Welcome to our Fear Hunger 2 Termina Character Day 1 Recruiting guide. This guide will show you how to recruit characters during the game!
Fear and Hunger 2 Termina Character Recruiting
This guide will show you how to recruit characters during the game!
Fear and Hunger 2 Termina Day 1 Character Recruit List

Karin, Levi, O’saa, Pav, Samarie, Henryk, Goat
Abella Recruitment
It’s very simple, on the first day of the game in the morning you go to tunnel 7, at the entrance she will offer you to explore the underground together. Tunnel 7 is to the left of the Woodsman house, and the path to the tunnel is guarded by headless dogs.

Daan Recruitment
In the process…
Karin Recruitment
During the first day, she will refuse to join you. On the second day, Karin is found in the ruined city near the deep woods and can be recruited.
Levi Recruitment
You can recruit him on the first day, if you do not recruit him, he will die the next day. The first meeting takes place in the basement where you can hand over the heads of enemies in exchange. The second time you will meet him in the basement of the restaurant, which is located just after the gate to the city. To recruit, you need to give him heroin, which can be randomly found, or can be obtained as loot from Needles (Enemy, doctor with syringes).

Marcoh Recruitment
In the process…
Marina Recruitment
She can be recruited from the second day. On the first day, she will be inside the train without the possibility of recruiting. On the second day, she can be found inside the mayor’s house in a room with a bed where you can save, and recruit her after a little dialogue.
Henryk Recruitment
Unable to recruit if you previously recruited Abella
O’saa Recruitment
In the process…
Olivia Recruitment
On the evening of the second day, if Tanaka is alive, he will find a wheelchair and take it to her for you, after which she will be available for recruitment. To keep Tanaka alive, you need to stay out of Tunnel 7 on the first day and/or don’t trigger scene with well near Woodsman’s house. There’s also another way, but currently unknown.

The way to recruit the goat needs the next few things. First thing is having beat and gotten the key from the Woodsman, chalk and the Skin Bible – Rher, which will teach you the sigil you need. (Getting the chalk and book can be entirely up to RNG.)
Go to the basement of the Woodsman house and draw the 3 circle sigil. Once you do, you’ll be able to go to the alternate version of the basement. In there you’ll find the Man in black, regardless of what you say to him he’ll respond differently but the outcome seems the same. Unless you pick the third option which will prompt the man in black to leave and you’ll be left with no recruit.
After the encounter the goat should be waiting by the porch outside. Make sure to feed the goat as you get him, since he seems to join up with 100 hunger, if you don’t feed him he’ll die shortly after recruiting. If short on food you can feed it black matter, he can safely eat it without becoming poisoned.