GreedFall – Mods


Increase Your Carrying Capacity

GreedFall graciously allows you to have a carrying limit of 200 weight from the start. This is more than enough for most players and for most of the play-through, unless you’re a hoarder and refuse to sell unneeded items to a merchant. In either case, there’s a mod to increase the carrying capacity by ten times, raising the carrying limit to a massive 2,000 weight.

This mod multiply Carry weight By 10. So now the weight is 2000

New Add more option !

  • weight add 500
  • weight add 1000
  • weight add 5000


  • Extract the File in …./Greedfall/datalocal
  • ENJOY !

Show Your Sheathed Weapon

You can have two weapons at the same time in GreedFall. However, they are never displayed on your character. When you do pull out one of those weapons, the second one remains hidden. If you’re interested in displaying that second weapon on your character, while sheathed, there’s a mod to help you out. Heavier and double-handed weapons will be sheathed on your back, while lighter and single-handed weapons will be strapped to your side.


1. Well have it partially working.

2. When you load into game state, your character will now display primary and secondary weapons on hip/back etc as they should be (Greatsword on back, sword on hip etc).

3. When you un-sheathe it the first time, it works as intended. When you sheathe the weapon, for some reason it disappears, however the secondary weapon will remain visible on your character

(The one not currently in use and vise versa. I have no idea what is controlling this and it is linked to what causes companion weapons to vanish at times in vanilla normal game. The similar thing with companions weapons disappearing and re-appearing after a while I think is also something to do with this odd behaviour and makes sense if the equipped weapon fails to sheathe but the second one works because they only have 1 weapon.)

So say you have a two handed sword as main and second as a sword. Your two hander won’t appear sheathed and just disappears like vanilla behaviour but the sword does show correctly sheathed, and vise versa.

4. At times, your weapon if having enchanted effects such as fire/poison will appear on the sheathed weapon as oppose to the un-sheathed one when in combat. Again have no idea why this occurs however if you want to change weapons without that happening, just simply sheathe it first, then press the key. Seems to fix it.

5. You can solve the primary weapon disappearing by re-equipping or entering inventory screen oddly fixes this aswell.


1. Fix all the strange behaviours above.
2. Get to bottom of it.
3. Hopefully have a fully functioning sheathing capability in near future. Feel free to assist.


1. Download file and locate Greedfall directory. E.g (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GreedFall).
2. Drag/drop or unzip contents into following folder – “datalocal”.
3. Your “datalocal” folder should now show a folder called “Attitude” and within it should be a file called “library_attitude” in .SLI format.
4. Launch game and enjoy (as best as you can with it atm lol).

Remove The Brown Filter

You might have noticed that the graphics of GreedFall, though beautiful, have a cinnamon warmth to them. They are intentionally passed through a brown filter, perhaps in a bid to relate to the old, colonial era. You can adjust the colors and and remove the brownish hue with a handy mod, and that too at no performance cost.


1. First install Reshade When asked select Direct10+.
2. When asked, chose NOT to download standard effects
2- Download this preset and unzip the files to where Greedfall’s exe launcher is located, replace all files.
4- Press the [Home] key and follow the on-screen instructions, the reshade should load itself by default.


– You can change the style by selecting another profile in the MultiLUT parameter.
– You can make the effect stronger or weaker by editing the Luma and Choma values in the MultiLUT parameters, default setting is 60% (0.600, 0.600)
Make sure Luma and Chroma have the same number for best results.

Make Everything Sharper and Vibrant

Like every other game, the environments of GreedFall can also be made sharper and more vibrant with a simple reshade mod. While the color adjustment is minor, without any over-the-top filters, the results are going to leave you surprised.

My settings are;

-Everything on High.
-Antialiasing on TAA.


  • Download latest version of Reshade from
  • Run the installer, go to the folder where your .exe is located for Greedfall
  • Selection Direct3D 10+
  • Accept that you want to download all the effects
  • Slap Greedfall.ini into the same folder where the .exe is located
  • When in game, press HOME then select the Greedfall.ini

That’s it, pretty easy installation. It’s Reshade afterall!

Remove Your Lantern

Your character wears a small lantern on the hip, which lights up in dark areas or at night. It’s actually a pretty handy accessory but should you want to remove that to have a better look at your armor and clothing, there’s a mod to help you out. Take note that while the lantern will be removed, the light-giving effect will still happen when needed.

This is a simple mod to remove the small lantern worn on the player’s hip from the start of the game.

Greedfall uses a similar data structure to many Bethesda and old Bioware games with a data override folder where loose files will replace assets loaded by the game’s pack files. This mod replaces the lantern accessory with an empty mesh, making it invisible.

If you turn the lantern on it will still give off light and produce a small flame, but personally I haven’t used the lantern at all and I didn’t like how it always floated there, attached to your person.


To install this mod simply drop the “equipment” folder in the archive into your “datalocal” folder in the game’s directory, it will not overwrite any existing files (unless someone else makes a mod that edits the same mesh) and can be uninstalled without any harm by deleting the files.


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