Far Cry 6 Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough

Welcome to our Far Cry 6 Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough guide. This guide contains a complete walkthrough of the sixth operation; Fuel The Revolution.

Far Cry 6 Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough

Far Cry 6 Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough
Far Cry 6 Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough

After completing Fire and Fury, Clara will call saying she needs you to meet with a local fisherman named Benito, who can supply boats for the guerrillas.

Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough
Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough

NOTE: Clara will only call as long as you aren’t too close to her, so if you fast travel back to base, make sure to head to the workbench, which is far enough away that she will call.

Talk To Benito

Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough
Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough

Once you have the mission tracked, grab a horse or vehicle and make your way to the marina, where you’ll find Benito.

Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough
Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough

Approach and talk to him to accept the mission. He’ll task you with liberating a fuel station (which you, like us, may have already completed before taking on this mission. He’ll notice if you did, and you won’t have to do it again) and taking out Rosario, the brutal new Commandante for El Presidente.

Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough
Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough

Once you are finished talking to Benito, Juan will call, unlocking the ability to call for vehicles at certain phones around Yara. You’ll also gain the Repair Tool, which you can use to repair damaged vehicles (R2/RT by default)

Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough
Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough

Liberate The Fuel Depot – Far Cry 6 Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough

Cabeza Fuel Depot is on the far east side of the island, so take your shiny new ride there and climb the stairs of the giant fuel tanks next to the station to scope it out with your phone.

Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough
Fuel The Revolution Walkthrough

There is an animal crate you can sabotage on the far side of the depot, next to the water, so be sure to let it loose if you are adopting an “all out” attack approach.

Fuel Walkthrough
Fuel Walkthrough

Watch out for the sniper in the tower at the center, and be sure to disable the alarm (on the back side of the building at the entrance, which also contains the key to the storage room).

Fuel Walkthrough
Fuel Walkthrough

This depot is fairly sparsely occupied, so once you are finished clearing it out of soldiers, search the storage room for intel, which will narrow down Rosario’s location and highlight your next goal.

Assassinate Comandante Rosario

Fuel Walkthrough
Fuel Walkthrough

NOTE: Our intel pointed us to FND Tank Depot, but there are several locations Rosario can be found. “She’s inspecting military sites in Prado Meadows”

Follow the guerrilla paths west of Armonia and you’ll soon reach the cliffs overlooking the FND Tank Depot. Use this vantage point to scout with your phone and you’ll find Comandante Rosario.

Fuel Walkthrough
Fuel Walkthrough

If you simply want to kill the Comandante and be done with it, use your suppressed MS16 S to kill Rosario from here, then return to Benito. You can also take out the entire base with suppressed rifle shots from this vantage point, and the soldiers won’t notice you (a nice bonus since there are several tanks in this area).

Fuel Walkthrough
Fuel Walkthrough

You can also jump down and commandeer one of the tanks at the depot if you want to inflict maximum chaos.

Fuel Walkthrough
Fuel Walkthrough

If you want to explore a bit before leaving, there are a few locations to note: There is an FND crate in the southeast corner, under a green tent.

Fuel Walkthrough
Fuel Walkthrough

Additionally, the Comandante holds the Munitions Armory Keycard, which unlocks the underground door at FND Munitions Storage. Inside you’ll find a croc chest that contains the powerful El General auto-pistol.

Fuel Walkthrough
Fuel Walkthrough

Once Rosario is dead, Benito will call, saying he’ll pledge his boats to the cause and head to Clara’s hideout, marking the end of the operation.

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