Limbus Company Gacha Tier Party & Coin System Explanation

While game throws a bunch of badly explained mechanics onto you – your first usual choice in a gacha is likely rolling gacha and getting some 3 star units to replace the garbage, right? Welp…. it doesn’t work exactly this way. Default units are way better than ‘unthreaded’ 2-3 stars. Check our Limbus Company Gacha Tier Party & Coin System Explanation guide for more.

We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Limbus Company game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Limbus Company guide.

Limbus Company Gacha Tier Party & Coin System Explanation

Welcome to our Limbus Company Gacha Tier Party & Coin System Explanation guide. While game throws a bunch of badly explained mechanics onto you – your first usual choice in a gacha is likely rolling gacha and getting some 3 star units to replace the garbage, right? Welp…. it doesn’t work exactly this way. Default units are way better than ‘unthreaded’ 2-3 stars. Check guide for more.

Uptie System

The reason why 3 stars are by default much worse than 1 stars is because of mechanic called ‘uptie’.

It’s basically a tier from 1(default) to 3(maxed) with each tier costing ‘threads’ that you can get by exchanging any character medal.

This system not only improves all skills quite significantly but also unlocks 3rd skill and a character passive.

The main difference of 1 and 3 star unit is honestly just flat stats and a ‘different'(not necessarily better than lower star unit) skill setup.
So a 3 star unit with uptie 1 is pretty much only having weak version of skills and lacking the best skill outright.

1 star default units and default EGO get those upgrades for free on chapter 1 and 2 completion.

2 star units cost 10 and 40 threads(tier 2/3)

3 star units cost 20 and 80

This is quite a considerable investment for just 1 unit you might not even use in the end.

But this is not the only reason.
The true reason is honestly the fact that you can have 5 EGO per character. And each EGO gives some passive bonus on top of making you more versatile.

EGO also have ‘upties’ hence they will likely be the main goal of f2p thread spending.

That does it for the short introduction of ‘why’ 1 star units are amazing early on.

Default Character Top Tier Party

For the core 3 characters(will be your starters in mirror dungeon):

Faust – default EGO is amazing AoE that is easy to fill and synergizes well in the party.
Great debuffer.

Ryoshu and Rodion – both are amazing damage dealers and synergize pretty well.

Those 3 pretty much guarantee a win in Mirrored Dungeon, very likely even on full ‘auto’ play as long as you focus on leveling them up and taking pretty much nearly anything along for the ride.

The 2 extra characters:
This is more debatable, but I would say

  • Hong Lu + Sinclair – those synergize pretty well with the rest of the party while being pretty solid.
  • Hong Lu is IMO a no brainer, you just have to worry a bit about him not taking damage and he becomes powerehouse. Main problem is Hong Lu 2/3 star are both also godly.

Sinclair is kinda.. there. A solid clash winner while being a good synergy.

Basically the general idea behind creating team is trying to have a team where you can often get good ‘chains’.
This means ideally at most 4-5 elements and ~1-2 of those elements are particularly high amount.ones.

Coin amount plays a pretty big role – generally speaking more coins is USUALLY better.
And 1 coin is usually VERY bad. Since a win/loss in such case is often a 50/50 RNG which is needless to say not something you usually want.

At the very worst you will have to level this party a bit via mirror dungeon to beat some of chapter 3.
Currently team can handle any stage and has most problem in early chapter 3 where enemies are incompatible to it.

That being said – the % weakness factor can be quite a big factor.
This team assumes you are either positive or at least ‘neutral’ against the enemy.

Hence it’s a powerhouse team only as long as you face enemies which are NOT getting advantage against you.

Check coin system explanation for more details.

Noteworthy 2/3 Stars

Currently the following are certainly worth threading up:

2 Star:

Kurokumo Hong Lu – this is pretty much arguably strongest unit in the game right now.

What it does is basically one shot almost any non boss enemy without bleed.

This makes him a particularly deadly early combat(usually hardest part of combat) character since a good matchup for him pretty much ensures you have 1 less enemy to take care of.

Needless to say if you have him – he is by far top priority to thread up.

3 star:

Tingtang Hong Lu yep, it’s very sad that pretty much all Hong Lu are top tier… but what can you do.

  • This Hong Lu is a bit more tricky to use and it’s main use is the fact that it’s strongest skill can kill 2 enemies in 1 turn.
  • Basically if enemy dies with his strongest skill – he will use the skill again on someone else.
  • Only works once, so can’t chain kill whole enemy team.
  • I would say he is not worth if you have 2 star one since the 2 star one is just too good.

Also requires ideally manual play to make use of him.

