Hearts of Iron 4: Road to 56 Country Tags

You can browse the lists in this guide to learn about all the countries and their tags up to mod Road 56 in Hearts of Iron 4.

Road to 56 Country Tags

This guide contains all country tags from the mod Road to 56.

Order and How to Read

The tags are arranged in order of the country’s ID. It starts with Germany (1) and ends with the All-Palestine Protectorate (333). This is the way in which it is read:

First, it shows the tag of the country. For example:

  • MET = Metis Confederation (321)

Then, preceded by an equals sign (=), you can see the country’s name. For example:

  • PGR = Hebei-Chahar (275)

Finally, in brackets, you can find the ID of that country. For example:

  • WAF = Cingdom of Cat (283)

The List (From 1 to 100)

  • GER = German Reich (1)
  • ENG = United Kingdom (2)
  • SOV = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (3)
  • SWE = Kingdom of Sweden (4)
  • FRA = French Republic (5)
  • LUX = Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (6)
  • BEL = Kingdom of Belgium (7)
  • HOL = Kingdom of the Netherlands (8)
  • CZE = Czechoslovak Republic (9)
  • POL = Polish Republic (10)
  • AUS = Federal State of Austria (11)
  • LIT = Republic of Lithuania (12)
  • EST = Republic of Estonia (13)
  • LAT = Republic of Latvia (14)
  • SPR = Spanish Republic (15)
  • ITA = Kingdom of Italy (16)
  • ROM = Kingdom of Romania (17)
  • YUG = Kingdom of Yugoslavia (18)
  • SER = Serbian State (19)
  • SWI = Swiss Confederation (20)
  • TUR = Republic of Turkey (21)
  • GRE = Kingdom of Greece (22)
  • ALB = Kingdom of Albania (23)
  • NOR = Kingdom of Norway (24)
  • DEN = Kingdom of Denmark (25)
  • BUL = Tsardom of Bulgaria (26)
  • POR = Portuguese Republic (27)
  • FIN = Republic of Finland (28)
  • IRE = Irish Free State (29)
  • HUN = Kingdom of Hungary (30)
  • AFG = Kingdom of Afghanistan (31)
  • ARG = Argentine Republic (32)
  • AST = Commonwealth of Australia (33)
  • BHU = Kingdom of Bhutan (34)
  • BOL = Republic of Bolivia (35)
  • BRA = United States of Brazil (36)
  • CAN = Republic of Canada (37)
  • CHI = Republic of China (38)
  • CHL = Republic of Chile (39)
  • COL = Republic of Colombia (40)
  • COS = Republic of Costa Rica (41)
  • ECU = Republic of Ecuador (42)
  • ELS = Republic of El Salvador (43)
  • ETH = Ethiopian Empire (44)
  • GUA = Republic of Guatemala (45)
  • HON = Republic of Honduras (46)
  • IRQ = Kingdom of Iraq (47)
  • ♥♥♥ = Empire of Japan (48) (It’s J, first letter of the alphabet, P)
  • KOR = Empire of Korea (49)
  • LIB = Republic of Liberia (50)
  • MEX = United States of Mexico (51)
  • MEN = Mongol Political Committee (52)
  • NEP = Kingdom of Nepal (53)
  • NIC = Republic of Nicaragua (54)
  • NZL = Province of New Zealand (55)
  • PAN = Republic of Panama (56)
  • PER = Imperial State or Iran (57)
  • PHI = Commonwealth of the Philippines (58)
  • PRU = Republic of Peru (59)
  • SAF = Union of South Africa (60)
  • SAU = Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (61)
  • SIA = Kingdom of Siam (62)
  • SIK = Xinjiang Clique (63)
  • TIB = Tibet (64)
  • URG = Oriental Republic of Uruguay (65)
  • VEN = United States of Venezuela (66)
  • YUN = Yunnan Clique (67)
  • USA = United States of America (68)
  • MON = Mongolian People’s Republic (69)
  • TAN = Tuvan People’s Republic (70)
  • PAR = Republic of Paraguay (71)
  • CUB = Republic of Cuba (72)
  • DOM = Dominican Republic (73)
  • HAI = Republic of Haiti (74)
  • YEM = Mutawakkilite Kingomd of Yemen (75)
  • OMA = Sultanate of Muscat and Oman (76)
  • SLO = Slovak State (77)
  • RAJ = British Raj (78)
  • CRO = Kingdom of Croatia (79)
  • GXC = Guangxi Clique (80)
  • PRC = Chinese Soviet Republic (81)
  • SHX = Shanxi Clique (82)
  • XSM = Ma Clique Collective (83)
  • ICE = Kingdom of Iceland (84)
  • LEB = Lebanese Republic (85)
  • JOR = Emirate of Transjordan (86)
  • SYR = Syrian Republic (87)
  • EGY = Kingdom of Egypt (88)
  • LBA = United Kingdom of Lybia (89)
  • WGR = Federal Republic of Germany (90)
  • DDR = German Democratic Republic (91)
  • PAL = State of Palestine (92)
  • ISR = State of Israel (93)
  • VIN = Democratic Republic of Vietnam (94)
  • CAM = Kingdom of Cambodia (95)
  • MAL = British Malaya (96)
  • INS = Dutch East Indies (97)
  • LAO = Kingdom of Laos (98)
  • MNT = Kingdom of Montenegro (99)
  • UKR = Republic of Ukraine (100)

