Marvel’s Midnight Suns Best Deck for Heroes

Welcome to our Marvel’s Midnight Suns Best Deck for Heroes guide. This guide will show you the Best Deck for Marvel’s Midnight Suns Heroes: CHAPTER 1 & 2 Ultimate Difficulty.

Marvel’s Midnight Suns Best Deck for Heroes

This guide will show you the Best Deck for Marvel’s Midnight Suns Heroes: CHAPTER 1 & 2 Ultimate Difficulty. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Marvel’s Midnight Suns game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Marvel’s Midnight Suns guide.

Best Deck for Marvel’s Midnight Suns Heroes PART 1

* Get even more consistency after modding these cards for some guaranteed perks.

Best Deck For The Hunter

Card Name Type Rarity Heroism +/- Effect

Holy Spark+ Attack Rare +1 Damage an enemy or Cure. Quick.
Holy Spark+ Attack Rare +1 Damage an enemy or Cure. Quick.

Quick Slash+ Attack Common +1 Damage an enemy. Knockback. Quick.
Quick Slash+ Attack Common +1 Damage an enemy. Knockback. Quick.

Guarding Strike+ Heroic Rare -1 Damage an enemy. While in hand, gain Block each turn.
Guarding Strike+ Heroic Rare -1 Damage an enemy. While in hand, gain Block each turn.

Call to Arms+ Skill Epic Double all Heroism gains for 1 turn. Free.
Call to Arms+ Skill Epic Double all Heroism gains for 1 turn. Free.

This is a clear support build for The Hunter. It doesn’t have a traditional heal, but it will generate massive amounts of Heroism without costing the player anything in terms of card usage. Pop Call to Arms and then clear out minions with the other attacks.

Best Deck for Blade

Card Name Type Rarity Heroism +/- Effect

Quick Strike+ Attack Common +1 Quick. If target has Bleed, + damage.
Quick Strike+ Attack Common +1 Quick. If target has Bleed, + damage.

Strike+ Attack Common +1 Chain 3.
Strike+ Attack Common +1 Chain 3.

Glaive+ Heroic Legendary -4 Damage and apply 2 Bleed to each enemy in an area. If target has Bleed, + damage. Exhaust.

Daywalker+ Heroic Epic -3 Chain 4. Draw a card for each KO.

The Hunger+ Skill Rare Apply 2 Marked to every enemy with Bleed. Recover Health for each enemy with Bleed. Free.
The Hunger+ Skill Rare Apply 2 Marked to every enemy with Bleed. Recover Health for each enemy with Bleed. Free.

It’s clear from his card selection list that Blade is designed to deal damage. His passive has a chance to apply Bleed with every attack, empowering cards like Strike+ because hitting more enemies means maximizing this chance. Of course, the guaranteed Bleeds from Glaive+ are what make the card legendary; it’s worth the generated Heroism invested into it.

Best Deck for Iron Man

Card Name Type Rarity Heroism +/- Effect

Quick Blast+ Attack Common +1 Quick. Draw an Iron Man card. Redraw to add Knockback.
Quick Blast+ Attack Common +1 Quick. Draw an Iron Man card. Redraw to add Knockback.

Air Superiority+ Heroic Epic -4 Damage every enemy. Redraw to add damage (2 charges).
Air Superiority+ Heroic Epic -4 Damage every enemy. Redraw to add damage (2 charges).

Precision+ Heroic Rare -2 The next Iron Man card played is not discarded. Free. Redraw to reduce Heroism cost by 1.
Precision+ Heroic Rare -2 The next Iron Man card played is not discarded. Free. Redraw to reduce Heroism cost by 1.

Mark Target+ Skill Common +2 Apply 2 Marked and 2 Vulnerable. Redraw to add “Nearby enemies gain 2 Marked”.
Mark Target+ Skill Common +2 Apply 2 Marked and 2 Vulnerable. Redraw to add “Nearby enemies gain 2 Marked”.

