Luigi’s Mansion 3 – Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Ransacking The Hotel is The Best Way to Find Money

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Now’s your chance to act like every other rock band out there and destroy a hotel. Cash and coins are hidden just about everywhere in Luigi’s Mansion 3. Some of the easiest places to find money are by interacting with anything that displays an X above it. For instance, when looking around a hotel room, you can open dresser drawers and cabinets.

Additionally, whenever you see a shelf lined with anything from towels to wrenches, you’ll want to point your Poltergust G-00 at it and suck everything towards you. Money is usually hidden just behind these objects. You’ll even find money after pulling off curtains, rugs, posters, tablecloths, and just about anything else. When in doubt, investigate every inch of a room with your vacuum.

You’ll also find Piggy banks all over the hotel. Suck them in with your Poltergust and then blow air out to launch them across the room. They’ll shatter, revealing plenty of coins, cash, and gold bars.

Kill All Pests With The Strobulb

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Whenever you see a spider, bat, rat, or other pest run past, you’ll want to take aim at it and stun them with your Strobulb. This flash of light makes them burst into confetti and often results in bills and coins. If you simply suck them up with the vacuum, you won’t get anything out of it.

If a gold spider, bat, rat, or ghost shows up, drop what you’re doing and run after it. They offer some of the best monetary rewards the game has to offer, but they only stick around for a limited amount of time. If you fail to catch a shiny pest when you first seem them, they’ll be gone forever.

How to Find More Health

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Hearts are hidden throughout the hotel, just like coins and cash. Poke the vacuum around every inch of the room to see if you can dislodge any health. If that doesn’t do the trick, try interacting with anything in the room that displays an X above it.

There are Multiple Ways to Control The Poltergust G-00

To aim your weapon, you use the left joystick to go left or right, and then you use the right joystick to move up and down. If it’s easier for you, you can also use motion controls to make Luigi look up or down. However, they won’t make him look left or right. If you’re playing in handheld mode, tilt the entire console, or if you’re using detached Joy-Cons, tilt them to take advantage of this feature.

Unfortunately, motion controls don’t work on the Switch Lite.

Getting Past Obstacles

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If you ever come across something blocking your path, you can usually move it by doing one of three things:

1.) It might mean that there’s a puzzle to solve.

2.) You might need to use the Poltergust G-00 to get it out of your way.

3.) You might need to use Gooigi.

If you simply need to get something out of your way try using the Burst attack by holding down ZR and ZL at the same time. If using Burst isn’t the answer, try sucking on the object or blowing it away from you. Heftier objects will require you to use the Suction Shot. Shoot the plunger at the obstacle and then suck it back using the vacuum. This will result in Luigi slamming the item on the ground and shattering it.

Finally, if it just doesn’t seem like Luigi is capable of solving the problem, you might need to rely on Gooigi to access a specific area. Afterall, Gooigi can walk through bars and spikes. There are even some obstacles that require Luigi and Gooigi to work together using Suction Shot to remove an object.

Where’d That Ghost Run Off To?

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Luigi’s Mansion 3 often uses the Polterpup to help Luigi figure out where to go next. If you forgot where the ghost dog ran off to or weren’t paying attention during a cutscene, whip out the Dark Light and shine it around the room. This will illuminate his ghostly footprints. The same goes for any enemy ghost you’re hunting down. The Dark Light allows you to see what walls or doors they went through.

The Most Effective Way to Catch Ghosts

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For the best ghost-sucking results, you’ll first need to get close enough to a spook for your vacuum to reach it. At this point, it helps to stun it with a flash of light by holding down A for a few seconds and then releasing the button. If you can wait until the Strobulb has reached a full charge, it will have a stronger effect. While the ghost is dazed, use the Poltergust to suck it up and manuever the joystick in the opposite direction that the ghost is fleeing. This will make the ghost’s health go down a lot faster.

If a ghost is hiding behind something, it likely won’t be affected by Luigi’s Strobulb. You’ll need to time your flash attack at the precise moment when the ghost moves its shield and becomes vulnerable. If that doesn’t work, then there might be another trick to solve. Use the Poltergust’s other abilities to see if you can get at the specter.

What to Do When Ghosts Surround You

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If there are too many ghosts surrounding you, your best bet will be to use Burst by pressing ZL and ZR down at the same time. This will send out a large blast of air to blow enemies away from you. While they’re scattered, run after a specific one and try to capture it. You can also try flashing nearby ghosts with the Strobulb. This will halt them in their tracks, allowing you to run to safety or focus in on one of them.

If you want faster results, press the A button while sucking a ghost in to slam it on the ground. This shaves several points off of a ghost’s health each time it’s completed. You can even slam one ghost into another one to damage both of them at once.

Finding Gems and Keys

The best way to find goodies is to investigate anything suspicious. If you can tell that an important object is hidden somewhere nearby, but it’s out of reach, you’ll want to take a look around you. Is there anything connected to the obstacle in your path? You might simply need to shoot something at it using the Suction Shot or manipulate it using the Strobulb. If you’re stuck or it seems like something is missing from the room, then you might want to whip out the Dark Light. It can reveal objects that have turned invisible. If that doesn’t work, try using any of the other attacks Luigi and Gooigi have to offer.

Luigi’s Mansion 3 often gives hints in reflections. If you’re ever near a mirror, look to see if there’s anything you can interact with just out of your view.

Locating Boos

Your Switch console vibrates whenever you get near a hidden Boo. Pay attention to this so you can uncover these invisible pranksters. Shine the Polstergust’s Dark Light on a Boo to make it appear and then use the same ghost-catching techniques you’d use on a regular ghost.

Always Have a Golden Bone

After you’ve progressed to a certain point in the game, you’ll be able to spend your money on goodies and gear. One of the most important things you’ll want to have on you is a Golden Bone. This allows Luigi to come back to life if he runs out of health. It’ll come in handy while facing bosses or going up against a large group of ghosts.

Defeating Bosses

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Luigi’s Mansion 3 is largely a puzzle game. Each boss has its own weakness, so you’ll need to figure out what that is and then exploit it. Did you just learn a new skill? You’ll likely need to use it during your current boss battle.

Other Tips and Tricks:

  • Press the up button on the left Joy-Con to view a larger version of the map. Press the button again to put the map away.
  • Want to hear Luigi say something? Press the left, right, or down buttons on the left Joy-Con to get him talking.
  • If you can’t remember your current objective, press the + button and then select E. Gadd Hotline to access the game log.
  • Want to take a look at all those cool ghosts and gems you’ve collected? You can do so in Professor E. Gadd’s lab.
  • Both the A button and the R button control the Strobulb. Use whichever button feels better to you.

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