The List (From 101 to 200)

  • GEO = Republic of Georgia (101)
  • KAZ = Republic of Kazakhstan (102)
  • AZR = Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (103)
  • ARM = Republic of Armenia (104)
  • BLR = Belarusian National Republic (105)
  • ANG = State of Angola (106)
  • MZB = Republic of Mozambique (107)
  • ZIM = Republic of Zimbabwe (108)
  • COG = Belgian Congo (109)
  • KEN = Republic of Kenya (110)
  • PAK = Islamic Republic of Pakistan (111)
  • BOT = Republic of Botswana (112)
  • MAN = Empire of Manchuria (113)
  • BAH = Commonwealth of the Bahamas (114)
  • BAN = Bengal Republic (115)
  • BLZ = Belize (116)
  • BRM = Union of Burma (117)
  • CRC = Leeward Confederation (118)
  • GDL = Republic of Guadeloupe (119)
  • GYA = Co-operative Republic of Guyana (120)
  • JAM = Jamaican Republic (121)
  • JAN = Jan Mayen (122)
  • KYR = Kyrgyz Republic (123)
  • MAD = Kingdom of Imerina (124)
  • MOL = Kingdom of Moldavia (125)
  • PNG = Independent State of Papua New Guinea (126)
  • PUE = Republic of Puerto Rico (127)
  • QAT = State of Qatar (128)
  • SCO = Republic of Scotland (129)
  • SRL = Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (130)
  • SUR = Republic of Suriname (131)
  • TAJ = Republic of Tajikistan (132)
  • TRI = Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (133)
  • TMS = Republic of Turkmenistan (134)
  • UAE = United Arab Emirates (135)
  • UZB = Republic of Uzbekistan (136)
  • KUW = Kingdom of Kuwait (137)
  • CYP = Republic of Cyprus (138)
  • MLT = Republic of Malta (139)
  • ALG = Republic of Algeria (140)
  • MOR = Kingdom of Morocco (141)
  • TUN = Kingdom of Tunisia (142)
  • SUD = Republic of Sudan (143)
  • ERI = State of Eritrea (144)
  • DJI = Republic of Djibouti (145)
  • SOM = Somali Republic (146)
  • UGA = Republic of Uganda (147)
  • RWA = Republic of Rwanda (148)
  • BRD = Kingdom of Burundi (149)
  • TZN = United Republic of Tanganyka (150)
  • ZAM = Republic of Zambia (151)
  • MLW = Republic of Malawi (152)
  • GAB = Gabonese Republic (153)
  • RCG = Democratic Republic of the Congo (154)
  • EQG = Republic of Equatorial Guinea (155)
  • CMR = Republic of Cameroon (156)
  • CAR = Central African Republic (157)
  • CHA = Republic of Chad (158)
  • NGA = Federation of Nigeria (159)
  • DAH = Kingdom of Dahomey (160)
  • TOG = Togolese Republic (161)
  • GHA = Kingdom of Ashanti (162)
  • IVO = Ivory Coast (163)
  • VOL = Republic of Upper Volta (164)
  • MLI = Republic of Mali (165)
  • SIE = Republic of Sierra Leone (166)
  • GNA = Republic of Guinea (167)
  • GNB = Socialist Republic of Guinea-Bissau (168)
  • SEN = Republic of Senegal (169)
  • GAM = Republic of the Gambia (170)
  • WLS = Republic of Wales (171)
  • NGR = Republic of the ♥♥♥♥♥ (172) (Nigeria without ia)
  • CSA = Confederate States of America (173)
  • USB = New American Republic (174)
  • MRT = Islamic Republic of Mauritania (175)
  • NMB = Republic of Namibia (176)
  • WES = Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (177)
  • BAS = Antillean Federation (178)
  • CAY = Republic of Cayenne (179)
  • MLD = Republic of the Maldives (180)
  • FIJ = Melanesian Federation (181)
  • FSM = Federated States of Micronesia (182)
  • TAH = Federated Republic of Polynesia (183)
  • GUM = Mariana Confederation (184)
  • SOL = Solomon Islands (185)
  • SAM = Independent State of Samoa (186)
  • HAW = Kingdom of Hawaii (187)
  • SLV = Republic of Slovenia (188)
  • BOS = Kingdom of Bosnia (189)
  • HRZ = Duchy of Saint Sava (190)
  • MAC = Principality of Macedonia (191)
  • NIR = Northern Ireland (192)
  • BAY = Kingdom of Bavaria (193)
  • MEK = Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg (194)
  • PRE = Kingdom of Prussia (195)
  • SAX = Kingdom of Saxony (196)
  • HAN = Kingdom of Hanover (197)
  • WUR = Kingdom of Württemberg (198)
  • SHL = Duchy of Schleswig-Holstein (199)
  • CAT = Catalan Republic (200)

