Midnight Heist Maps and Strategies

If you are looking for a collection of maps specially made for the game to plan your robberies, you are at the right place. Check out our Midnight Heist Maps and Strategies guide, which also includes general strategies to help efficiently loot maps and escape ghosts, and start your adventure!

This is the guide Copper it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Midnight Heist Maps and Strategies

This is a Midnight Heist Maps and Strategies guide that will include maps for each of the in-game locations, and once I’ve played the maps more thoroughly – will include tips for the most optimal way of looting each map and avoiding the entities.


This is the general key for all my Midnight Heist maps.

Midnight Heist: Maps and General Strategies.

  • The exit of the level.

Midnight Heist: Maps and General Strategies.

  • Stairs going to other floors.

Midnight Heist: Maps and General Strategies.

  • Camera icon (C), the arrow dictates the camera’s direction.

Midnight Heist: Maps and General Strategies.

  • Hiding space, can be a locker or a bathroom stall.

Midnight Heist: Maps and General Strategies.

  • Door, often not locked, although it can be locked. Clear safe routes to the nearest hiding spot before a hunt. Make sure blocking doors are unlocked.

Midnight Heist: Maps and General Strategies.

  • Doors I personally have seen locked. Other doors may be locked and these doors can start unlocked.

Midnight Heist: Maps and General Strategies.

  • Light switch. Always keep lights on around you as early warning for if the ghost is hunting. If you are done in an area turn all lights off to not trip the breaker.

Midnight Heist: Maps and General Strategies.: The breaker. Go here if you turn too many lights on and trip the breaker.

Additionally, areas are highlighted on the map:

  • Yellow: These are areas with objectives that you need to hack.
  • Purple: these are areas that contain no hack objectives although there may still be photo opportunities, hiding spaces or loot-able objects.

Cemax Agency South Office

Ground Floor:

Midnight Heist: Maps and General Strategies.


Midnight Heist: Maps and General Strategies.

Upper Floor

Midnight Heist: Maps and General Strategies.


More maps to be added once I have made them. And more tips will be added once I’ve played more or see others come up with helpful suggestions.

General Tips


  • ALWAYS have lights on near you when you’re looting or hacking. If they start to flicker the ghost is near by and you should prioritise finding safety.


  • During a hunt the way you move makes a BIG impact on whether or not the ghost will find you and start to directly chase you.

If you crouch you will make no footsteps so the ghost will not be ale to hear you move.

If you have further to move you can walk.
Be aware when walking you send out a noise in a 7m radius around you that if the ghost hears; they will investigate.

If you have a safe location in sight and you think the ghost is a ways away consider sprinting. Sprinting is the noisiest option and will send out noise in a radius of 15m that, in testing, will generally make the ghost know where you are almost immediately.

(Noise radius come from Dev posts on other community member posts)


  • You CAN loop the ghost on beginner and normal difficulties and out run the ghost to a hiding point.

On beginner difficulty the ghost is slightly slower than the player.

On normal difficulty the ghost moves at the player’s speed.

On higher difficulty levels the ghost moves faster than the player and you should prioritise being quiet and/or being close to hiding locations.

(Ghost speeds come from Dev posts on other community member posts)


  • Some parts of maps are highly advisable to NEVER go into unless you can help it.
  • If there is an area on a map that doesn’t have hack objectives you don’t NEED to be there.
  • For example the main floor large bathroom at the lower right of Cemax Agency South Main Floor has a corridor and the bathroom itself that has no objectives.
  • It is a dead end with a hiding place.
  • If you are in the adjoining office it may be advisable to run to a different hiding place instead. Especially since the ghost can directly spawn in these dead ends, such as this bathroom, and trap you there or catch you when you try to hide.

More TBA.

Written by Copper

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