The only drawback of this deck is that Iron man is not a good character for generating Heroism. While he does have some support abilities like Mark Target+, used in this deck, his primary job is to clear the board of villains. And he does it better than anyone.

Best Deck for Doctor Strange

Card Name Type Rarity Heroism +/- Effect

Winds of Watoomb+ Attack Common +1 Knockback. Quick. Enhanced with 3 Heroism: Forceful Knockback.
Winds of Watoomb+ Attack Common +1 Knockback. Quick. Enhanced with 3 Heroism: Forceful Knockback.

Agamotto’s Gaze+ Skill Common +2 Draw the last 2 Attacks played. Give drawn Attacks + damage until played or discarded. Start next turn with 4 Card Plays.
Agamotto’s Gaze+ Skill Common +2 Draw the last 2 Attacks played. Give drawn Attacks + damage until played or discarded. Start next turn with 4 Card Plays.

Blessing of Vishanti+ Skill Common +2 Give cards in your hand + damage for the rest of the mission.
Blessing of Vishanti+ Skill Common +2 Give cards in your hand + damage for the rest of the mission.

Crimson Bands of Cyttorak+ Heroic Rare -2 Apply Bind. Apply 1 Vulnerable.
Crimson Bands of Cyttorak+ Heroic Rare -2 Apply Bind. Apply 1 Vulnerable.

Nobody in the game generates Heroism as well as Doctor Strange. This deck is not only a great net positive for Heroism, but it stacks with his passive that has a chance to generate Heroism every turn. Suddenly those expensive heroic abilities for the game’s greatest damage dealers are easily playable in the very first round.

Best Deck for Captain Marvel

Card Name Type Rarity Heroism +/- Effect

Quick Jab+ Attack Rare +1 Taunt. Quick. If Captain Marvel has Binary, Knockback.
Quick Jab+ Attack Rare +1 Taunt. Quick. If Captain Marvel has Binary, Knockback.

Photon Beam+ Heroic Common -3 Damage and Taunt each enemy in a line. Increased width.
Photon Beam+ Heroic Common -3 Damage and Taunt each enemy in a line. Increased width.

Bring It On+ Skill Rare +2 Taunt each enemy in an area. Gain 1 Counter. If Captain Marvel has Binary, gain 2 Resist.
Bring It On+ Skill Rare +2 Taunt each enemy in an area. Gain 1 Counter. If Captain Marvel has Binary, gain 2 Resist.

Regroup+ Skill Epic +2 Gain Block. Recover Health.
Regroup+ Skill Epic +2 Gain Block. Recover Health.

Captain Marvel is designed to be a tank that converts her output into defense. Because she has a chance to gain counters on KOs, she’s incentivized to both deal damage and taunt. Making the most of this, three of these four cards taunt anyone hit by them.

Best Deck for Magik

Card Name Type Rarity Heroism +/- Effect

Quick Soulslash+ Attack Common +1 Knockback. Quick. +1 Moves this turn.
Quick Soulslash+ Attack Common +1 Knockback. Quick. +1 Moves this turn.

Kick+ Attack Rare +1 Knockback.
Kick+ Attack Rare +1 Knockback.

Darkchylde+ Heroic Legendary -4 Gain 1 Invulnerable. Gain 1 Counter. Taunt all enemies. Exhaust.

Limbo’s Grasp+ Heroic Legendary +2 Create a Portal. For the rest of the mission, deal + damage to enemies knocked through a Portal.

Limbo Portal+ Skill Common Create a Portal. Free. On redraw, +1 Moves this turn.
Limbo Portal+ Skill Common Create a Portal. Free. On redraw, +1 Moves this turn.

Magik manages to be a tank, crowd controller, and damage dealer, managing to be neutral on Heroism despite her capabilities in these many roles. Her standard playstyle should be to take the target a portal aimed at an explosive device near other enemies, then knock an elite Hydra opponent through it, killing the enemies and the elite unit as well.

