Ghostrunner – Strike Achievement Guide

Ghostrunner Strike Achievement Guide Here’s one of the quicker ways you can get the “Strike” achievement […]

Ghostrunner Strike Achievement Guide

Here’s one of the quicker ways you can get the “Strike” achievement during the level.

How to Do It

About halfway through the late-game level, “Things You Wouldn’t Believe”, you’ll stumble across this room:

Ghostrunner – Strike Achievement Guide

As you can see, the room is split up into 4 sections. There are 4 Drones (one at each corner), 2 Runners, and 2 teleporting warden-esque enemies.

Ghostrunner – Strike Achievement Guide

To unlock the achievement, run straight and swing up using the center and left grapple points, to land on the drone on the distant left.

At his point, one of the teleporting warden enemies will likely have materialized on the distant left platform alongside the 2 runners. Be advised, I’m fairly certain this teleportation is randomly assigned, so it may take a few tries to get the teleporting enemy in the right spot.

Simply aim the drone at the platform and jump off before any of the enemies can get a reliable hit in.

Ghostrunner – Strike Achievement Guide

Here’s a quick video (not my own, credit to the original uploader) of the spot and how to nab the achievement.

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