The List (From 201 to 300)

  • NAV = Basque Republic (201)
  • GLC = Republic of Galicia (202)
  • ADU = Republic of Andalusia (203)
  • BRI = Breton Free Republic (204)
  • OCC = Occitan Republic (205)
  • COR = Corsican Republic (206)
  • KUR = Kingdom of Kurdistan (207)
  • TRA = Transylvanian Republic (208)
  • DNZ = Free City of Danzig (209)
  • SIL = Free State of Silesia (210)
  • KSH = Republic of Kashubia (211)
  • DON = Don Cossack Host (212)
  • KUB = Kuban Republic (213)
  • BUK = Bukharan Jadidist Republic (214)
  • ALT = Altai (215)
  • KAL = Kalmykia (216)
  • KAR = Republic of Karelia (217)
  • CRI = Republic of Crimea (218)
  • TAT = Republic of Tatarstan (219)
  • CIN = Chechen-Ingush Republic (220)
  • DAG = Montainous Republic of Dagestan (221)
  • BYA = Republic of Buryatia (222)
  • CKK = Chukotka Republic (223)
  • FER = Far Eastern Republic (224)
  • YAK = Sakha Republic (225)
  • VLA = Vladivostok Independent Republic (226)
  • KKP = Republic of Karakalpakstan (227)
  • YAM = Yamalian Republic (228)
  • TAY = Taymyria (229)
  • OVO = Ostyak-Vogul National Republic (230)
  • NEN = Nenetsia (231)
  • KOM = Komi Republic (232)
  • ABK = Abkhasia (233)
  • KBK = Federal Republic of Kabardins and Karachay-Balkars (234)
  • NOA = North Ossetia-Alania (235)
  • VGE = Republic of Volga Germany (236)
  • BSK = Bashkortostan (237)
  • KHI = Khivan Jadidist Republic (238)
  • UDM = Udmurtia (239)
  • CHU = Chuvashia (240)
  • MEL = Mari El (241)
  • RIF = Republic of the Rif (242)
  • HAR = Emirate of Harar (243)
  • TIG = Tigray (244)
  • AFA = Sultanate of Aussa (245)
  • BEG = Benishangul-Gumuz Nation (246)
  • GBA = Gambela (247)
  • SID = Kingdom of Sidamo (248)
  • ORO = Oromia (249)
  • QEM = Qemant State (250)
  • KHA = Republic of Khakassia (251)
  • AOI = Italian State of East Africa (252)
  • LBV = Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia (253)
  • PAP = Papal States (254)
  • TOS = Grand Duchy of Tuscany (255)
  • SPM = Sardinia-Piedmont (256)
  • TTS = Kingdom of the Two Sicillies (257)
  • SMI = Sami Republic (258)
  • GRN = Greenland (259)
  • KOS = Socialist Republic of Kosovo (260)
  • LOI = Parliamentary State of the Isles (261)
  • AHV = Aland Islands (262)
  • BAD = Grand Duchy of Baden (263)
  • ALS = Kingdom of Alsace-Lorraine (264)
  • DOU = Condominium of Volhynia-Eastern Galicia (265)
  • CNR = Republic of the Canaries (266)
  • ♥♥♥ = Somewhere Abroad (267) (F, first letter of the alphabet, K)
  • FRI = French Indochina (268)
  • G01 = G01 (269) (May crash your game)
  • GRL = State of Greenland (270)