Best Deck for Ghost Rider

Card Name Type Rarity Heroism +/- Effect

Lash+ Attack Common +1 Forceful Knockback in any direction. Quick. Ghost Rider takes damage.
Lash+ Attack Common +1 Forceful Knockback in any direction. Quick. Ghost Rider takes damage.

Hell’s Fury+ Heroic Epic -1 While in hand, this card gains damage the next time Ghost Rider is damaged by an attack or Ghost Rider ability.
Hell’s Fury+ Heroic Epic -1 While in hand, this card gains damage the next time Ghost Rider is damaged by an attack or Ghost Rider ability.

Judgment+ Heroic Rare -1 Consume 25% of Ghost Rider’s Health to damage an enemy (2 damage for each Health). Also damage all nearby enemies.
Judgment+ Heroic Rare -1 Consume 25% of Ghost Rider’s Health to damage an enemy (2 damage for each Health). Also damage all nearby enemies.

Immolate+ Skill Epic +2 Enemies KO’d by Ghost Rider will explode for damage for 2 turns.
Immolate+ Skill Epic +2 Enemies KO’d by Ghost Rider will explode for damage for 2 turns.

Damage dealers in the game often suffer from being a net negative when it comes to Heroism, but this deck for Ghost Rider retains all the power while being a net positive for generating Heroism. Because his passive increases his health and maximum health, he’s got great self-sufficiency so long as he’s racking up kills.

Best Deck for Marvel’s Midnight Suns Heroes PART 2

*Get even more consistency after modding these cards for some guaranteed perks.

Best Deck for Nico Minoru

Card Name Type Rarity Heroism +/- Effect

Witchfire+ Attack Rare +1 Damage a random enemy. On KO, recast Witchfire. (Maximum 3 recasts.)
Witchfire+ Attack Rare +1 Damage a random enemy. On KO, recast Witchfire. (Maximum 3 recasts.)

Crack the Sky+ Heroic Legendary -(Varies) Consume all Heroism to damage random enemies X times (1 for each Heroism). Gain 1 Heroism for each KO. Exhaust.

Swarm+ Heroic Common -1 Deal +x damage (selected randomly when drawn).

Empower+ Skill Common Draw a Heroic card. Change the cost of all Heroic cards in your hand to 0 until end of turn.
Empower+ Skill Common Draw a Heroic card. Change the cost of all Heroic cards in your hand to 0 until end of turn.

Double Up+ Skill Epic +2 Generate a copy of each Attack, Skill, or Heroic in your hand (selected randomly when drawn).
Double Up+ Skill Epic +2 Generate a copy of each Attack, Skill, or Heroic in your hand (selected randomly when drawn).

While some categorize Nico Minoru as a support hero, too many overlook her virtually uncapped damage possibilities. After softening up the elite units, Nico can clear the board with either Witchfire+ or Crack the Sky+, the latter of which will refund most of the Heroism expended.

Best Deck for Spider-Man

Card Name Type Rarity Heroism +/- Effect

Quick Kick+ Attack Common +1 Knockback. Quick. If target was damaged this turn, + damage.
Quick Kick+ Attack Common +1 Knockback. Quick. If target was damaged this turn, + damage.

Special Delivery+ Attack Rare +1 Forceful Knockback towards Spider-Man. On KO, +1 Moves.
Special Delivery+ Attack Rare +1 Forceful Knockback towards Spider-Man. On KO, +1 Moves.

Web Throw+ Heroic Epic -3 Forceful Knockback in any direction. Nearby enemies take + damage.
Web Throw+ Heroic Epic -3 Forceful Knockback in any direction. Nearby enemies take + damage.

Opportunist+ Skill Rare +2 The next 2 Spider-Man environment attacks cost 0 Heroism and deal + damage. +2 Moves this turn.
Opportunist+ Skill Rare +2 The next 2 Spider-Man environment attacks cost 0 Heroism and deal + damage. +2 Moves this turn.

