In this game, players will once again find themselves stranded in a mysterious and dangerous forest, fighting for survival against various threats. One of the key elements of the game is crafting and item management, with players needing to scavenge for resources and build tools and weapons to defend themselves. In this article, we will explore the world of Sons of the Forest in more detail, focusing specifically on item IDs and spawning. We will provide a ultimate guide to all the item IDs in the game, as well as how to spawn items using these IDs. Whether you’re new to the game or a seasoned veteran, this guide will help you better understand the item system in Sons of the Forest and give you an edge in your fight for survival.
Sons of the Forest Item IDs
Warning 1: If you enter the codes incorrectly you may risk losing your save file so make a backup of your save file before you do anything and rewatch your change if you did it correctly or not before hitting the ENTER/SAVE button!
Warning 2: When you are done playing Sons of the Forest, make sure to close the whole application. Go to the bottom right of your screen, click the > symbol, and shut down WeMod or close it by going to your taskbar. The reason why is that if you are going to play another game with a very good anti-cheat, you may get in trouble. Use this at your own risk.
Information, FAQ, and is it Save:
Make sure to check out this section for more information about WeMod, if it is safe, loads of information, trust information, and more:
WeMod is used in thousands of single-player games. You can also use WeMod while playing with friends.
How to Make it Work Safely?
- Go to the website:
- Create an account and download WeMod.
- Once the application has been downloaded, go to the Sons of the Forest section.
- From here, toggle on ENABLE DEBUG CONSOLE
- Now, you are good to go. Press F1 to open up the console.
When opening the console by pressing F1 you will see loads of other information. Like spawning in Kelvin’s etcetera. You will see it yourself.

Plants, Mixes and Seeds ID’s
- Snowberries: 448
- Twinberries: 446
- Aloe Vera: 451
- Aloe Vera Seed: 596
- Blackberries: 595
- Blackberry Seed: 598
- Arrowleaf: 454
- Arrowleaf Seed: 597
- Blueberries: 445
- Blueberry Seed: 599
- Chicory: 465
- Chicory Seed: 605
- Devil’s Club: 449
- Devil’s Club Seed: 600
- Energy Mix: 461
- Energy Mix Plus: 462
- Fireweed: 453
- Fireweed Seed: 601
- Guarana Berries: 594
- Guarana Seed: 602
- Health Mix: 455
- Health Mix Plus: 456
- Horsetail: 450
- Horsetail Seed: 603
- Salmonberries: 447
- Salmonberry Seed: 604
- Yarrow: 452
- Yarro Seed: 606
Weapon, Ammo and Attachment ID’s

- Night Vision Goggles: 354
- Air Gun: 357
- Rifle: 361
- Buckshot Ammo: 364
- Chainsaw: 394
- Climbing Axe: 478
- Combat Knife: 380
- Compact Pistol: 355
- Crafted Bow: 443
- Crafted Club: 477
- Crafted Arrow: 507
- Crafted Spear: 474
- Crossbow: 365
- Firefighter Axe: 431
- Golf Putter: 525
- Grenade: 381
- Grenade Ammo: 382
- Guitar: 340
- Katana: 367
- Molotov: 388
- Molotov Ammo: 389
- Modern Axe: 356
- Pistol Ammo: 362
- Repair Tool: 422
- Ropegun: 522
- Scope: 377
- Shovel: 485
- Silencer: 374
- Shotgun: 358
- Slingshot: 459
- Slug ammo: 363
- Stun Gun Ammo: 369
- Tactical Axe: 379
- Time Bomb: 417
- Airgun Scope: 470
- Zipline Rope: 523
- Carbon Fiber Arrow: 373
- Pistol Supressor: 374
- Flashlight Attachment: 378
- Crossbow Quiver: 384
- Laser sight: 375
- Pistol Rail: 376
- Shotgun Rail: 346
Clothing and Armor ID’s

