Idol Showdown Item Combinations

Idol Showdown is a complete fan-made hoolive fighting game experience powered by undo network code. Join exciting duels as your favorite virtual talent and prove definitively who is the strongest idol with the game’s easy-to-learn controls. Like most things in this adventure, you will need knowledge of powerful item combinations. We mentioned it in detail in our guide! Check out our Idol Showdown Item Combinations guide now!

Idol Showdown Item Combinations for Virtual Frontier

Welcome to our Idol Showdown Item Combinations guide. Detailed guide to some pretty powerful item combinations! We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Idol Showdown game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Idol Showdown guide.

Holo Mic + Holo Cards (Everyone Is Here)

Idol Showdown Item Combinations
Idol Showdown Item Combinations
Idol Showdown Item Combinations
Idol Showdown Item Combinations

Holo Cards will allow you to summon several assists at once. Holo Mic makes them hurt.
It’s quite fun to see everyone come together to give you a hand.


  • Once you hit the opponent, summon your Star Call-In to dish out the pain.
  • Alternatively, summon your Off-Collab and cause total chaos.


  • More reliable if you chose a two-bar collab partner.
  • The snack Fruity Galaxy will trigger the effect as well.

Butterfly Hair Clip + Zombie Sword (Plot Armor)

Idol Showdown Item Combinations
Idol Showdown Item Combinations
Item Combinations for Virtual Frontier
Item Combinations for Virtual Frontier
  • The Zombie Sword increases your damage output when you are low on health.
  • That’s not a condition you can safely maintain, being so close to death.
  • The Butterfly Hair Clip will give you some time to take advantage of The Zombie Sword if you ever reach that point.


  • Even if you have both pieces of this set, you shouldn’t try to stay low on HP.
  • Survival is far more important. If you have healing snacks at the ready, use them.


  • The Butterfly Hair Clip only prevents damage, not hitstun.
  • Beware of poison and damaging auras. I believe they still cut through the invincibility.
  • Don’t think of this pair as a high risk, high reward condition.
    Think of it more like a failsafe for when things go awry.

Atlantis’ Bane + Copium (Nanomachines)

Item Combinations for Virtual Frontier
Item Combinations for Virtual Frontier
Item Combinations for Virtual Frontier
Item Combinations for Virtual Frontier
  • Both provide you with some way of powering through your opponent’s attacks.
  • Atlantis’ Bane makes you immune to hitstun, but not damage.
  • Copium makes you immune to damage, but not hitstun.
  • This pair complements each other well since they cover the others’ shortcomings.


Let the opponent attack you (you can’t block anyway) and strike back in the opening they create. Copium consumption is heavily encouraged.


  • Don’t be afraid of losing the ability to block. Being able to interrupt the opponent as they’re hitting you will lead to less damage sustained anyway.
  • Atlantis’ Bane also works well with other sources of invincibility such as Tokino Soda and The Butterfly Hair Clip.
    I chose Copium because you can carry ten at once and activate them at will.

Baby Bottle + Breaddog + Holo Chips (The Holy Trinity)

Item Combinations for Virtual Frontier
Item Combinations for Virtual Frontier
Item Combinations for Virtual Frontier
Item Combinations for Virtual Frontier
Item Combinations for Virtual Frontier
Item Combinations for Virtual Frontier
  • A personal favorite of mine, and for good reason. Baby Bottle allows you to profit from snacks.
  • Breaddog gives you some much appreciated healing.
  • On their own, they are light bonuses at best since snacks run out quickly.
  • Holo Chips however, stacks to a whopping sixteen. Baby Bottle cancels out the money cost of Holo Chips allowing you to consume them and profit instead.
  • You will now be able to take full advantage of Breaddog’s healing ability as well.
  • I’ve acquired enough gold to clear shops with money to spare.
  • I’ve been able to maintain steady amounts of HP as well.
  • I cannot stress enough how good this set is.

If you were to take away a single set from this guide, let it be this one.


  • Consume all the chips at once before stopping by at Reine’s Tea Party.
  • In an emergency, don’t hesitate to eat as many chips as needed.


  • Other large stacks of snacks such as Chaos Cheese and Copium are desirable as well.
Written by Harmony

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