/A


Level RequirementN/A
Rank 1Gain +6% (Max 36%) damage for 30 seconds per kill. Duration refreshes with each kill.
Rank 2N/A
Rank 3N/A

Gun Fu

Level RequirementN/A
Rank 1V.A.T.S. target on kill with +10% damage on your next target.
Rank 2N/A
Rank 3N/A

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