Goose Goose Duck – Nexus Colony Kills

Goose Goose Duck Nexus Colony Kills Welcome to our Goose Goose Duck Nexus Colony Kills guide! […]

Goose Goose Duck Nexus Colony Kills

Welcome to our Goose Goose Duck Nexus Colony Kills guide! Describes in detail the 3 special ways you can die on Nexus Colony, how to execute these kills as a duck, and how to avoid them as goose.

The Nexus Colony brought with it 3 new ways to die from map hazards, and it does not feature the airlock found on the other two maps. Two of these kills are directly associated with sabotages and the other is just there. From what I can tell, you can only sabotage either the Teleporter or the Shuttle each game, never both, and you can’t choose which one you get.

Shuttle Slammed – Goose Goose Duck Nexus Colony Kills

This kill cannot be instigated by a duck. A player with any role who stands on the shuttle platform while the shuttle is entering from the other side will get run over. You can tell someone has died this way because a blood splatter appears, but the body cannot be reported.

How to Avoid Dying as Any Role

Don’t walk onto the platform unless you have a task there. If you have a task on the platform, only do it immediately after the shuttle has left your side.

Shuttle Asphyxiation – Goose Goose Duck Nexus Colony Kills

Duck sabotage, not a guaranteed kill. It only works if the shuttle doors are closed, there are players inside the shuttle, and the sabotage is not fixed. This will kill players of any role, and will kill a player hiding in the shuttle vent as well. Timing the sabotage is much easier if you’re dead.

How to Activate as Duck

1) Activate the shuttle Sabotage in Docking Bay.

2) Call the shuttle sabotage while the shuttle is between stations.

3) Hope that no one fixes the sabotage within 30 seconds.

4) If the sabotage wasn’t fixed, all players within the shuttle will die by asphyxiation.

How to Avoid Dying as Goose

Only use the shuttle when absolutely necessary. Immediately head to the shuttle sabotage when it goes off, especially if you’re nearby.

Teleporter Malfunction

Duck sabotage, not a guaranteed kill. Players can see when the teleporter is not safe to use and will only die if they are dumb enough to use it when it’s sabotaged. This trap will kill players with any role, although a sabotaged Teleporter doesn’t kill you 100% of the time. If you die this way, there is no body to report.

How to Activate as Duck

1) Activate the Teleporter sabotage in Security.

2) Call the Teleporter sabotage.

3) Hope that other players use the teleporter while it’s sabotaged.

How to Avoid Dying as Goose

Make sure to always check the teleporter status before using it. Don’t use it if it reads anything besides “Safe.”

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