- Blazer (Old Jacket): 491
- Blue T-shirt: 488
- Camouflage Suit: 558
- Hoodie: 490
- Wetsuit: 499
- Flippers: 463
- Leather Jacket: 493
- Silk Pajamas: 487
- Swim Suit: 619
- Puffy Jacket: 500
- Tactical Boots: 501
- Tactical Pants: 489
- Track Suit: 555
- Bone Armor: 494
- Creepy Armor: 593
- Deer Hide Armor: 519
- Golden Armor: 572
- Leaf Armor: 473
- Mutant Armor: 492
- Tech Armor: 554
Food and Drink ID’s
- Brain Bite: 569
- Canned Food: 434
- Cat Food: 464
- Emergency Pack: 483
- Fish: 436
- Energy Drink: 439
- Food Tray Filled: 512
- Food Tray: 497
- MRE: 438
- Ramen Noodles: 421
- Steak Bite: 570
- Steak and Bacon Bite: 571
Log ID’s
- Log: 78
- Log Plank: 395
- Log Plank Quarter 1x: 576
- Log Plank Quarter 2x: 577
- Log Plank Quarter 3x: 578
- Log Quarter 1x : 406
- Log Quarter 2x : 408
- Log Quarter 3x : 409
- Quarter Log: 406
- Quarter Log Plank: 576
Printed ID’s
- Printed Arrow: 618
- Printed Arrow Heads: 559
- Printed Flower Pot: 561
- Printed Grappling Hook: 560
- Plasma Lighter: 413
- Printed Flask: 426
- Printed Knife: 427
- Printed Sled: 428
- Printer Resin: 390
- Printed Scuba Mask: 429
Miscellaneous ID’s
- Air Canister: 469
- Batteries: 527
- Battery Charger: 458
- Battery Pack: 460
- Flashlight: 471
- Gold Mask: 435
- Golf Ball: 524
- Gps Locator: 529
- Gps Tracker: 412
- Can Opener: 432
- Binoculars: 341
- C4 Brick: 420
- Duct tape: 419
- Feather: 479
- Flare: 440
- Walkie-Talkie: 486
- Wire: 418
- Wrist Watch: 410
- Radio: 590
- Rebreather: 444
- Red Mask: 391
- Rock: 393
- Rope: 403
- Severed Arm: 480
- Severed Leg: 481
- Severed Head: 482
- Skin Pouch: 508
- Skull: 430
- Sleeping Bag: 573
- Small Rock: 476
- Circuit Board: 416
- Cloth: 415
- Bone: 405
- Coins: 502
- Cooking Pot: 517
- Stick: 392
- Tarp: 504
- Tech Mesh: 553
- Torch: 503
- Turtle Egg: 401
- Turtle Shell: 506
- Vodka Bottle: 414
- Loot Pouch: 508
- Medicine: 437
- Money: 496
- Paper Target: 518
- Leaf: 484
Key ID’s
- VIP Key: 568
- Maintenance Key: 566
- Guest Key: 567
Pamphlet, E-mail and Cover ID’s
- Holosprings Pamphlet: 509
- Album Cover: 467
- Cave Lighting Email: 521
Enemie ID’s
- Regular Cannibals
- Golden-Masked Cannibals
- Cave Cannibals
- Propeller carrier
- Dogs
- Muddies
- Fingers
- Twins
- Giant
- Mutant Babies
- Flinger
- John 2.0
- Sluggy
- Demon
- Brute
- Shark
Other ID’s
- Random Cannibals – “addcharacter cannibal # on
- GoldMask Cannibal – “addcharacter cannibal GoldMask # on”
- Danny – “addcharacter cannibal Danny # on”
- Anny – “addcharacter cannibal Anny # on”
- Carl – “addcharacter cannibal Carl # on”
- Billy – “addcharacter cannibal Billy # on”
- Destiny – “addcharacter cannibal Destiny # on”
- Crystal – “addcharacter cannibal Crystal # on”
- Brandy – “addcharacter cannibal Brandy # on”
- Mutants
- Sluggy – “addcharacter sluggy # on”
- MrPuffy – “addcharacter MrPuffy # on”
- MissPuffy – “addcharacter MissPuffy # on”
- Fingers – “addcharacter fingers # on”
- Twins – “addcharacter Twins # on”
- Baby – “addcharacter baby # on”
- Demon – “addcharacter Demon # on”
- John 2.0 – “addcharacter John2 # on”
Sons of the Forest Console Commands
As soon as you press F1 to bring up the console in Sons of the Forest, it will show you all the console commands available. Some of them are not really useful or we don’t know yet what they do. In order to activate them, though, you must type the command yourself. Sometimes, you’ll also have to type “on” or “off” after the command to activate or deactivate it in your game.
Here are all console commands in Sons of the Forest. Always save your game before trying a new console command, this way you can simply load if it goes wrong.
- addallitems = Gives all items to your character
- addcharacter robby = Adds another Kelvin to the game
- addcharacter virginia = Adds another Virginia to the game
- additem X = Add a specific item to the game. Change “X” to the item you want to spawn.
- aigodmode on = Enables God mode for Companions
- aigodmode off = Disables God mode for Companions
- aighostplayer on = You become invisible to enemies
- aighostplayer off = Disables invisibility
- aipause on = Pauses all AI
- aipause off = Resumes all AI
- buffstats = Noticeably increases your survival stats
- cavelight = Turns your character into a source of light
- cavelight off = Removes the effect of the previous command
- createlight = Spawns a floating source of light close to you
- creepyvillage = Spawns cave monsters
- forcerainheavy = Makes it rain in the game
- forcerainsunny = Changes weather to sunny
- godmode on = Turns God mode on
- godmode off = Disables God mode
- instantbookbuild on = Creates anything placed from the book
- killradius x = Replace “X” with the number you want and kill whatever you want
- locktimeofday morning = The game will remain in the morning
- locktimeofday night = The game will remain in the night
- regenhealth = Heals you completely
- removeallitems = Removes most added items
- save = Saves your game
- seasonautumn = Changes season to Autumn
- seasonspring = Changes season to Spring
- seasonsummer = Changes season to Summer
- seasonwinter = Changes season to Winter
- settimeofday [1-24] = Changes the time of the day
- setimeofday morning = Makes the game change to morning
- setimeofday night = Makes the game change to night
- showhud off = Removes HUD
- showhud on = Enables HUD
- spawnworldobject x = Spawns the item you specify
- speedyrun on = Makes you run faster
- speedyrun off = Disables fast run
- superjump on = Allows you to do a super jump
- superjump off = Disables the super jump