Halo Reach – Data Pads

Data Pads

Data Pad List

As I mentioned before there are 19 total Data pads.

These Data pads look like this:

Halo The Master Chief Collection Data Pads

There are 2 on each level with the exception of Lone Wolf. Which only has one Data pad. Each one has a Legendary ONLY Data Pad that can only be found on Legendary.

Below is a list compiling all the Data Pads:

  • Data Pad 01: Legendary Only – Winter Contingency
  • Data Pad 02: Any Difficulty – Winter Contingency
  • Data Pad 03: Legendary Only – Oni: Sword Base
  • Data Pad 04: Any Difficulty – Oni: Sword Base
  • Data Pad 05: Any Difficulty – Nightfall
  • Data Pad 06: Legendary Only – Nightfall
  • Data Pad 07: Any Difficulty – Tip of the Spear
  • Data Pad 08: Legendary – Tip of the Spear
  • Data Pad 09: Any Difficulty – Long Night of Solace
  • Data Pad 10: Legendary Only – Long Night of Solace
  • Data Pad 11: Any Difficulty – Exodus
  • Data Pad 12:Legendary Only – Exodus
  • Data Pad 13: Any Difficulty – New Alexandria
  • Data Pad 14: Legendary Only – New Alexandria
  • Data Pad 15: Any Difficulty – The Package
  • Data Pad 16: Legendary Only – The Package
  • Data Pad 17: Legendary Only – The Pillar of Autumn
  • Data Pad 18: Any Difficulty – The Pillar of Autumn
  • Data Pad 19: Legendary Only – Lone Wolf

Winter Contingency

Data Pad 01: Legendary only – Winter Contingency

  • Where to start: Mission Start

As soon as you’ve got control at the start of the mission, hop out of the chopper and sprint down the hill. A cloaked elite will start running along the lower path, from left of the gate. If you can shoot him before he reaches the gate, the elite will pause and look at you, giving you time to bring down his shields and finish him off. However, If you don’t hit him before, He will continue to run to the right. He is still kill-able at this point, you must shoot him in the head once his shields are down. This isn’t easy, and may be easier done in co-op.

Data Pad 02: Any Difficulty – Winter Contingency

  • Where to start: Rally Point Alpha

After you’ve progressed through the level, and you’ve fought your first batch of Elites, You’ll find some truck/buggy vehicles that allow you to traverse the level a little easier. Jump into the vehicle, and drive NORTHWEST. After you’ve crossed the bridge, Keep left and drive into the small housing compound. The Data Pad will be on the floor next to some bodies in the right most house.

Oni: Sword Base

Data Pad 03: Legendary only – Oni: Sword Base

  • Where to start: Rally Point Alpha

Progress through the level normally until you’ll arrive at a small village area that has two buildings across from one another. Here, You’ll want to climb the NORTHEAST building, heading all the way to the rooftop. You’ll be performing a running jump to cross the destroyed bridge and land on the rock formation behind the building. The Data pad is along this rock path.

Data Pad 04: Any Difficulty – Oni: Sword Base

  • Where to start: Rally Point Bravo

Continue through the level until you ride the elevator up. Now you’ll be in Sword Base. After you’ve arrived in the Popular Multiplayer map, you’ll want to head all the way up to the fourth floor. The Data pad will be under the stair case leading to the fifth floor.


Data Pad 05: Any Difficulty – Nightfall

  • Where to start: Mission Start

Once you’ve started the mission, You’ll want to walk along the right canyon wall and look for a small path. On the ground, along the left wall of this path is the Data pad.

Data Pad 06: Legendary Only – Nightfall

  • Where to start: Rally Point Alpha

This data pad is really close to Rally Point Bravo, However it won’t appear if you load that point. Instead, go to Alpha and run through the area with the big creatures. Ahead is a large set of buildings with enemies and some human fighters. Run through the area and avoiding the fight If you’d like. Hug the right wall and you’ll find a path that goes through some water. You’ll have to crouch-jump over a dam to reach the river. (Crouch jumping consists of Jumping and spamming crouch whilst in the air)

When you reach the river, look on the right for a rock that you can use to boost you up to a larger rock above. Follow the rock formations until you reach a ledge and make a running crouch-jump to the other side of the river bed. Turn right and follow the ledge. There’s a bridge that spans the river below. Drop down to the bridge. Here comes another running crouch jump to land on the slanted wall on the opposite side of the river. Here, you’ll find the data pad.

Tip of the Spear

Data Pad 07: Any Difficulty – Tip of the Spear

  • Where to start: Rally Point Alpha

Start up the level and progress normally. You’ll reach a large area filled with enemies. Go to the upper level of the western building and drop through the hole. Drop down a couple of levels and look to the left for the data pad that’s on a shelf behind some crates.

