Kamifuda Final Boss Deck

Master the uncanny art of Kamifuda as you channel long-dead forces into mysterious cards in this visual novel and deck building game. In our guide, we talked about the Final Boss Deck in the popular card game Kamifuda. If you’re an avid player, you’re probably aware of the impact this deck has on the game. So, let’s take a closer look!

Kamifuda Final Boss Deck

Welcome to our Kamifuda Final Boss Deck guide. The Final boss is quite annoying with how it’s set up. This deck is based around a draw-heal-burn loop that wins in one turn by resolving the ritual [Oblivion]. This deck also works against Evy in chapter 25, with a slight change in strategy.

The Deck

The deck consists of:

  • 1x [Oblivion] (Win Condition)
  • 3x [Inner Peace] (Combo Healing)
  • 1x [Forethought] (Draw, and passing priority)
  • 3x [Charge] (Cheap draw)
  • 1x [Surge] (Insurance and Evy Combo Finisher)
  • 3x [Blaze] (Combo Damage)
  • 3x [Blood Ritual] (Supplemental Damage, “reduces” deck size)
  • 3x [Sacrificial Rite] (Combo Opener, “reduces” deck size)
  • 1x [Elder Touch] (Evy Combo Finisher)
  • 1x [Decrepify] (Final Boss Combo Finisher)
(Spoilers) Final Boss deck

Reset Conditions

Against Evy in ch25:

  • Evy doesn’t play at least one [Delay] before fully passing Priority.
  • Evy plays [Eldritch Falls].

Against the Final Boss:

Boss doesn’t deal enough self-damage so that you get to [Ending the Combo] with at least 42 Reserve.

The Setup

At the start of the duel, use all 3x [Sacrifial Rite] to draw your deck. If you run out of [Sacrifical Rite] due to bad luck, use a [Charge]. If you have less than 4 cards in Draw and Discard combined, play [Inner Peace] until you have 4 to draw so that you are left with Draw and Discard both being empty while maximizing Reserve.


If you’re facing Evy in chapter 25:

  • Play all 3x [Blood Curse], then play [Oblivion] to pass priority.
  • When you get priority back, play 3x [Inner Peace] -> 1x [Charge] -> 3x [Inner Peace] -> [Forethought].

You are now set for the Core Loop.

If you’re facing the Final Boss:

  • If you have first Priority or the Boss passed their first Priority with a ritual without playing one of their 0-cost Sorceries, play
  • 3x [Inner Peace] -> 1x [Charge] -> 3x [Inner Peace] -> [Forethought].

If the Boss passed their first Priority with a [Tormentation Path] without playing one of their 0-cost Sorceries, play a [Blood Ritual] in that column, then play
3x [Inner Peace] -> 1x [Charge] -> 3x [Inner Peace] -> [Forethought].

If the boss has passed priority without playing a 0-cost card and you have done one of the above steps, play
2x [Inner Peace] -> [Charge] -> 3x [Inner Peace] -> [Forethought].

If the Boss played one of their 0-cost Sorceries, play any remaining [Blood Curse] in any of the other columns, then play [Oblivion] in a column that has the 0-cost sorcery. If your Draw and Discard are both empty, follow this with 3x [Inner Peace] -> 1x [Blaze] -> [Forethought].

You are now set for the Core Loop.

Core Loop

If you have energy remaining and the boss hasn’t fully passed Priority for the turn:

2x [Inner Peace] -> [Charge] -> 3x [Inner Peace] -> [Forethought]

If you don’t have energy remaining and the boss hasn’t fully passed Priority for the turn:

[Surge] -> [Inner Peace] -> [Charge] -> 3x [Inner Peace] -> [Forethought]

If you have energy remaining and the boss has fully passed priority:

2x [Inner Peace] -> [Charge] -> 3x [Inner Peace] -> [Forethought], then
3x [Inner Peace] -> [Blaze] -> [Forethought]
until out of energy.

For the above: If you reach 64 or 65 Reserve during the combo, replace [Inner Peace] with [Blaze] as necessary.

If you don’t have energy remaining and the boss has fully passed priority:

  • 2x [Blaze] -> 1x [Charge]
  • then repeat until
  • (Evy) [Oblivion] is at 12 or less damage to complete.
  • (Final Boss) [Oblivion] is at 16 or less damage to complete.

Ending the Combo

Against Evy:

Play [Surge], then play [Elder Touch] in the same column as [Oblivion] so it doesn’t get destroyed at the end of the turn. Play any remaining [Inner Peace] and [Blaze] cards in hand. This should bring [Oblivion] down to 6 or less damage to activate.

Assuming you didn’t hit one of the reset conditions, you should have enough Reserve to survive Evy’s Sorceries hitting you and the 6 start-of-turn drain to refill energy.

End the turn. At the start of the next turn, Evy’s 6 start-of-turn drain causes [Oblivion] to activate and win you the duel.

Against the Final Boss:

Play [Decrepify] in the same column as [Oblivion]. Play [Inner Peace] if your discard has 2 cards, then play [Charge]. Re-play [Decrepify] in the same column as [Oblivion], followed by your remaining [Blaze] cards. This should bring [Oblivion] to 10 or less damage needed to activate.

Assuming your Reserve is at 41 or more, you’ll have enough Reserve to tank being hit by the remaining Sorceries plus the 6 start-of-turn drain. [Decrepify] will deal leech you 4 Reserve and deal any remaining damage needed to get [Oblivion] to 6 or less damage to activate.

End the turn. At the start of the next turn, the Boss’ 6 start-of-turn drain causes [Oblivion] to activate and win you the duel.


This deck was originally designed for just the Final Boss, with [Elder Touch] being a [Mind Scry] since you just need a filler card to hit 20 cards in deck. However, after going through a new game+, I realized that the deck could beat ch25 Evy by using a [Elder Touch] in place of [Decrepify] due to Evy’s use of [Delay] since [Elder Touch] has Veil and Desolate. Thus, this guide became for both duels rather than just the Final Boss.

Some may notice that I didn’t use any [Mindscry]. When doing strategies like this one, [Mindscry] is a dead card as it deals 1 damage to you for no benefit, simply replacing itself. It’s useful for decks where you have more expensive spells; this is not one of them since there’s a 2-energy ritual and a 1-energy draw, with everything else costing 0. With [Sacrificial Rite] drawing the entire deck Priority one, every other card can be focused on dealing damage, healing, or clearing a lane.

Written by LTLlamaTree

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