R corp Heathcliff he is an ammo user and if you were remotely into speedrunning of Ruina then you know that ammo is the true king if you use it correctly.

  • That being said he is a ‘rusher’ rather than boss killer. Similar to 2 star Hong Lu he shines at considerably improving the early battle portion of the game.
  • The only downside is having to bother with manual’ing him. For example sometimes it’s better to just defend instead of wasting ammo.

I would say those are the only characters that stand out as ‘worth it’/outright better than 1 star units.
3 star units are GENERALLY better of course when fully uptied, but it’s honestly simply not required for any content in the game atm.

The above 3 units stand out as something that feels like might last even through some powercreep if we get one.

Limbus Company Coin System Explanation

Seen this as question in steam forums so decided to copy my lengthy post into guide.

Each coin can roll heads(positive) or tails(negative)

  • Let us assume there are 3 coins on skill.
  • Each power roll has a range which is decided by base and ‘+’ factor, let’s say from 5 to 14.
  • Let us say you roll 0 heads – you will get a ‘5’ roll.
  • Let us say you will get 3 heads – you get a ’14’ roll.

Each head basically adds amount of power until max available. In our case 5+3+3+3 = maximum 14

So a power of 5-14 with only 1 coin would always be either a 5 roll(tails) or 14 roll(heads).

The way this system is displayed is:

1) Inside character menu open character and open skills tab
2) Check any skill – for example skill 3 of default Faust.

  • On the left is a number ‘6’. This is default power.
  • On top is a small ‘+2’ number. This means each ‘heads’ is +2.
  • And then there are also amount of ‘coins’ displayed by.. well.. coin icons above name of skill.
  • She has ‘2’ coins.
  • This means her skill 3 range is 6-10.

However this amount can be modified in battle by a lot of factors, mainly however by % inside the chain.
For example the %(the displayed +/-X% in battle when doing a chain) outright modifies this range by said %.
So a 6-10 with +100% would become 12-20.
This % chain factor depends on quite a few things but mostly depends on enemy ‘resistance’ to your damage type.

And just like in Ruina – whoever gets higher roll – wins.

Coins also serve as amount of ‘clashing’ you can do.
If you win a clash – you remove one coin from enemy, making his power roll max lower but you CONTINUE to clash until coins are gone. You can still in some cases lose despite removing one coin from enemy. This usually happens when you had massive luck and enemy had disastrous luck.

This is why I told one coin can often suck, especially if coin power modifier is high… Imagine facing an enemy with 4 coins who can win if you roll ‘tails’ and he rolls at least 1 heads.

This means you need to win against him 4 times and he ALWAYS has chance to win against you.

  • After a clash is won – you will get all your coins back regardless of how many you lost in the process of clash.
  • You will still roll heads/tails so can still end up with bad luck/low damage obviously.
  • The final damage you deal will be amplified a bit by how long clash lasted.

If you are very likely to lose – avoid big coin amount skill not to amplify damage you take further and it’s probably outright better to use defend instead.

Basic Teambuilding

With all the above tips in mind – how do you actually build a decent team?

I would say generally speaking my teambuilding goes this way:

1) Filter out units with 1 coin ‘main skills'(skill 2/3 which you usually want to use as priority) unless BASE power of skill is high.

  • Losing your strongest skill on a 50/50 is just not good.
  • Losing a clash against a 50/50 is just not good either.

2) Check skill debuffs – if your skill is purely ‘power’ or has no easy to fulfill conditions for it’s extra effects then it’s likely not worth it unless it’s default power is significantly stronger than your other options.

3) Check if ally is compatible to enemy you will face (this will only be good once you actually have already leveled all characters to at least ~20)

  • IDEALLY you want your basic attack type(slash/pierce/blunt) being fatal against enemy you target. But ‘normal’ is kinda okay.

4) Elements are so far much less important than skill types and mostly only serve to fill the EGO.

  • EGO is pretty important but currently pretty limited as well.
  • As game expands – I can imagine EGO setups and filling your main EGOs will play a huge role on how you play the game.

Even as is – Dante Default Ego is an AoE which can greatly improve early battle.

5) Generally speaking for non ‘boss’ fights – game plays in a ‘snowball’ manner. As long as you start winning you usually will win in the end. This means your early game must be strong.

  • This makes stuff like Ammo and extra effects where ‘enemy has no X debuff’ very strong.
  • While on the other hand making the ‘charge’ mechanic units pretty weak.

On boss fights it’s usually vice versa. So ultimately you will likely make a team where you can handle both fast fights and boss fights.
At least 3 variations of them for blunt/slash/pierce damage types.

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