Hitman 2 – Eliminate the Target Walkthrough

This guide will poison Alma Reynard and will complete the Sugar, Honey, Honey, assassination.

Eliminate the Target Walkthrough

  • After spawning on the beach, run towards the house.
  • Once you get to the house, go to the left side where you will find a pool.
  • Walk up to the pool and pick up the screwdriver at the edge of the pool.
  • Walk back out and go around the left side of the house until you see the garage.
  • Use the screwdriver to short-circuit the signal box and then walk up to the garage door and open it.
  • Walk into the garage and go through the door straight ahead of you, then take a left. Pick up the rat poison on the shelf, then continue straight through the door.
  • Take a left, and on the kitchen counter, you will see sugar and honey. Pick one to poison (you will poison the other one later).
  • After you poison the honey or the sugar walk up the stairs that are straight in front of you.
  • Go into the office that is a little bit left of the stairs and head to the computer and search it.
  • From the computer, go left to the painting on the wall and search it. This will reveal a hidden room.
  • Go into the hidden room and pick up the password dongle and lockpick on your left.
  • Before going back to the computer, leave the office and take a left. Then take a right at the stairs and walk towards the wall.
  • Take a left when you can and go into the room around the corner.
  • Walk straight in towards the bathtub and on your left, you will see a cabinet.
  • Unlock it with the lockpick and get the lethal poison out from the middle shelf.
  • Go back downstairs to the counter and poison the item you didn’t previously poison. (Note: the rat poison will cause her to throw up and the lethal poison will kill her).
  • Now, go back upstairs into the office and use the password dongle on the computer.
  • Once the video finishes, Alma Reynard will arrive.
  • Sneak back to the hidden room in the office and go down the stairs. Open the door at the bottom of the stairs and sneak into the garage.
  • Kill the guard and take his disguise and weapon. Hide his body in the cabinet in the back of the garage.
  • From the cabinet, there is a door on your left. Go through it and sneak up to the couch by the TV and listen to the conversation. (Make sure the guards notice you).
  • Alma will instruct the guard to make her some tea. He will ask her if she wants sugar or honey in her tea. If she picks the one that you put the rat poison in, she will go to the bathroom to throw up after drinking it and you will have to kill her there. If she picks the one with the lethal poison, she will die instantly and you can sneak out.
  • For the walkthrough, we will assume she drinks the one with the rat poison.
  • Once the guard with the hat walks away, go to the left of the couch and go through the door on your left past the stairs.
  • Once you’re in the bathroom, take the door on your right and wait.
  • Once Alma drinks the tea, she will go into the bathroom to throw up.
  • Once she gets to the toilet to throw up, drown her. Then drag her body into the closet that is in the room you were in before the bathroom.
  • Sneak out of the house and head back to the boat.
  • On your way to the boat, you will see a truck surrounded by guards.
  • Hide in the grass and shoot the gas can in the back of the truck.
  • This will cause an explosion that will distract the guards who have discovered your boat.
  • Wait for them to run to the truck, hop on the boat, and you have completed the Nightcall mission.

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