  • GUK = Green Ukraine (271)
  • GBR = Co-operative Republic of Guyana (272)
  • HYD = Hyderabad Deccan (273)
  • KBC = Kuban Cossack Host (274)
  • PGR = Hebei-Chahar (275)
  • QBC = Republic of Quebec (276)
  • RGR = Reformed Government of the Republic of China (277)
  • RUT = Carpatho-Ukraine (278)
  • SWK = North Borneo Federation (279)
  • SGP = Republic of Singapore (280)
  • SCA = Scandinavian Federation (281)
  • FLA = Flemish Republic (282)
  • WAF = Cingdom of Cat (283)
  • WHY = Tender Loving Empire (284)
  • WLL = Wallon Republic (285)
  • NKR = Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (286)
  • NAP = Kingdom of Naples (287)
  • SIC = Kingdom of Sicily (288)
  • SAD = Kingdom of Sardinia (289)
  • VNZ = Most Serene Republic of Venice (290)
  • HES = Grand Duchy of Hesse (291)
  • SZK = Székelys State (292)
  • TER = Terek Republic (293)
  • TML = Kingdom of Timor-Leste (294)
  • TNG = Tunganistan (295)
  • VCW = Venezuelan National Government (296)
  • SSU = Republic of South Sudan (297)
  • DAR = Sultanate of Darfur (298)
  • ADR = Principality of Andorra (299)
  • LIE = Principality of Liechtenstein (300)

The End (From 301 to 333

  • MNC = Principality of Monaco (301)
  • SAN = Republic of San Marino (302)
  • BHR = Sultanate of Bahrain (303)
  • SEY = Republic of Seychelles (304)
  • SAO = Democratic Republic of Saint Thomas and Prince (305)
  • CAP = Socialist Republic of Cape Verde (306)
  • COM = State of the Comoros (307)
  • MAU = Republic of Mauritius (308)
  • SMA = Republic of Somaliland (309)
  • SKM = Kingdom of Sikkim (310)
  • BRN = State of Brunei Darussalam (311)
  • HAZ = Hazaristan (312)
  • NFL = Republic of Newfoundland (313)
  • FAR = Republic of the Faroe Islands (314)
  • LES = Kingdom of Lesotho (315)
  • SWA = Kingdom of Swaziland (316)
  • MPL = Mandate of Palestine (317)
  • SAR = Free State of the Saarland (318)
  • BCO = Republic of British Columbia (319)
  • ABT = Republic of Alberta (320)
  • MET = Metis Confederation (321)
  • ACN = Arctic Republic (322)
  • D01 = Reichskommissariat Norwegen (323)
  • D02 = Reichskommissariat Niederlande (324)
  • D03 = Reichskommissariat Belgien-Nordfrankreich (325)
  • D04 = Reichskommissariat Ostland (326)
  • D05 = Reichskommissariat Ukraine (327)
  • D06 = Reichskommissariat Moskowien (328)
  • D07 = Reichskommissariat Kaukasien (329)
  • D08 = Reichskommissariat Turkestan (330)
  • D09 = Generalgouvernment (331)
  • D10 = Protektorat Böhmen-Mähren (332)
  • D11 = All-Palestine Protectorate (333)
Written by ytzanare

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