Damage dealers in the game tend to be split between single target and group damage. Spider-Man deals with groups with his Quick Kick+, Special Delivery+, and Web Throw+ cards. But that doesn’t mean he’s in trouble when it comes to dealing with meaty enemies and bosses.

Best Deck for Captain America

Card Name Type Rarity Heroism +/- Effect

Brooklyn Handshake+ Attack Epic +1 Knockback. If target was damaged this turn, Forceful. On KO, draw 2 cards.
Brooklyn Handshake+ Attack Epic +1 Knockback. If target was damaged this turn, Forceful. On KO, draw 2 cards.

Quick Punch+ Attack Common +1 Taunt. Quick. Draw a card.
Quick Punch+ Attack Common +1 Taunt. Quick. Draw a card.

SPANG!+ Heroic Rare -1 If target is targeting Captain America, + damage. On KO, draw 2 cards.
SPANG!+ Heroic Rare -1 If target is targeting Captain America, + damage. On KO, draw 2 cards.

Dig In+ Skill Rare +2 Select an ally. Taunt all enemies targeting them. Gain Block. Gain 1 Counter.
Dig In+ Skill Rare +2 Select an ally. Taunt all enemies targeting them. Gain Block. Gain 1 Counter.

Many players don’t use tanks in the game because their offensive output is lacking, allowing enemy reinforcements to stack up to unmanageable numbers. To counter this, Captain America needs to contribute on every front, not just by being hard to kill.

Best Deck for Wolverine

Card Name Type Rarity Heroism +/- Effect

Quick Swipe+ Attack Common +1 Taunt. Quick.
Quick Swipe+ Attack Common +1 Taunt. Quick.

Lethal Pounce+ Attack Epic +1 Chain 2. Full Combo: Gain 1 Strengthened.
Lethal Pounce+ Attack Epic +1 Chain 2. Full Combo: Gain 1 Strengthened.

Midnight Special+ Heroic Legendary -(Varies) Consume all Heroism to damage random enemies X times (1 for each Heroism). Damage increases by 10 with each attack. +1 Heroism for each KO. Exhaust.

Stink of Fear+ Skill Rare +2 Taunt each enemy in an area. Gain 1 Counter. Apply 1 Weak.

Berserk+ Skill Common +2 Draw 3 Wolverine cards. Wolverine cards gain Lifesteal until end of turn.
Berserk+ Skill Common +2 Draw 3 Wolverine cards. Wolverine cards gain Lifesteal until end of turn.

The cycle for Wolverine is apparent in his card selection. His cards are all net positives for Heroism aside from Midnight Special+, which will use all that generated Heroism and turn it into damage (refunding most of the Heroism spent most of the time). Using this move after getting the Strengthened buff with Lethal Pounce+ is almost a guarantee to clear the board.

Best Deck for the Scarlet Witch

Card Name Type Rarity Heroism +/- Effect

Quick Toss+ Attack Rare +1 Knockback in any direction. Quick.
Quick Toss+ Attack Rare +1 Knockback in any direction. Quick.

Hex Bolt+ Attack Common +1 Chain 2. Give all Hex Bolt cards +1 Chain.
Hex Bolt+ Attack Common +1 Chain 2. Give all Hex Bolt cards +1 Chain.

Detonate+ Heroic Rare -2 Detonate an explosive with 100% increased damage and radius. The Scarlet Witch and allies are immune. On redraw, +1 Heroism.
Detonate+ Heroic Rare -2 Detonate an explosive with 100% increased damage and radius. The Scarlet Witch and allies are immune. On redraw, +1 Heroism.

Chaos Reigns+ Heroic Epic -3 Select an area. Enemies within the area attack each other. 50% chance for each enemy to attack twice.

Hex Mark+ Skill Rare +2 Apply 3 Marked to each enemy in an area.

As a damage dealer, the Scarlet Witch has massive board-clearing potential with her simple attacks alone. Tack on Detonate+ and Chaos Reigns+ for a complete clear of every minion the game throws out there. Since she’s got Marked and Quick attacks, players should still have plenty of moves to use against these larger targets.

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