Final Fantasy VIII 8 Remastered – Save Slot Use

Use Old Save Slot

If you have the old steam version of Final Fantasy VIII, you can migrate that save data to the remaster version. Just follow the step by step.

  1. Go to the directory: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Square Enix\FINAL FANTASY VIII Steam\user_xxxxxx\
  2. Find and copy the save slot wish you like -> The file name is like slot1_save02.ff8
  3. Go to the directory C:\Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered\Steam\<randomnumber>\game_data\user\saves\
  4. Now Paste your save slot, no matter if you replace an exist slotx_savexx.ff8 file..
  5. Start the game & Enjoy!

<username> = Your computer username
user_xxxxxx = The x can be a random number like user_123456
<randomnumber> = This can be a diferent number in every PC like ..\Steam\12341198011061110\..


  • You can rename anytime the slot and save number -> slot1_save04.ff8.
  • Take care with the slot1_save01.ff8, because in the remaster version this slot is for AutoSave, so edit the save number.
  • Always backup your savedata files before any step!
  • Tested on Windows 10

final fantasy 8 remastered save slot 1

final fantasy 8 remastered save slot 2

1 thought on “Final Fantasy VIII 8 Remastered – Save Slot Use”

  1. how to save this game and load
    everytime i play and save and restart my pc, the game always restart from the begining
    and data has not beed saved
    thanks before

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