Data Pad 08: Legendary Only – Tip of the Spear

  • Where to start: Rally Point Alpha

This data pad can be picked up just after the first one. After storming through an enemy building, you’ll emerge on the other side with some vehicles. Defeat sine enemies and follow the canyon to an open area with a broken roadway overpass. Jump onto the pillars of the ruined overpass to reach the stranded platform and you’ll find the data pad on the ground.

Long Night of Solace

Data Pad 09: Any Difficulty – Long Night of Solace

  • Where to start: Mission Start

After storming the beach and entering a dark building. You’ll go through a couple of doors before reaching a room with a large, glowing table. Look for stairs on the left that lead into a small control room area with the data pad on the floor.

Data Pad 09: Legendary Only – Long Night of Solace

  • Where to start: Mission Start

Past the room with the first Data Pad you’ll continue down a narrow hall before entering the large hangar area. Climb the first set of stairs on the right and turn left. You need to make a jump to a platform with a metal structure. Jump onto the angled part of the metal structure and then crouch-jump onto the top of the rectangular metal panel one step higher. From here, do a 180 and jump to another platform. Run up the makeshift ramp to find the data pad.


Data Pad 11: Any Difficulty – Exodus

  • Where to start: Rally Point Alpha

After crossing a large open area with the jet pack, you’ll land in an area with tons of enemies. Shoot through them to get to the unlit catwalks overhead. The data pad is on top of the catwalk.

Data Pad 12: Legendary Only – Exodus

  • Where to start: Rally Point Alpha

Just after the point where you get the first data pad, you’ll exit to a large courtyard between two buildings. Fight your way up the stairs but DON’T enter the next building. Instead, follow the walkway to the right. You need to jump over the railing and use the jet pack to fly over to a small ledge created by a series of beams. Hop your way up the small ledges, taking breaks with each successful jump to refill your jet pack. The data pad is found on top a couple of air conditioning vents.

New Alexandria

Data Pad 13: Any Difficulty – New Alexandria

  • Where to start: Mission Start

As soon as you get into the chopper, turn NORTHWEST toward the large, double-pointed building in the distance. Just past that building is a shorter triangular-roofed building. On the opposite side of the rooftop you’ll find the data pad.

Data Pad 14: Legendary Only – New Alexandria

  • Where to start: Mission Start

If you’re doing this mission on legendary and are collecting both of the Data pads, Return to the start point or reload the level. As soon as the mission starts, get into the chopper, fly up a bit and pull a 180 turn to face the back of the building. Fly to the building directly behind the one with the chopper pad and start floating down the side of it. The data pad is on an impossibly small ledge along the side of the building. You want to land on the ledge to grab the pad. You’ll need to position the chopper as much on top of the ledge as you can and exit. Note that Noble Six can jump out on the opposite side of the Chopper. Be mindful of this.

The Package

Data Pad 15: Any Difficulty – The Package

  • Where to start: Rally Point Alpha

Once you’ve entered Sword Base again, Noble Team will gather near a door and wait for you to activate it. Instead, look left on the floor for the data pad.

Data Pad 16: Legendary Only – The Package

  • Where to start: Rally Point Bravo

Go to the weapons area to the right of the lab entrance you’re here to protect. There are jet packs along the wall. Equip a jet pack, and run for the nearest turret that you’re supposed to enable. Jump over the turret and fly onto and over the rock formation behind it. Use the jet pack to fly across the chasm, landing on a small ledge around the corner of the building, under a bridge. The Data pad is located here on the cliff.

The Pillar Of Autumn

Data Pad 17: Legendary Only – The Pillar of Autumn

  • Where to start: Rally Point Alpha

Starting at Rally Point Alpha, you’ll head down a hill to fight a bunch of enemies in front of some buildings. Stay left and just run by all of the enemies. Entering the building via some stairs to the north, head up the stairs and go through the building to an outdoor walkway on the east side. Follow the walkway across another battlefield, go up a ramp, look for a large gap in the steel beam barrier on the right. You can jump onto the eastern rooftop. Go around the south corner to find the data pad.

Data Pad 18: Any Difficulty – The Pillar of Autumn

  • Where to start: Rally Point Alpha

You’ll pass through the outdoor shipyard before entering a long corridor where you’ll be able to get some ammo and weapons. Follow the corridor and look to the right for a window you can smash. Thus, letting you crouch-jump through the window opening to an office with the data pad in the back left corner.

Lone Wolf

Data Pad 19: Legendary Only – Lone Wolf

  • Where to start: Rally Point Omega

As soon as you start the mission, run down the hill and past the right side of the first building. Go up a ramp in front of a large pipe. Follow the walkway left, once you’ve reached the end jump onto a narrow landing at the end of the pipe. Jump onto the lip of the pipe and look inside of it for the data pad.


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